The Leben CS300XS Thread
Mar 20, 2013 at 1:20 AM Post #1,606 of 2,300
The Leben seems quite awesome, but I'm skipping it and going with a DECWARE Taboo MKIII which I picked up for $1500. I really like the looks of the Leben and maybe someday I will own one but I have to come to terms that it's just out of my price range for the time being.
Mar 20, 2013 at 2:03 AM Post #1,607 of 2,300
The Leben seems quite awesome, but I'm skipping it and going with a DECWARE Taboo MKIII which I picked up for $1500. I really like the looks of the Leben and maybe someday I will own one but I have to come to terms that it's just out of my price range for the time being.

Planning on any speakers with the MKIII at all? That's mainly what I bought my Leben for. I wouldn't pay 4k for one as just a headamp.
Mar 20, 2013 at 2:44 AM Post #1,608 of 2,300
Yeah, most likely some model of Harbeth or Zu Omen if I can find a dirty weekend pair on sale. Either one would be good, but I just am starting to read up on Harbeth so I haven't quite made up my mind on which of those I'd go with. Room this will be in is small, like 13x15 so small speakers will do fine with the 4 .6wpc.

I have some 89dB atoms & I can use those at a low volume if I have to until I can find the right thing.
Mar 20, 2013 at 7:51 AM Post #1,609 of 2,300
Planning on any speakers with the MKIII at all? That's mainly what I bought my Leben for. I wouldn't pay 4k for one as just a headamp.

I did, although I do listen to a pair of PSB Imagine Bs with it too.  I still have not found another headamp that comes close to the Leben, especially with low impedance headphones.
Mar 20, 2013 at 9:14 AM Post #1,610 of 2,300
My Leben is powered by a Power Plant Premier, pure, unadulterated AC, although you might have a point whereby the factory is not able to test the amp on the bench without using a step-up transformer. The EAR HP4 on the other hand, a dedicated headphone amp, is manufactured in the UK and exhibits a dead silent background no matter which can I plug into it. A Leben, for what the dealers charge for one (no discounting whatsoever) should also be as quiet as a church mouse no matter what sensitivity headphone it is asked to power. This "idiosyncracy" is my biggest complaint against the unit. In fairness though, it sounds magical with Harbeth speakers.

How would you compare the CS300XS and the HP4?
Mar 20, 2013 at 12:54 PM Post #1,611 of 2,300
Yeah, most likely some model of Harbeth or Zu Omen if I can find a dirty weekend pair on sale. Either one would be good, but I just am starting to read up on Harbeth so I haven't quite made up my mind on which of those I'd go with. Room this will be in is small, like 13x15 so small speakers will do fine with the 4 .6wpc.

I have some 89dB atoms & I can use those at a low volume if I have to until I can find the right thing.

I'd be wary of Harbeths with it. The Leben works because of the 6 ohm taps and 15wpc but you're not putting near that into them with a Taboo, IIRC. The Zus might do you better for the Taboo. It's probably what I'd recommend.
I did, although I do listen to a pair of PSB Imagine Bs with it too.  I still have not found another headamp that comes close to the Leben, especially with low impedance headphones.

Cavalli Liquid Glass puts it to shame, IMO. I would say LF as well, but there's more roll ability in the Leben and LG. 
Mar 20, 2013 at 1:17 PM Post #1,612 of 2,300
Cavalli Liquid Glass puts it to shame, IMO. I would say LF as well, but there's more roll ability in the Leben and LG. 

I never owned a CLG but I have listened to it and it didn't excite me.  However, until I listen to it with my sources I withhold further comments.
Mar 20, 2013 at 1:29 PM Post #1,613 of 2,300
I'd be wary of Harbeths with it. The Leben works because of the 6 ohm taps and 15wpc but you're not putting near that into them with a Taboo, IIRC. The Zus might do you better for the Taboo. It's probably what I'd recommend.
Cavalli Liquid Glass puts it to shame, IMO. I would say LF as well, but there's more roll ability in the Leben and LG. 

Thanks for the input, Zu seems to be the right fit for sure.   I might even pick up a pair of Decware's own speakers, but I'm sure there's something better out there.
Mar 20, 2013 at 3:30 PM Post #1,614 of 2,300
The Zus are great speakers and the Dirty Weekend is a pretty awesome value. I'd love one for a second system down the line. Overall I prefer the Harbeths but I think the Zus would be a much better pair with the Decware. 
Thanks for the input, Zu seems to be the right fit for sure.   I might even pick up a pair of Decware's own speakers, but I'm sure there's something better out there.

Mar 20, 2013 at 5:48 PM Post #1,615 of 2,300
How would you compare the CS300XS and the HP4?

I own the CS-600, the integrated big brother to the CS300XS, so I'm not sure a comparison between that piece of kit and the EAR are what you are really interested in. From what I've read on this thread, the 300XS plays nice with a wide variety of headphones, as does the 600 (except for the low level hum it exhibits with higher sensitivity headphones) as does the HP4 but without any hum, although I rarely listen to cans through the Leben. If I were to choose one of the two for headphone use only, it would be a no brainer. Purchase the EAR and roll the tubes with your favorite vintage flavor. Unfortunately though, the HP4 and Orthos really don't mate well while you could do a lot worse listening to Audezes or HiFi Mans with the Leben (low sensitivity = no hum)
My favorite headphone is the HE-6, which I listen to through a linestage and a 55W tubed power amp connecting to the speaker taps of the amp to power the cans. I pair the LCD-3 with an SS Bakoon Amp 11-R, a virtually unknown integrated here on Head Fi but a meticulously designed component on the same level as amps designed by Nelson Pass. Last, but certainly not least, I only listen to the EAR when in the mood for the AT W3000ANV. I don't believe the HD-800 would be my cup of tea so I don't own a pair. Never owned any Stax gear and don't feel the need to go that route.
My goal is to create the "magic" by marrying the headphone to the amp on hand that has the best synergy. The three combinations listed in the above paragraph do it for me. Personally, I would not purchase a Leben integrated for headphone use only. The odds are too high that the high sensitivity cans in ones collection will be subject to the dreaded hum.
Mar 20, 2013 at 6:02 PM Post #1,616 of 2,300
I own the CS-600, the integrated big brother to the CS300XS, so I'm not sure a comparison between that piece of kit and the EAR are what you are really interested in. From what I've read on this thread, the 300XS plays nice with a wide variety of headphones, as does the 600 (except for the low level hum it exhibits with higher sensitivity headphones) as does the HP4 but without any hum, although I rarely listen to cans through the Leben. If I were to choose one of the two for headphone use only, it would be a no brainer. Purchase the EAR and roll the tubes with your favorite vintage flavor. Unfortunately though, the HP4 and Orthos really don't mate well while you could do a lot worse listening to Audezes or HiFi Mans with the Leben (low sensitivity = no hum)
My favorite headphone is the HE-6, which I listen to through a linestage and a 55W tubed power amp connecting to the speaker taps of the amp to power the cans. I pair the LCD-3 with an SS Bakoon Amp 11-R, a virtually unknown integrated here on Head Fi but a meticulously designed component on the same level as amps designed by Nelson Pass. Last, but certainly not least, I only listen to the EAR when in the mood for the AT W3000ANV. I don't believe the HD-800 would be my cup of tea so I don't own a pair. Never owned any Stax gear and don't feel the need to go that route.
My goal is to create the "magic" by marrying the headphone to the amp on hand that has the best synergy. The three combinations listed in the above paragraph do it for me. Personally, I would not purchase a Leben integrated for headphone use only. The odds are too high that the high sensitivity cans in ones collection will be subject to the dreaded hum.

Thanks - you just put me out of wanting the HP4 - haha :D
Yeay - synergy is magic. HE-500 in the Leben is yummy. 
Mar 20, 2013 at 6:51 PM Post #1,617 of 2,300
Yeay - synergy is magic. HE-500 in the Leben is yummy. 

Your ears and mine are in synch on that. If I wasn't so addicted to my current HE-6 rig, I could easily live with that can and the Leben on the proverbial desert island.
Glad I could save you some dough. The HP4 has priced itself out of reach to many a HF'r.
Mar 21, 2013 at 3:40 PM Post #1,618 of 2,300
Your ears and mine are in synch on that. If I wasn't so addicted to my current HE-6 rig, I could easily live with that can and the Leben on the proverbial desert island.
Glad I could save you some dough. The HP4 has priced itself out of reach to many a HF'r.

Well - you saved me the doug for the HP4 but than on the other side - now you got me wanting that HE-6 again....
Mar 21, 2013 at 3:49 PM Post #1,619 of 2,300
Well - you saved me the doug for the HP4 but than on the other side - now you got me wanting that HE-6 again....

What can I say? The HE-6 is a TOTL headphone and we both know it. Frankly however, you might be better off with the HE-500/Leben combo since IMHO, the CS-300XS doesn't have the cajones to drive the 6 to its full potential.
Mar 21, 2013 at 3:53 PM Post #1,620 of 2,300
What can I say? The HE-6 is a TOTL headphone and we both know it. Frankly however, you might be better off with the HE-500/Leben combo since IMHO, the CS-300XS doesn't have the cajones to drive the 6 to its full potential.

Mmm. But I can plug it into the speaker taps of my Creek 5350SE maybe?
Have you compared the CD300 and hE-6 using speaker taps to your favorite HE-6 combo?

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