The New iRiver/Astell & Kern AK100: A High-End DAP
Mar 27, 2013 at 2:45 AM Post #3,481 of 9,165
Grumpy, did you manage to force rwak allow reading two cards at once? I could not force my Mac read two cards from single reader.

Apart from this occasional glitch, I usually have all 3 drives (internal + 2x mSD card) show up without a problem. You can try to reformat them ("MS-DOS (FAT)" format in OS X's Disk Utility) and use a short simple name for each one, to start with a clean slate... (the bug not recognizing and/or mounting cards both internally and as a USB drive may still occasionally happen)
Mar 27, 2013 at 8:07 AM Post #3,482 of 9,165
lol Just found this on the Internet:))))
Maybe this little thing will make AK100 and sensitive IEMs friendly?
I don't know Japanese, maybe anyone has already tried this little gem?

AClear Porta NIP-01

anyone knows what this is? :D
Mar 27, 2013 at 10:58 AM Post #3,483 of 9,165
Grumpy, thanks, i will try... i was too lazy to reformat since cards were FAT32 straight from the box.
audionewb, thanks for posting, no idea but looks like a cute little toy, surely worth fun trying since price is so little 

Mar 27, 2013 at 11:57 PM Post #3,484 of 9,165
guys, I may be getting an umodded ak 100, do you think that JVC FXD80 or the shure se 215 will play nice with it? or is there anything you can reccomend for IEMS under 200$ bucks to complement it
Mar 28, 2013 at 12:19 AM Post #3,486 of 9,165
those are amps , one of those simple amps that people often use to either strengthen headphones or bypass impendance issue

I think it is more than just an amp as it is passive. I wonder if it actually solves the impedance issue without been an amplifier. 
I read somewhere that the SE215 didnt pair too well with it. However from what I have read RE400 which is selling for 99 should match fine with AK100. 
Mar 28, 2013 at 2:14 AM Post #3,490 of 9,165
both SE215 and RE400 are not BA. i have SE215 and tried (for fun) with my RWAK. no issues so far, 215 sounded like they usually sound, warm, colored and pleasing... but level of detailing, stage and else were not any better than on other players. i compared 215 to my single BA EB50 and the latter sounded more airy, articulated and detail rich, more full and more musical to my ear.
SE215 is an Ok IEM, just that. no experience with RE400 which gets rave reviews but again this is dynamic driver IEM.
Mar 28, 2013 at 2:17 AM Post #3,491 of 9,165
From what I read despite SE215 been dynamic unlike other dynamic for some reason is sensitive with the impedance issue. Dynamic IEM/headphone are normally less sensitive to impedance damping factors compared to BA IEMS. 
Mar 28, 2013 at 2:23 AM Post #3,493 of 9,165
audionewb, i am not knowledgeable about impedance issues with IEMs or phones still, so all i did i took my SE215 and plugged into RWAK, so far sound was good enough to make anyone smile.
if i would not know how real high end sounds i would be happy with shures... but i find a good BA IEM sounding usually much better to my ear. again i stress this, TO MY EAR, not necessarily to others.
well, RWAK does not have impedance issues like AK, so here cannot comment.
Mar 28, 2013 at 2:50 AM Post #3,495 of 9,165
AK100 is like XBA-4 all over again. I am finding myself trying different gears all over again just to make the AK100 sound better :-D
Ck100PR) seem to be a great matching pair for my ears, that is also something you guys can try considering the recent price drop on CK100pro.

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