The JVC HA-S500 thread.
Aug 30, 2012 at 2:22 AM Post #976 of 8,352
@ Everybody discussing bass quantity of HA-S500. With stock pads, it definitely needs EQ, bass cut. Low end, and what is called sub bass on head-fi, is humongous, more so after proper burn in. Wish to have more time to compare it side by side or A/B/C with Stax Lambda and AKG K 1000 and post as accurate as I can comparisons. Awaiting delivery of velour pads first mentioned by cute from ebay - these should be a step in the right direction, both for comfort as well as SQ.
There is a very important aspect of reproduction HA-S500 runs rings around Lambda and K1K - dynamic range. I did post HA-S500s to be somewhat defficient in loudness capabilities at the lowest frequencies, but even here it eclipses the two far costlier possibilities.
I will EQ HA-S500 using both real and virtual graphic and parametric equalizers - let's join in prayer a graphic virtual one can come "close enough", as it is the most easy to implement.
Word of caution. HA-S500 after burn in  has extreme resolution. It sounds as  old as the hills, but I did hear things on familiar recordings I did not know they were there ( stack of some 60 of my better/best CDs on my desk to confirm it ) . This is due to their phenomenal capability to "whisper" - with complete intelligebility of every word spoken or note played, down to the lowest possible loudness. It could prove in the end HA-S500 is something close to ultimate analytical phone - properly EQd, that is. In an extreme case, this could lead to rendering much of your library unlistenable due to mercyless exposure of defects in recording.
Please give crossfeed (whatever you have most easily available) a try. Even with crossfeed, HA-S500 lags in spatial reproduction behind AKG K 1000 by miles - without it, it is unpalatable. There is tons of different crossfeeds out there, both real and virtual, let's find the one that suits HA-S500s best. There is no and will never be such thing as "best" crossfeed that would be universally applicable to every IEM, on-ear, circumaral, etc - requirements to get the job properly done differ for these 3 scenarios, as each requires diferent level of compensation due to different levels of pinna effects that are totally excluded in IEMs, partly excluded in on-ears and not too much removed from reality with circumaural.
Sorry, that is all time at the moment allows for. More to follow after Sept. 2nd.
As always, enjoy jour music!
Aug 30, 2012 at 2:40 AM Post #977 of 8,352
Hurry back analogdude, we all need that 48 hr FYRE you used to burn-in your S500s.  Kinda scared to find out what you really used tbh..........

Your talk about the potentials of these S500s sound too crazy to believe, this SH!T TRULY CRAY!!! 
Aug 30, 2012 at 3:50 AM Post #978 of 8,352
Not to my ears... the FXD-80 sounds like it has at least a 3-5 db boost in the lower region compared to my decently burned-in S500.  It's too much for me which will probably be reason I sell them (the FXDs, if I let go of the S500 it's only because I get tired of the on-ear thing).

I hear the FXD80 bass that same way.....I had to EQ the bass down -4db.  Thanks bobeau for your impressions!  What pads are you using on your S500?
Aug 30, 2012 at 3:57 AM Post #979 of 8,352
@ Everybody discussing bass quantity of HA-S500. With stock pads, it definitely needs EQ, bass cut. Low end, and what is called sub bass on head-fi, is humongous, more so after proper burn in. Wish to have more time to compare it side by side or A/B/C with Stax Lambda and AKG K 1000 and post as accurate as I can comparisons. Awaiting delivery of velour pads first mentioned by cute from ebay - these should be a step in the right direction, both for comfort as well as SQ.
There is a very important aspect of reproduction HA-S500 runs rings around Lambda and K1K - dynamic range. I did post HA-S500s to be somewhat defficient in loudness capabilities at the lowest frequencies, but even here it eclipses the two far costlier possibilities.
I will EQ HA-S500 using both real and virtual graphic and parametric equalizers - let's join in prayer a graphic virtual one can come "close enough", as it is the most easy to implement.
Word of caution. HA-S500 after burn in  has extreme resolution. It sounds as  old as the hills, but I did hear things on familiar recordings I did not know they were there ( stack of some 60 of my better/best CDs on my desk to confirm it ) . This is due to their phenomenal capability to "whisper" - with complete intelligebility of every word spoken or note played, down to the lowest possible loudness. It could prove in the end HA-S500 is something close to ultimate analytical phone - properly EQd, that is. In an extreme case, this could lead to rendering much of your library unlistenable due to mercyless exposure of defects in recording.
Please give crossfeed (whatever you have most easily available) a try. Even with crossfeed, HA-S500 lags in spatial reproduction behind AKG K 1000 by miles - without it, it is unpalatable. There is tons of different crossfeeds out there, both real and virtual, let's find the one that suits HA-S500s best. There is no and will never be such thing as "best" crossfeed that would be universally applicable to every IEM, on-ear, circumaral, etc - requirements to get the job properly done differ for these 3 scenarios, as each requires diferent level of compensation due to different levels of pinna effects that are totally excluded in IEMs, partly excluded in on-ears and not too much removed from reality with circumaural.
Sorry, that is all time at the moment allows for. More to follow after Sept. 2nd.
As always, enjoy jour music!

Thanks for your impressions of the bass response of S500....I will be interested to see if the velour ear pads make a difference for you as well.
Do you have the FXD80 to compare bass to the S500?
I have the second pair of S500 untouched and still in the original package unopened.  I intend to A/B my current pair with velour pads and over 400hrs, incl burn in, to them in a week or so, when I get the other two pair of velour pads that I ordered from ebay.  I really want to see if the "burn in" effect truly exists with the S500.  I do think burn in does change the bass quantity in the S500, as the velour pads also reduces the bass for me!
Aug 30, 2012 at 4:26 AM Post #980 of 8,352
Thanks for your impressions of the bass response of S500....I will be interested to see if the velour ear pads make a difference for you as well.
Do you have the FXD80 to compare bass to the S500?
I have the second pair of S500 untouched and still in the original package unopened.  I intend to A/B my current pair with velour pads and over 400hrs, incl burn in, to them in a week or so, when I get the other two pair of velour pads that I ordered from ebay.  I really want to see if the "burn in" effect truly exists with the S500.  I do think burn in does change the bass quantity in the S500, as the velour pads also reduces the bass for me!

@ Everybody : Be patient please, I should not have allocated this much to anything besides the current project I am RATing ( Race Against Time ) to complete in time - I only have about 8 hours left to complete.
@ cute : Just a quickie. No, I do not have FXD80. I predict velour pads will have about the same effect you are describing. Wished I bought 2 pairs of HA-S500s too, for the precise purpose you posted. But only to have  out of box cans to compare/make measurements against fully burnt in - burn in is real with any headphone, it is just here manifests itself more due to the fact carbon nanotube drivers in HA-S500 are inherently so good and anything is more audible than with lesser drivers that would at least partially mask the difference.
Aug 30, 2012 at 4:33 AM Post #981 of 8,352
@ Everybody : Be patient please, I should not have allocated this much to anything besides the current project I am RATing ( Race Against Time ) to complete in time - I only have about 8 hours left to complete.
@ cute : Just a quickie. No, I do not have FXD80. I predict velour pads will have about the same effect you are describing. Wished I bought 2 pairs of HA-S500s too, for the precise purpose you posted. But only to have  out of box cans to compare/make measurements against fully burnt in - burn in is real with any headphone, it is just here manifests itself more due to the fact carbon nanotube drivers in HA-S500 are inherently so good and anything is more audible than with lesser drivers that would at least partially mask the difference.

Thanks...I always appreciate your posts!
Aug 30, 2012 at 7:06 AM Post #982 of 8,352
I'll confess to being a little curious on how much difference the velours make to the sound. I hope it is not as drastic a change as the Grado comfy pads
Aug 30, 2012 at 2:18 PM Post #984 of 8,352
"Too Hot"  Kool & and the Gang
That guitar is killing me... dam, sliding the strings have so much detail its crazy. James J.T. Taylor voices is so clear... men.

S500 = Too Hot!

Aug 30, 2012 at 4:59 PM Post #985 of 8,352
I think it's funny that everyone keeps talking about EQ'ing down the bass on the S500 yet I keep EQ'ing it up now the the burn-in is finished.
One of the great things about these Nanotube drivers is that you can EQ up the bass, but it stays tight and doesn't bleed into the rest of the mix.
Aug 30, 2012 at 7:40 PM Post #987 of 8,352
I now have about 80-100 hours on mine and with the velour pads these headphones are finally showing me their potential. I think burning them in with heavy bass music the last two days has really opened them up. The reverb/resonances I was hearing early on are now all but gone.

The sound from these is really starting to impress me. Before, I noticed somewhat of a veil to some songs. I am listening to some Scars on Broadway and I don't hear any veil at all. These headphones are really quite something.

Burn-in is real! The HA-S500s are proof of this.
Aug 31, 2012 at 12:03 AM Post #988 of 8,352
Hmmm cute.. ??? I think the S500 has more bass than all of the IEMs (except for the FX40). Of the new JVC IEMs I've heard, that is. The FX700, is the JVC bass monster!

I think the same too, the S500 has the hardest hitting, deepest bass of all my JVC audio stuffs.
But I can understand where Cute and Bob is coming from, with certain tracks the FXD80's bass are at a different higher level than the S500.
I think it is meaningless to say which has more bass if we are listerning to them with different sources and recordings.
Aug 31, 2012 at 5:43 AM Post #989 of 8,352
I just ordered my pair several hours ago, they should be arriving between the 3rd and the 5th. Thank you so much to Dsnuts for convincing me to buy them, I'll let you guys know my impression when they arrive.
Aug 31, 2012 at 10:59 AM Post #990 of 8,352
I only have one complaint about the S500. It's the same complaint I had about the FX40s. 
If you don't have a well mastered source, you hear every flaw and problem. 

Listening to files of songs I had no problem with in the past I find myself suddenly saying "boy, listen to the artifacts in the high-hat and cymbals on that".

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