The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Jul 8, 2022 at 10:39 AM Post #28,651 of 91,364
And...I'm back! Took a 'winter' trip with the family to one of the most scenic parts of South Africa (and our perennial favourite), the Garden Route. Specifically Knysna. More specifically, Thesen Islands in Knysna. A bit like what I'd imagine the Hamptons to look like, only in the southern tip of Africa.

For the first time in five years I went totally cold turkey from Head-Fi, and honestly, it seems to have broken a habit that was starting to get out of control for me. As such, while I'll still very much be around, I'll be far more selective in my interactions. Of course I'll always be available by PM, both here and at THL, so please feel free to ping me as and when.

In this time away I also seem to have confirmed some home truths about the hobby and me:

First, that it's really mostly about the music for me, and only as a means of relaxation and escape. I say mostly because I really appreciate having great gear that makes that emotional connection for me every time.

Second, that as much as it's about great music and gear, music is just one of many interests for me. I don't need it every day, sometimes not even every other day. It's always there when I need it, and I know when I need it because I feel it.

Third, I don't need TOTL gear to enjoy music. TOTL is absolutely essential for that premium experience, but like great food, not every meal has to be gourmet. Most of the time it's just about casual enjoyment, a prop to whatever else I'm doing. Only occasionally do I want or need to indulge in that really special experience that's only possible with the very best.

As such, my only music companion for my trip was a pair of Sony TWS IEMs and my smartphone, and not once did I miss the really special TOTL system I left safely at home.

I've spent the past week catching up on this thread (50 pages!) and slowly unsubscribing from peripheral threads I no longer care to read. I feel relaxed, recharged and ready for whatever changes and challenges the second half of this year may bring.

PS. @Rockwell75 sorry I missed your poll, though it goes without saying I only have one entry 😉 Happy to add my vote if it's not too late. And throw in the Sony XM4 for good measure - it's paid for itself 10 times over.
Stunning pictures as usual! Just stunning!
Jul 8, 2022 at 10:42 AM Post #28,652 of 91,364
Thank you Scubi. I almost forgot about the Tanchjim tips. I installed them as soon as I saw your post, I then ordered 4 more packs. Blue and gray. Best damn tips I have.

Thunder just keeps getting better and better. Going to break them in for a week 24/7. Is that enough?
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Jul 8, 2022 at 10:45 AM Post #28,653 of 91,364
I'm the same age as @RTodd and definitely not a millionaire. I'm an ex-highschool teacher turned bureaucrat. The reason I can buy TOTL gear is simply that I've been lucky.

In other news, the Jewel is on it's way to the new owner. The Trailli will also be sold along with the Orpheus. I have invested in a pair of Stellia and a Ferrum stack (OOR + Hypsos).
Congrats on the Elysian X ... 😉👌
Jul 8, 2022 at 10:49 AM Post #28,654 of 91,364
And...I'm back! Took a 'winter' trip with the family to one of the most scenic parts of South Africa (and our perennial favourite), the Garden Route. Specifically Knysna. More specifically, Thesen Islands in Knysna. A bit like what I'd imagine the Hamptons to look like, only in the southern tip of Africa.

For the first time in five years I went totally cold turkey from Head-Fi, and honestly, it seems to have broken a habit that was starting to get out of control for me. As such, while I'll still very much be around, I'll be far more selective in my interactions. Of course I'll always be available by PM, both here and at THL, so please feel free to ping me as and when.

In this time away I also seem to have confirmed some home truths about the hobby and me:

First, that it's really mostly about the music for me, and only as a means of relaxation and escape. I say mostly because I really appreciate having great gear that makes that emotional connection for me every time.

Second, that as much as it's about great music and gear, music is just one of many interests for me. I don't need it every day, sometimes not even every other day. It's always there when I need it, and I know when I need it because I feel it.

Third, I don't need TOTL gear to enjoy music. TOTL is absolutely essential for that premium experience, but like great food, not every meal has to be gourmet. Most of the time it's just about casual enjoyment, a prop to whatever else I'm doing. Only occasionally do I want or need to indulge in that really special experience that's only possible with the very best.

As such, my only music companion for my trip was a pair of Sony TWS IEMs and my smartphone, and not once did I miss the really special TOTL system I left safely at home.

I've spent the past week catching up on this thread (50 pages!) and slowly unsubscribing from peripheral threads I no longer care to read. I feel relaxed, recharged and ready for whatever changes and challenges the second half of this year may bring.

PS. @Rockwell75 sorry I missed your poll, though it goes without saying I only have one entry 😉 Happy to add my vote if it's not too late. And throw in the Sony XM4 for good measure - it's paid for itself 10 times over.
Nice to have you back! While I certainly enjoy your thoughts, reviews and impressions, I love your photography. Those photos are simply magnificent and I’m grateful your sharing a part of the world I’ve never seen or may never be lucky enough to visit.
Jul 8, 2022 at 11:02 AM Post #28,655 of 91,364
To my ears they share some similarities... But the Thunder takes everything up to 11! The things I like about the EST50 are the nice level of detailing, combined with large space, all with a romping bass to pin it down. There isn't a hint of harshness anywhere. The Thunder is similarly detailed, but everything is more open, and etched in space, with room to breathe. The spatial qualities are bigger and more 3D, and all of it is secured by great bass too. The bass on the Thunder is more controlled and not as thick as the EST50 though. I find overall timbre similar between them, as in being quite natural, and not slanted too thin, or congested.

Personally, I think the EST50 represents a great value for the level of sound quality you get. The Thunder is in a whole other stratosphere price-wise. But then there's the presence of the Penon Vortex in the market now, talk about sound quality per dollar!
Well, well, now I want to know everything about that Penon Vortex... :sweat_smile:

I am looking a DD to complement my Isabellae, and a hybrid to complement my Mest. For the hybrid I am thinking in the Szalayi, when more information about it was available.
Jul 8, 2022 at 11:39 AM Post #28,656 of 91,364
Music always comes first! I love technology enough to have worked with it and in it for 25 years so of course the gear interests me as it does all of us a least a little. It is a means to and end. My mom says I have loved music since before I was born so I guess we can call that a life long passion! I didn't get into Hi-fi until 2012 after my house burned down and I was replacing things. I had lost everything, my instruments, my records, furniture, everything. I couldn't find it in myself to perform as a DJ, I just couldn't understand the parties anymore during that period of my life and left it behind in lieu of just listening again as I did in my room as kid with my 10 cassettes and my little Sanyo stereo. The music and this journey along with a some really amazing people I met along the way helped me reclaim my life and direction. I don't have a TOTL system though some of my pieces are really high end. I don't put all of my disposable income into gear or even music but I do enjoy every moment I get exploring music in every way possible.

PS One of my most memrable listening session of the past year was with a set of JayBird Vista Bluetooth IEMs from my iPhone sitting in the car alone waiting for my girlfriend while she was in the dentist... just bliss even with that SQ... Music First and enjoy what you got or what's the point of it at all! Just my opinion, collecting things and enjoying them for there own sake is a valid point of view as well just not mine.
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Jul 8, 2022 at 11:41 AM Post #28,657 of 91,364
And...I'm back! Took a 'winter' trip with the family to one of the most scenic parts of South Africa (and our perennial favourite), the Garden Route. Specifically Knysna. More specifically, Thesen Islands in Knysna. A bit like what I'd imagine the Hamptons to look like, only in the southern tip of Africa.

For the first time in five years I went totally cold turkey from Head-Fi, and honestly, it seems to have broken a habit that was starting to get out of control for me. As such, while I'll still very much be around, I'll be far more selective in my interactions. Of course I'll always be available by PM, both here and at THL, so please feel free to ping me as and when.

In this time away I also seem to have confirmed some home truths about the hobby and me:

First, that it's really mostly about the music for me, and only as a means of relaxation and escape. I say mostly because I really appreciate having great gear that makes that emotional connection for me every time.

Second, that as much as it's about great music and gear, music is just one of many interests for me. I don't need it every day, sometimes not even every other day. It's always there when I need it, and I know when I need it because I feel it.

Third, I don't need TOTL gear to enjoy music. TOTL is absolutely essential for that premium experience, but like great food, not every meal has to be gourmet. Most of the time it's just about casual enjoyment, a prop to whatever else I'm doing. Only occasionally do I want or need to indulge in that really special experience that's only possible with the very best.

As such, my only music companion for my trip was a pair of Sony TWS IEMs and my smartphone, and not once did I miss the really special TOTL system I left safely at home.

I've spent the past week catching up on this thread (50 pages!) and slowly unsubscribing from peripheral threads I no longer care to read. I feel relaxed, recharged and ready for whatever changes and challenges the second half of this year may bring.

PS. @Rockwell75 sorry I missed your poll, though it goes without saying I only have one entry 😉 Happy to add my vote if it's not too late. And throw in the Sony XM4 for good measure - it's paid for itself 10 times over.
You are a]n amazing photographer! I love your use of light. This post was quite amazing, I love your outlook on a lot of things.
Jul 8, 2022 at 11:51 AM Post #28,658 of 91,364
At the beginning of the week my custom Jewel arrived. I've had little time to listen to it so far.

On top of that I've picked up the Ne4, Kr5 and Xe6 Demos from Fir today.

So over the weekend I'll do a shootout between the Jewel, Ne4, Kr5, Xe6 and my A18s.

From what little I've heard from the Jewel it caters more to my personal preferences than the A18s but it will be interesting how this will work out in a 5 IEM shootout.

I think the one thing that already disqualifies the Fir Audio lineup for me is the lacking isolation. I mostly listen to my IEMs on the train while commuting to the office and during work. And either of these use cases requires a minimum level of isolation.
Jul 8, 2022 at 1:06 PM Post #28,660 of 91,364
Thanks! It was my third attempt to buy one. On the other two occasions I was too late expressing my interest.
Only found an X weeks ago ...
Jul 8, 2022 at 1:08 PM Post #28,661 of 91,364
better late than never: I'm 65, and my first gear was an rca turntable with hinged, swing-out speakers, the whole thiing in suitcase form (grey and white vinyl wrapped). I do not still have it. First two LPs i owned were gits from mom and dad: Beatles 65 and 'Dino, Desi & Billy'. First LP I bought myself was Jimi Hendrix Smash Hits.....

I love music, and took drum lessons for many years, starting at age 5. The gear is a means to an end-the music- but it's also freakin' cool. Used to teach philosophy at tthe university level, now the last 20 years have been with my MOT employer
Jul 8, 2022 at 1:11 PM Post #28,662 of 91,364
46 here. Ex touring and recording musician. I work in the video game industry. My audio budget is mostly due to WFH. Gas, travel, meals all recouped now into the savings account.
Also, I rent, since even a POS 1 bedroom home here is $950,000 if you can outbid 18 foreign investors with pure cash. So, no money pit or any semblance of security. Yolo!!
Jul 8, 2022 at 1:28 PM Post #28,663 of 91,364
46 here. Ex touring and recording musician. I work in the video game industry. My audio budget is mostly due to WFH. Gas, travel, meals all recouped now into the savings account.
Also, I rent, since even a POS 1 bedroom home here is $950,000 if you can outbid 18 foreign investors with pure cash. So, no money pit or any semblance of security. Yolo!!
Wow Seattle has gotten as bad as LA since I left 16 years ago! In my opinion traffic was always worse there than down here... stupid floating bridges! :p
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Jul 8, 2022 at 1:31 PM Post #28,664 of 91,364
Only 20 minutes in my ears and I can certainly understand the fantastic impressions these have being getting.

Jul 8, 2022 at 1:54 PM Post #28,665 of 91,364
I'm really curious to see how many watercooler members are in their 20s.... But more than that, the big question that i always wonder to myself is how many watercooler members are millionaires and what they do or did for a living that lets them easily buy Flagship IEMs like buying toys at a dollar shop... It's crazy really.. I mean I'm in my late 20s and getting the traillii almost took out everything I had.. but for you guys, its just another collection... wow... just wow... maybe i should ask for a career advice or what i should invest on here more than just ask for what IEM I should buy next :sweat_smile:
I can make a contribution to this discussion. First, you are asking the wrong question. Being a millionaire does not determine whether or not a person can afford to buy every TOTL IEM in the market. What determines a person's ability to buy them is their free cash flow. Basically, this is whatever money you have left after all of your life's needs and investments are covered. This is why many lottery winners who become millionaires over night, are poor again after 10 years. They don't know how to spend, save and invest their money properly, over spend and end up poor again. Sadly, I believe that our country spends too much time focusing on cultural issues rather than financial issues. Therefore, our schools under invest in financial education for our children. We have an entire generation of people who are financially illiterate.

So, how do you create enough free cash flow to buy up any TOTL IEMs you want? Well, the first thing you need to know is do you actually have free cash flow. How do you figure that out? Well, you map out a high level set of lifetime requirements for money. You need to account for your own personal needs to fund your current lifestyle, you need to set aside funds for future needs for large purchases such as homes, cars, vacations and luxury items, and you need to account for children, their education and your own retirement. That can be daunting. The first time you do this, you will be shocked at how much money it is. If you convert that into an annual salary, it will depress you. Even if you make $300,000 per year, you will only be able to live a comfortable upper middle class lifestyle. You will not be rich. Don't get me wrong. You will be financially secure and you will have nice things. But, to make $300,000 per year, your employer owns you. You will work 100 hours per week with no time for vacation or spending money the way you want. You will start assigning tremendous value to vacations and small perqs like flying first class on that free upgrade.

So, how do you get rich and create the kind of free cash flow that some on this board appear to have? You must create surplus cash when you are young and invest it into appreciating assets so that when you are older, those pay for everything in your life. Anyone less than 35 whose parents didn't offer you a trust fund should live as meager a lifestyle as you can tolerate and invest the surplus funds into stocks and bonds, real estate, their own business either in the form of private ownership or stock options / restricted stock in their company. It's because when done right, those investments will generate the free cash flow later in your life to do anything you want. Working hard is not enough. You need investments into real assets or you will never be rich.

There are lots of paths to the future to get rich. I am a big advocate of getting a good education that will lead to a good job. That first job will lead you to creating surplus cash to invest. Engineering is my favorite because you can kill 2 birds with one stone. You get high pay and you always get restricted stock if you work in a tech company that can generate investable cash very quickly. And, you can easily get into a start up that makes it big fast and you get rich right out of the gate.

I can go on, but this post is already too long. So, I will conclude with this. Your standard of living is defined by your income. Your wealth is determined by your investments. Invest as much as you can as early as you can in life and before you know it. You will have free cash flow that will allow you to live any way you want.

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