The Official Beyerdynamic T1 Impressions and Discussion Thread
Mar 28, 2014 at 4:53 AM Post #7,201 of 10,994
I have never been in a sauna before, but I imagine the experience is somewhat similar to my current headphones listening experience. 
I strap myself into my LCD XCs for a couple of hours.  I feel this to be analogous to the ritualisitc self-flagelation with birch leaves and almost suffocating atmosphere of a room filled with steam that is just this side of turning your skin into a wrinkled parody of a bull-dog's face.  All this is to say that it is pleasure derived through a certain amount of discomfort.
So, where does the T1 fit into all this?
After the weight of the LCD XCs have been lifted, I put on my T1s and, suddently, the burden has been replaced with an incredible lightness of spirit and sound.  It is like jumping into a lake after having cracked the ice from the surface.  It just feels so  good, and it takes the experience of listening with the LCD XC to achieve it. 
By themselves, both headphones are excellent.  Together, they make the perfect partnership.
Mar 28, 2014 at 11:59 PM Post #7,207 of 10,994
  Howdy Folks
New owner checking in 
First pair of quality cans
I'll reserve any thoughts until I have a suitable amp to drive these bad boys 
I will say Im impressed with the build quality and fancy box though hahaha


I will fire the first salvo. For the T1, under $1000, get a Burson Soloist. Sorry about your wallet. 

Mar 29, 2014 at 12:55 AM Post #7,208 of 10,994
well thank you kindly NZheadcase for the welcome and the recommendation 
and yes my wallet has ran and hid, best for both of us 
I will look into the Burson Soloist but I had my eye on a woo audio WA7 waiting to hear about pricing with the new upgrades
Mar 29, 2014 at 5:01 AM Post #7,210 of 10,994
  Howdy Folks
New owner checking in 
First pair of quality cans
I'll reserve any thoughts until I have a suitable amp to drive these bad boys 
I will say Im impressed with the build quality and fancy box though hahaha

Your in for a treat with the T1's they can be absolutely sublime with a well matched set up. Get the match wrong and you will be left wonding what all the fuss is about.

Its a well know fact that the T1's love tubes but they are not for every one, however if looking for amp options the bb link  below should be considered essential reading I think most posters there are using T1's or HD800's The first couple of posts contains some outstanding review contributions of the Bottlehead headphone amps.
Mar 29, 2014 at 1:56 PM Post #7,213 of 10,994
Congrats. :beerchug:

I will fire the first salvo. For the T1, under $1000, get a Burson Soloist. Sorry about your wallet. :evil:

...Or a vintage receiver for $200-300.
Mar 29, 2014 at 7:19 PM Post #7,214 of 10,994
I'm hoping someone can help me out.
I would love a WA2 or Bottlehead Crack for my T1's, but being in the U.K and having no DIY skills whatsoever I'm not getting either anytime soon. I actually passed on a fully-built Bottlehead S.E.X for around £650 earlier on eBay which may have been a mistake in hindsight.
Anyway, I've narrowed my choices down to the Icon Audio HP8 MKII (upgraded version), WA6, Little Dot MK VI+ or Little Dot MK VIII SE.
My T1's have been re-terminated with a balanced cable if that makes a difference.
Has anyone listened to any of these with the T1?
Mar 29, 2014 at 8:18 PM Post #7,215 of 10,994
  I'm hoping someone can help me out.
I would love a WA2 or Bottlehead Crack for my T1's, but being in the U.K and having no DIY skills whatsoever I'm not getting either anytime soon. I actually passed on a fully-built Bottlehead S.E.X for around £650 earlier on eBay which may have been a mistake in hindsight.
Anyway, I've narrowed my choices down to the Icon Audio HP8 MKII (upgraded version), WA6, Little Dot MK VI+ or Little Dot MK VIII SE.
My T1's have been re-terminated with a balanced cable if that makes a difference.
Has anyone listened to any of these with the T1?

Last time I checked  the HP8 SE with the Jensen caps was around £700 mark that's about double the cost of importing a Crack!
I have been blown away by how good the Crack pairs with the T1's
Have you taken a look at the NJC audio Monitor MK11? Its very highly thought of but not a common amp here, there is a review about on headfi. I have also seen comment on it being compared  to a £1300 Bryston with very little noticeable difference.

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