The Official 64 Audio Thread | apex & tia Technologies
Mar 20, 2018 at 11:00 AM Post #3,125 of 23,720
Probably a bit off topic but the two best IEM's that I own are the Layla universal 1st gen and the U18 tzar. Was using the Layla for 2 years before I just got the U18. I couldn't adequately describe Layla's sound before, since I didn't have a TOTL reference point. For example, she seemed very detailed to me, which she actually isn't. The Layla isn't ultra detailed. It's also dark, compared to the U18. And the soundstage that seemed enormous to me, is actually just okay (though depth is very special on the Laylas. There are some very surprising and enjoyable positioning tricks it does, sort of finding new spaces within your skull that you didn't know were there, which the U18 does more naturally and with less wow). I would compare the two like this: Layla is mysterious. Like chandeliers suspended on a dark lake. It doesn't tell you everything about the music, but what it tells you is, on 50% of the occasions, extremely intriguing. If I were to want to wow someone who's never listened to hifi IEMs with an incredibly rich, in your face, otherworldly sound, I would play them Laylas, with the Cayin c5 as the amp and the Mojo as the DAC. It's an incredibly impressive, druglike experience. With the right track (Placebo's Special Needs for some reason sounds absolutely SIDEREAL with them) they can induce whole body shivers, raise the hair on your back. Magical stuff. The other 50% they don't agree with the mixing on the track and are surprisingly boring. Like a drug that isn't working, a drink that doesn't make you that happy. A girl who's a bit moody today.

Oh, and they're fatiguing and uncomfortable to wear, although not deal-brakingly so.

The U18 is absolutely incredibly stable and normal, compared to them. It just represents every last detail in the music, on a huge, much airier soundstage. Simply informing you about what's going on, in an easy and airy way. The tzar allows the music to work its magic. It does not create an air of mystery, on the opposite, it ends every mystery you had about the mix. You simply hear everything that's there -- and everything that isn't. With some songs that I've listened to my whole life I can say I've now heard everything there is in it. The detail retrieval quest is complete. They are an order of magnitude more technically proficient that the Layla. Soundstage depth is the only comparable part, width is way better, detail is on another level. Both IEM's are, surprisingly enough, pretty forgiving. (I use m20 module with tzars). Though the tzar even more so. I can listen to downright ****tily recorded music on the tzar and still enjoy it, Layla is a bit less forgiving. Both are good for a wide array of genres. This is how I like my gear. Flexible. The Tzar is just even more flexible.

I would say the U18 does not sound as full as the Layla, though. There is a fat, juicy fullness and texture, again very mysterious, with the Laylas. The tzar is a bit more distant and not as ripe, but it presentsi everything in great detail and texture, whereas the Layla only presents elements that are forward in the mix. With the tzar, even a little shaker in the extreme far left of the mix, sounds full and has texture. And appears large in the image. Layla has a bit of a fish eye lense structure when it comes to detail. The edges are more distant and smaller, which is typical of IEMs and headphones in general. Some elements are microscopic and vague. The Tzar with its incredible technicality presents every element in its natural size. Wherever it is in the mix. This is their perhaps most impressive quality, a side-effect of the massive out-of-your-head soundstage combined with incredible detail. But it does not come off as lush as the Layla.

Also, The tzar is a million times more comfy and less fatiguing than the Layla. The apex system is an absolute blessing for long listening and it makes the Layla feel ungainly, complicated, finnicky to use.

This got a bit long, but I hope it's of some use to someone. In conlcusion: Layla is a mystery. Full and ripe and the universal is very moody to wear. The tzar is clear and detailed and normal. For a daily driver I'd take tzar definitely, but I don't plan on selling the Layla either.

You just made me whip out my Hugo2 and A18's to listen to some Dopethrone Flac's via UAPP. I love my setup.
Mar 20, 2018 at 4:25 PM Post #3,126 of 23,720
Hey all,

I am on the fence between the U18t and the Fourtes. Currently I own the A12t and I am happy with them. Typically I listen to a lot of different genres of music, so I need a headphone that can accommodate that. When I bought the Vegas I immediately bought a pair of Andromedas with them, and I find myself listening to the Andromedas a lot more. I don't love a V-shaped sound because I like listening to rock sometimes and without mids I feel like things sound kind of cloudy. I also sometimes listen to metal so I like the way a BA IEM can keep pace with the faster music and I generally like a cleaner sound. If my sound preference was a season it would be winter.

Also, what cables in the sub 1k range pair well with either of the above? I was looking at the lionheart
Mar 20, 2018 at 4:29 PM Post #3,127 of 23,720
Hey all,

I am on the fence between the U18t and the Fourtes. Currently I own the A12t and I am happy with them. Typically I listen to a lot of different genres of music, so I need a headphone that can accommodate that. When I bought the Vegas I immediately bought a pair of Andromedas with them, and I find myself listening to the Andromedas a lot more. I don't love a V-shaped sound because I like listening to rock sometimes and without mids I feel like things sound kind of cloudy. I also sometimes listen to metal so I like the way a BA IEM can keep pace with the faster music and I generally like a cleaner sound. If my sound preference was a season it would be winter.

Also, what cables in the sub 1k range pair well with either of the above? I was looking at the lionheart

A18 has an impossibly clean sound to it, like perfect clean window clean. It also sounds good with everything including bad recordings. A18 all the way IMO and it's fast as hell. I heard both and felt A18 suited me more, listen mostly to tons of metal and rock genres and occasional retrowave/synthwave. I think once you have either A18 or Fourte, those A12t's will be collecting dust. I'd sell them to fund the new purchase or put that money toward a Hugo2 which pairs exceptionally with both A18 and Fourte, but that's just my opinion.
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Mar 20, 2018 at 4:39 PM Post #3,128 of 23,720
Hey all,

I am on the fence between the U18t and the Fourtes. Currently I own the A12t and I am happy with them. Typically I listen to a lot of different genres of music, so I need a headphone that can accommodate that. When I bought the Vegas I immediately bought a pair of Andromedas with them, and I find myself listening to the Andromedas a lot more. I don't love a V-shaped sound because I like listening to rock sometimes and without mids I feel like things sound kind of cloudy. I also sometimes listen to metal so I like the way a BA IEM can keep pace with the faster music and I generally like a cleaner sound. If my sound preference was a season it would be winter.

Also, what cables in the sub 1k range pair well with either of the above? I was looking at the lionheart

How do you compare your A12t to Andromeda/Vega. I am insteresed in the A12t. I have ready that the A12 was pretty veil and dark. Just to make things easier, I am going to ask some questions and hope you can reply without too much trouble.

soundstage which is bigger = Andromeda, Vega or A12T
Which is brighter ?
Which one has more sub-bass
Which one has more mid-bass
MId = which one is more V shape?
Mid = which one is warmest?
Treble = Which is the brightest among them?

Thanks a lot - I just want to get a feel of the A12T tuning. I also bought the VEga and Andro previously and absolutely love the Andro. I did find the bass qty lacking, so I bought the Vega, but I think the bass was too much. My. I am also not a fan of EQ
Mar 20, 2018 at 4:40 PM Post #3,129 of 23,720
Interesting, you don’t think the A12t will be like a good compliment to the Fourte? Since you have the Fourte and have heard the U18t, does the Fourte do well with al genres? Does the U18?
Mar 20, 2018 at 4:53 PM Post #3,130 of 23,720
How do you compare your A12t to Andromeda/Vega. I am insteresed in the A12t. I have ready that the A12 was pretty veil and dark. Just to make things easier, I am going to ask some questions and hope you can reply without too much trouble.

soundstage which is bigger = Andromeda, Vega or A12T
Which is brighter ?
Which one has more sub-bass
Which one has more mid-bass
MId = which one is more V shape?
Mid = which one is warmest?
Treble = Which is the brightest among them?

Thanks a lot - I just want to get a feel of the A12T tuning. I also bought the VEga and Andro previously and absolutely love the Andro. I did find the bass qty lacking, so I bought the Vega, but I think the bass was too much. My. I am also not a fan of EQ

I'd be happy to compare them for you.

So I know what you mean about the previous A12s, the tia is a remarkable addition to the A12s. The A12ts are much cleaner than the previous A12s, but they still have a similar bass presence.

The soundstage on the A12ts is bigger than the Andromeda, but the clarity of the Andromedas is greater, there is more separation. I think this is due to the fact that the A12t has more bass, and because of this you get a bit of lower end bleeding into the mids, but it is really not that bad... the separation on the A12ts is still outstanding.

The Andromedas are brighter, the bass in the A12ts is much bigger, but is still fast and accurate and with the m20 module it gets deeper and more full bodied, with the m15 the soundstage becomes wider and there is a bit more air and separation.

There is more sub-bass in the A12t, actually there is more of all bass in the A12t, but I have to re-emphasize that it is not muddy like the previous A12s.

The most v-shaped is the Vegas, they are almost too v-shaped for me, I like to have some good mids and I find them to be lacking. The second most is the A12ts, but I wouldn't call them v-shaped at all.

The A12t is probably the warmest, the Vegas have a bright upper end that is almost sharp sometimes and the A12ts are more well rounded.

The brightest treble is one of the Campfires, I think that the Vega probably is the brightest. I get the impression that in order to make the Vega bass so grand they had to up the highs to the point where sometimes they kinda scream (in a bad way)

Between the two its tough, because I still use the Andromedas quite a lot, but I think that the edge goes to the A12ts, I like the 64 Audio sound a lot. I like my sound signature to be warm, but also very revealing. I also like some bass and I think the A12ts are a very good balance of all the elements that I like.

Hope that helps, if you have any other questions just lemme know!
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Mar 20, 2018 at 4:53 PM Post #3,131 of 23,720
Interesting, you don’t think the A12t will be like a good compliment to the Fourte? Since you have the Fourte and have heard the U18t, does the Fourte do well with al genres? Does the U18?

It would probably would be a great compliment but I think A18 would be a better one. ^_- I don't have fourte, I had possession of it for a little more than a week and I listened to it everyday all day, A18/U18 is just more my cup of tea signature wise. Fourte is brighter than A18. U/A18 does will with most genres IMO, I thought Fourte did best with Jazz, A18 did better with Rock/Metal IMO.

The fact that the A18/A12 can accept the modules is a big plus for me, they make a big difference in sound signature and I suspect 64 audio will be releasing more in the future.

I'd be happy to compare them for you.

So I know what you mean about the previous A12s, the trio is a remarkable addition to the A12s. The A12ts are much cleaner than the previous A12s, but they still have a similar bass presence.

The soundstage on the A12ts is bigger than the Andromeda, but the clarity of the Andromedas is greater, there is more separation. I think this is due to the fact that the A12t has more bass, and because of this you get a bit of lower end bleeding into the mids, but it is really not that bad... the separation on the A12ts is still outstanding.

The Andromedas are brighter, the bass in the A12ts is much bigger, but is still fast and accurate and with the m20 module it gets deeper and more full bodied, with the m15 the soundstage becomes wider and there is a bit more air and separation.

There is more sub-bass in the A12t, actually there is more of all bass in the A12t, but I have to re-emphasize that it is not muddy like the previous A12s.

The most v-shaped is the Vegas, they are almost too v-shaped for me, I like to have some good mids and I find them to be lacking. The second most is the A12ts, but I wouldn't call them v-shaped at all.

The A12t is probably the warmest, the Vegas have a bright upper end that is almost sharp sometimes and the A12ts are more well rounded.

The brightest treble is one of the Campfires, I think that the Vega probably is the brightest. I get the impression that in order to make the Vega bass so grand they had to up the highs to the point where sometimes they kinda scream (in a bad way)

Between the two its tough, because I still use the Andromedas quite a lot, but I think that the edge goes to the A12ts, I like the 64 Audio sound a lot. I like my sound signature to be warm, but also very revealing. I also like some bass and I think the A12ts are a very good balance of all the elements that I like.

Hope that helps, if you have any other questions just lemme know!

I also like a warm but extremely revealing sound, hence I love A18. A18 with M20 has plenty of bass for me but I would also revel in an M30 module that added even more bass. = )
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Mar 20, 2018 at 5:05 PM Post #3,132 of 23,720
I'd be happy to compare them for you.

So I know what you mean about the previous A12s, the trio is a remarkable addition to the A12s. The A12ts are much cleaner than the previous A12s, but they still have a similar bass presence.

The soundstage on the A12ts is bigger than the Andromeda, but the clarity of the Andromedas is greater, there is more separation. I think this is due to the fact that the A12t has more bass, and because of this you get a bit of lower end bleeding into the mids, but it is really not that bad... the separation on the A12ts is still outstanding.

The Andromedas are brighter, the bass in the A12ts is much bigger, but is still fast and accurate and with the m20 module it gets deeper and more full bodied, with the m15 the soundstage becomes wider and there is a bit more air and separation.

There is more sub-bass in the A12t, actually there is more of all bass in the A12t, but I have to re-emphasize that it is not muddy like the previous A12s.

The most v-shaped is the Vegas, they are almost too v-shaped for me, I like to have some good mids and I find them to be lacking. The second most is the A12ts, but I wouldn't call them v-shaped at all.

The A12t is probably the warmest, the Vegas have a bright upper end that is almost sharp sometimes and the A12ts are more well rounded.

The brightest treble is one of the Campfires, I think that the Vega probably is the brightest. I get the impression that in order to make the Vega bass so grand they had to up the highs to the point where sometimes they kinda scream (in a bad way)

Between the two its tough, because I still use the Andromedas quite a lot, but I think that the edge goes to the A12ts, I like the 64 Audio sound a lot. I like my sound signature to be warm, but also very revealing. I also like some bass and I think the A12ts are a very good balance of all the elements that I like.

Hope that helps, if you have any other questions just lemme know!

Thank you so much my friend! Lots of information.

Also, you mentionthat the A12t is the warmest. I see that you have the HD650, are they warmer or brighter than the HD650?
Mar 20, 2018 at 5:15 PM Post #3,133 of 23,720
Happy to help!

I can't compare them to the HD650s because I haven't listened to the 650s in a long time and they are all boxed up and ready to sell! I don't want to give you inaccurate information. I can say that the Apex is awesome, the IEMs feel almost like an open back full-sized headphone.
Mar 20, 2018 at 5:24 PM Post #3,134 of 23,720
Hey all,

I am on the fence between the U18t and the Fourtes. Currently I own the A12t and I am happy with them. Typically I listen to a lot of different genres of music, so I need a headphone that can accommodate that. When I bought the Vegas I immediately bought a pair of Andromedas with them, and I find myself listening to the Andromedas a lot more. I don't love a V-shaped sound because I like listening to rock sometimes and without mids I feel like things sound kind of cloudy. I also sometimes listen to metal so I like the way a BA IEM can keep pace with the faster music and I generally like a cleaner sound. If my sound preference was a season it would be winter.

Also, what cables in the sub 1k range pair well with either of the above? I was looking at the lionheart
I would go with Fourte. I was in the same situation comparing U18t and Fourte then decided to go with Fourte. In a month, I couldn't shake off the memory of U18t so bought them as well. The difference between you and me is that you already have A12t. Since you have them, which is closer to U18t than Fourte, it would be better to have a pair that is different so that you can choose either one depending on your mood and music genre.
Basically U18t is more neutral and cleaner than Fourte, while Fourte is more musical and relaxing. Nothing is perfect. That's why I use both.
As for the cable, I'm also a big fan of Effect Audio cables. I suggest Leonidas for Fourte and Eros II for U18t, unless you want to go very clean with U18t.
Mar 20, 2018 at 5:57 PM Post #3,135 of 23,720
Interesting, you don’t think the A12t will be like a good compliment to the Fourte? Since you have the Fourte and have heard the U18t, does the Fourte do well with al genres? Does the U18?
I listened to both on the demo tour, and IMO the U18 sounded a tiny bit more neutral with very slightly less detail in the treble. Fourte might be slightly more V shaped but not to the extent of mids being overwhelmed by upper bass/low mids or lower treble. Both are very detailed and have a great soundstage with the Fourte having slightly better depth. I bought the Fourte's because I preferred the bass, and treble detail it presented without ever getting sibilant. Others have actually preferred the U18's bass, but I felt that the DD in the Fourte, though not as tight as the U18, had better sub bass and a more natural decay. Keep in mind that I have old ears that might generally sense better balance with a slightly accentuated treble. Using the old cliche, the Fourte was more fun sounding compared to the more neutral U18, and I haven't tired of them yet! Strictly my opinion.

As a side note, I'm using the Fourtes with a WM1Z and EA Leonidas. Great combo to my ears.

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