The Official Grado 325i Owners Club.
Dec 27, 2008 at 6:10 PM Post #901 of 3,640

Originally Posted by Shoreman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is interesting...

I've never felt that my pair (8643) exhibited the harshness and shrill character that so many attribute to these headphones. I find mine to be anything but. I just chalked it up to individual preference, and the inherently subjective nature of assessing sound. That is, we as individuals hear and/or describe the same literal sound profile somewhat differently. And we may find that sound profile pleasing, displeasing, or anywhere in the middle. It never occurred to me that the profile of the headphones itself could have been altered.

I still think it's highly unlikely, but now I wonder...

I've got #7481 and I've listened to my cousin-in-law's much older pair and his sounds pretty much the same. Not harsh or shrill.

I of course chalk it up entirely to volume settings.
Dec 27, 2008 at 7:17 PM Post #902 of 3,640

Originally Posted by Shoreman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is interesting...

I've never felt that my pair (8643) exhibited the harshness and shrill character that so many attribute to these headphones. I find mine to be anything but. I just chalked it up to individual preference, and the inherently subjective nature of assessing sound. That is, we as individuals hear and/or describe the same literal sound profile somewhat differently. And we may find that sound profile pleasing, displeasing, or anywhere in the middle. It never occurred to me that the profile of the headphones itself could have been altered.

I still think it's highly unlikely, but now I wonder...

Agreed. Mine were never harsh or shrill or sibilant.
Dec 27, 2008 at 7:39 PM Post #903 of 3,640
grado sr325i #8980. times like these make me wish ipods had valves instead of transistors.
Dec 28, 2008 at 5:31 AM Post #906 of 3,640

Originally Posted by cardude /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Has anyone here recabled their 325i's? I've been thinking about sending mine to Larry at Headphile. His "black gold" cable sounds very interesting. Supposedly more impactful bass and cleaner highs. I've never been bothered by the highs, but would love a little more bass, as long as it's tight and punchy.

I have a pair of recabled 325is. They are #3270. Ken(ALO) recabled them for me a few years back. I think it was his first pair. The cyro jenna cable really was more revealing than the stock grado. Mine is 48 inches long and has 1000+ hours mostly on portables. Good ones like TTVJ, HR, Xins. In the beginning the recable made the signature a bit bright. Like a snare could make you blink at the right volume. After a few hundred Hours of burn in it softened. The cans had 500 hours on then before recabling so they were relatively seasoned. Then jenna is very transparent and revealing when seasoned. The day I got my gs1000 I put the pads on the 325is and that made them perfect IMO. I called up Grado and bought a set for $40 and took off Larry's saucer press on pads with holes. Larry's pads are laying in a drawer and have not seen the light of day. I all ways found larry's product a little Questionable. It is a press-on application that fell off at will. I sent him a email about it and found his attitude quite harsh. The GS1000 pads are a must have for these cans. I also put some damping material all over the metal frame and that make them very sweet sounding. It did remove a small amount of grado signiture sound but IMO made these cans sing like a fat lady. Like a old Macintosh or was it Lansing Voice of The Theater Speaker with a 100 lb sand bag on top. They sound wonderful. Tight bass, clean highs, wonderfully quick.
Dec 28, 2008 at 5:44 AM Post #907 of 3,640

Originally Posted by electropop /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmm.. While I was getting my pair (7009) from service, the guy who fixed them said that they sounded completely different from their demopair (84xx). So I took a listen and he was right. The newer pair sounded much more laid back, with more warm bass and less fatiguing trebles. I was shocked. I asked how much it would be to change the drivers, since the problem wasn't fixed with the usual methods, but i've yet to receive an answer.

Has this been discussed here already?

Grado will sell you new drivers for about 40 dollars each. I blew out one plugging in to my HR Desktop and didn't turn the volume down. After 2 days on pink noise I could tell no difference between the original driver and the new one that is 2 weeks old.
Dec 28, 2008 at 1:50 PM Post #908 of 3,640
Still loving my woodied SR-325i's, they were also never shrill and they are still just the best ever on the Dire Straits.
Dec 28, 2008 at 3:02 PM Post #909 of 3,640

Originally Posted by vvanrij /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Still loving my woodied SR-325i's, they were also never shrill and they are still just the best ever on the Dire Straits.

For the 30 seconds the Sultans Swang through that SR-325i of yours I was indeed very impressed.
Dec 28, 2008 at 5:18 PM Post #910 of 3,640
Strange... Shrill is what i'd have described my pair.. Before burn in. After that they sounded just great, but comparing them next to the other pair, they sounded shrill again

Hmm.. Could i have received a meddled pair?
Dec 28, 2008 at 6:38 PM Post #911 of 3,640
You're brain is playing tricks on you. You got accustomed to the sound and after another headphone you will think they are shrill 'again'.
Dec 29, 2008 at 6:36 AM Post #912 of 3,640
just a question, i want to remove the buttons, they look rather tacky and would prefer a clean mesh look. also they have a bit of creak on it if they're pressed.

but i don't want to take a hair dryer to them, in case i adversely affect the drivers (eg: magnets can loose their attractiveness [!?] if they're heated up, and stuff like that). but then they might not even be glued on, and may just be clipped on. what's the safest was to go about it without drawing too much paint off the mesh (if the mesh is painted) or bending them?
Dec 29, 2008 at 7:33 AM Post #913 of 3,640
from personal experience, there wasn't any black paint underneath my buttons at all! So you will see silver spots when removing them. The glue is easy to remove, just heat it up a little on the sideways with a hairdryer (just don't aim directly at the drivers) and you'l be able to easily remove them.
Dec 29, 2008 at 12:21 PM Post #914 of 3,640

Originally Posted by apatN /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You're brain is playing tricks on you. You got accustomed to the sound and after another headphone you will think they are shrill 'again'.

Meaning they indeed were "different" pairs of headphones

I have a rather sensitive ear, and when you have direct reference, it's hard to imagine my brain would be that set off each time i change the phones on my head..

Really, the difference was quite apparent. Imagine a difference between 325i's and rs2's, though not being quite the same kind.
Dec 30, 2008 at 3:18 AM Post #915 of 3,640
Hey guys,

So I was trying to do the dynamax mod, and instead of using a blow dryer I actually used a heat gun! (400 degree) That I hope didn't ruin the drivers. I tried it without the cup and it sounds well,.. okay.

Now here is the actual problem: I tried to remove the screen of the cup, but did not notice the plastic ring around the inner cup close to the screen. So after taking the cups apart, I was heating the screen to try to remove them and I accidentally melted the rings inside the cup. Is that a big deal? Can I still reinstall the drivers into the cups? Will it make a big difference in the sound? I am not sure.

If I did indeed messed up the cup by melting the plastic ring inside, I am thinking about just getting a pair of wood cups from headcoverage. What do guys think? should I just reinstall the original aluminum cups or get a woody? Are there any other choices for wood cups besides headcoverage or headphile?

Another question, are the plastic rings essential to the reinstallation of the aluminum cups?? Without it will the sound quality compromise?

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