The Sennheiser HD 800: The First Listen, The First Review
Mar 20, 2009 at 12:14 PM Post #3,864 of 5,928

[Been traveling, was at CES and heard the HD800. Thought I'd post here for everyone that's asking me in emails so other people can read it too.

Re the HD800, I don't own an HD600/650 but have heard them carefully at a meet and listened well at the CES before HD800, and the differences are not small. HD800 is much faster and more detailed, the drivers sound very light. I always found the HD650 a little thick/heavy sounding (warm and smooth though) and the HD800 were not like that. There is no area in which an HD650 is better.

The first time I heard them was for around 10 minutes, with Senn's amp (Benchmark DAC1 IIRC) and music. There were only a few tracks I know well, and the first impressions were of lightning transient response, very fast, then the tonal accuracy/timbre sounded very accurate, then I noticed that very deep bass was lacking in both level and impact/slam.

Comfort was excellent, they are very light, don’t touch the ears at all and are gentle clamping. They did set “back” on my head though and I had to move them forward a few times. Possibly do to my hair, I hadn’t had a haircut for nearly a year then (shaved head now). I’m sure it won’t be a problem anyway.

Construction seems very good. They use a single hinge for the cups, like Denon, but far beefier, it wont wobble. The plastics are very good quality, but they are still injection molded plastic, the little molding pips are visible, and 2 part pieces have visible seems. The plastic is very high quality though, quite hard and stiff (fnar, fnar ). The unit is sturdy and doesn’t twist or creak when surreptitiously subjected to extremely rough handling…

They had one single pair on demo and a long line which was pretty crappy, they could have brought two pairs for demo, surely?

Next day I came back with LISA and imod/Hovland caps (4.7uF, 1000 hrs burn in). I ran through my standard list of test tracks. Sibilance was handled differently to anything else I've ever heard, HP or loudspeaker. Sharp female sss's were obviously still sibilant, but smoothed in a way that sounded like the peaks had been sandpapered smooth. Coarsely sanded though, not silky smooth. Need more time but it was not an offensive sound, just different.

Tone was the real killer, it's very easy to tell which instrument made a sound, and easy to separate 2 or more instruments playing the same part, how many violins in a section etc. Extremely realistic, at least as good as the AKG K1000.

Also, biiig soundstage and precisely placed instruments.

Bass was significantly improved through the LISA, went all the way down but still lacking the punch of the MD5000DE for example. Possibly just the nature of an open can, and not necessarily wrong. I'm sure there would be more impact with a beefier amp too, the HD800 are very hard to drive, LISA was maxed and still could have used more gain. My LISA is modified however, I slightly lowered the gain for more range with IEMs. A standard LISA would do better with HD800 I'm sure. Also, my bass knob is disconnected.

I listened to a sine sweep from top to bottom and they are not completely flat throughout but pretty close, better than most. Some ups and downs in the treble/upper mids, flattish through the mids, smooth through lower mids, then rolled on the way down, quite probably at least partially do to with current limitation of the amp.

Anyway, I came away impressed and wanting to hear more. I had them on my head for just under 40 minutes this time, and they kicked me out just as the sweep was ending after countless not so subtle hints to share the cans.

Is it worth the staggeringly high price (three times the current top-of-the-line from Senn)?

Personally, no. At maybe $1000, yes. Won't be long I'm sure...

Saying that, they are better than the competition. Much better than an ED9 which goes for $1100+ new, better than a GS1000 etc. Better than a D5000/7000, LA/MD/DE/? Not in regards to bass slam and impact at least, not through a LISA and definitely not through a DAC 1. The HD800 don’t isolate or stay isolated at all either.

I'll be in the market when they get cheaper, but wont pay over $1000 I don't think. Who knows though. I need to hear them with the b22.'...

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Mar 20, 2009 at 1:44 PM Post #3,866 of 5,928
Fascinating stuff.

Despite all the brief impressions, I'm more confused than ever. Can't figure out how these things would sound to me. Can't imagine that I'm the only one in this boat.

Maybe these are the Chance Gardner of "Being There" headphones. They will mean something different to each individual listener.
Mar 20, 2009 at 1:53 PM Post #3,867 of 5,928

Originally Posted by greggf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Fascinating stuff.

Despite all the brief impressions, I'm more confused than ever. Can't figure out how these things would sound to me. Can't imagine that I'm the only one in this boat.

Maybe these are the Chance Gardner of "Being There" headphones. They will mean something different to each individual listener.

I am with you greggf. I do not know what the heck to believe. One upside is that they seem to scale well with better equipment. I am a bit worried about the reported peaks in the upper-mid etc. though...

We will eventually find out, hopefully not much longer to release.

Looking forward to hear how you like them compared to the Stax stuff in your signature, if you would be so kind.
Mar 20, 2009 at 2:04 PM Post #3,868 of 5,928
I plan a minimeet in Texas, since several of us are in the 1st wave, and have a good variety of things to compare to, both dynamic and electrostatic. May need to wait about 30 days for burn-in and FOTM to subside, but I should know in the first week or so up or down vs the he60.

No ambivalence for this Senntard - no guts, no glory.
Mar 20, 2009 at 6:43 PM Post #3,869 of 5,928
Can't compare to the Omega, sadly, because I cancelled my HD800 pre-order.
I'm going to have to rely on reports from things like the Mini-meet and from early adopters. Hope someone among them has Stax experience.

I'll bet this place will be hopping when the 800s first come out.

Also can't wait to hear how the 800 does with the Zana Deux!
Mar 20, 2009 at 7:45 PM Post #3,870 of 5,928
We will have OII (v1), Koss 950, he60, Stax electrets (no idea what model) running through 3 different top tier amps (BH, KGSS, and something new), so electrostats in general will be well represented. There are also some Lambda Sigs we might have access to, so, I think we have Stax covered.

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