The most EPIC prank I've ever done. (video)
Feb 11, 2009 at 5:20 PM Post #16 of 71
One of my roommates changed the toilet paper to this stuff.

She did this right after we had hosted a rather large party.

I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom only to find this stuff akin to plastic felt which had to be cut with scissors. That night I just used some kleenex, but I chalked it up to drunken imagining.

The next morning it was still there. I had assumed that it was just the cleaning lady who put something in there by mistake and just lived with it.

Bought my own toliet paper and put a roll in the bathroom. Curiously, the rolls kept disappearing. She kept this up for 3 weeks! The whole time I just lived with it and didn't complain because I never thought that someone would do something so mean for so long.

It would have been funny if she was actually my friend, but she has not said one normal or even kind word to me this entire year. I ask her what the issue is and she won't even respond. I say hi and she won't even look back. It isn't just me that she is doing this to, in fact it is all of the people that we thought she was a friend for the past 4 years. She has been nothing but a mean and dirty roommate who finds any reason to start conflict even if it isn't there.

So her prank was not really a prank, but a cruel joke and something B**CHY.

I don't consider her a friend after last year and this one especially. She even asked to live with me.....
Feb 12, 2009 at 4:18 AM Post #20 of 71
The wall was funny but I would have been pissed if somebody ruined my paychecks, even though they can be remade.
Feb 12, 2009 at 4:32 AM Post #21 of 71
Hrm, then I guess the lesson is if you're coming home on a certain night and your friends are all excited to see you and plan a party, SHOW UP. Don't stay at your parent's house.
Feb 12, 2009 at 5:22 AM Post #24 of 71

Originally Posted by cash68 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You take life far too seriously. A simple phonecall gets your paychecks remade. It wasn't a big deal.

And a simple phone call can also get you out of jail for destroying my paychecks, if they were mine.

The door....yeah id laugh, but my mail and paychecks? Sorry if you consider me a smug, stuffed-shirt, but theres a certain amount of respect that dictates where a line should be drawn with friends, and for me, that would have crossed it. But it wasnt me, so life goes on.
Feb 12, 2009 at 5:35 AM Post #25 of 71
The first one was dumb, but teh second one wasn't too bad. I'd be amused to find that happen (as long as my **** wasnt ****ed up)
Feb 12, 2009 at 5:38 AM Post #26 of 71
So if you had really good friends who got drunk and accidentally cut up your mail that they had previously stapled to the door, you'd give them a felony? Glad I'm not your friend, mate.
Feb 12, 2009 at 8:47 PM Post #29 of 71

Originally Posted by jilgiljongiljing /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Um...not funny at all. Very mean, almost cruel. I am amazed that you are all friends and you can do this to each other. I'm also amused at how you think this is an EPIC prank.

I hear you man. Not exactly epic but sorta funny in a drunken, unimaginative way borderlining on Now if you had of attached all his furniture to the ceiling in an exact mirrored duplication of the way it was on the floor...whoa...EPIC! or maybe when he walked into the room a GIANT shaving cream/baby powder bomb went off and coated him head to Try again got it in ya...I can see it.
Feb 12, 2009 at 8:54 PM Post #30 of 71
Being a male college student who lives in an apartment with three other male college students, I figured I'd weigh in on the prank issue.

It's been my observation at college (and I don't go to a school particularly known for rowdy behavior) that a good portion of people my age, especially males, like to get drunk and do stupid stuff every once in a while. No big surprise there. Ultimately it's an individual's choice whether to take part or not. If you're in college you should have, or need to develop pretty quickly, the responsibility to make those choices for yourself (and if you choose to take part, you should develop the responsibility to do so in a safe way)

Regarding pranks specifically, I guess I can see both sides. It's really annoying having a prank pulled on me, especially since it seems to happen at the worst times. In the end, though, it's college and part of the culture is putting up with junk like this when you're the victim, and having a great time doing it yourself. If a particular person chooses not to participate in this aspect of the college culture, he has every right, and I'll respect that right. I certainly look forward, in a way, to graduating and leading a more "peaceful" life, but it's fun that I can get away with being a moron once in a while for a few years.

To be clear, I'm not saying it's part of the "college culture" to lead a life of getting wasted and breaking people's stuff, but a harmless prank now and then is a way to experience something a little more exciting than staring at a computer screen for eight hours a day.

I think it's true that there is a line that shouldn't be crossed when pulling pranks. I also think that this line can vary quite dramatically from person to person. Some people are extremely annoyed if someone yells "boo!" while others can put up with damaged property in the name of a joke. I also think that society tends to work itself out in a way such that there aren't huge discrepencies within friend groups between where those individuals draw their lines. The rowdy kids who drink a lot and break stuff tend to hang out with each other, while the quieter, more straight-edge people will usually choose to hang out/live together/study together, etc. Clearly there are exceptions, but it's a pretty basic principle that people tend to form friendships with those with whom they can best identify. Additionally, when there are exceptions, friends generally know each other well enough to know what is "too much" for a certain person to handle.

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