Although they share some tonal similarities, the Elite and Atrium are quite different headphones. Elite sounds a lot more spacious, also they have a 'lighter' planar presentation. Elite is the ultimate relax listen, laid back and pretty. Technically (especially with the angled earpads) they are more capable than the Atrium, but also a bit more neutral. Atrium has smaller space, but very good imaging. Resolves a little less, sounds thicker with more bass quantity. Also, timbre is better, more lifelike. A bit more energetic too. Dynamic drivers and wood cups have certain magic going on which many folks here love.Atrium can't keep up with fast-paced music. Meze Elite comes to mind as a similar tone planar. I know you've had Elite for a long time. What do you think are the differences? Is switching a good step?
I personally prefer the Caldera to the Atrium. Caldera is unlike any planar in the sense that it sounds thick, weighty, but quick at the same time with the organic and natural timbre ZMF is known for. Caldera has technical advantage over Atrium in resolving capabilities and speed which I love. Caldera to me is best of both worlds.
I still think Elite is also a fantastic listen, but from the more laid-back type. Caldera has better texture and more energy than Elite, but Elite can sound a little more refined at times. Elite also has bigger space than Caldera, but Caldera's imaging and separation is a bit superior.
I really like all three of these headphones, all are in my subjective top category. Atrium portrays wooden instruments the best perhaps with a supremely natural tone, Elite has the largest space and Caldera the best dynamics. If I had to rank them to me it would be 1,Caldera; 2,Elite; 3,Atrium but they are close and all have slightly different strengths. Also, other people would rank them differently. It is pretty much impossible to tell if you would like the Elite more than the Atrium without trying them.