The Headphone Driver Pics Thread
Oct 20, 2006 at 9:22 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2,328


100+ Head-Fier
Oct 9, 2004
There are already a lot of pics posted of various headphone drivers in different threads, but this thread is intended to consolidate them all into one thread. That way we can analyze and spot driver differences or similarities between various headphone models and brands. So if you have ever taken yours apart, post pics of it here.

List any specs that you can find out about the driver, whether obtained by yourself or already given by the manufacturer. The measurements can be approximate, just round off to your unit of choice. Also, if the driver has any sort of identification markings on it, list those too.

driver type - dynamic
from headphone brand and model - AKG K240M
driver diameter (or L x W if square shaped) - ~1.25" (~32mm)
driver depth -
diaphragm thickness -
impedance - 600 ohms
markings on back - 10WD


Oct 20, 2006 at 3:35 PM Post #2 of 2,328
HD590 driver, still installed (I usually don't take my cans to bits
Type: dynamic (center open, ring magnet)
HP model: Sennheiser HD590
Diameter: ~50 mm
Duofol diaphragm
Impedance: 100 ohm
Front view attached here. (Direct link, not sure whether it works.)
Back view attached.

Type: dynamic (center closed/vented)
HP model: Philips SHP805
Diameter: ~40 mm
Impedance: 32 ohm nominal (~37..38 with cable)
Back view of SHP805 left driver

It might also be a good idea to link other posts with driver images here.
Oct 20, 2006 at 4:02 PM Post #3 of 2,328

Precide Ergo 2 Driver (No front side picture because its glued down)
Transducer: Dynamic Open
Frequency Response: 20-20,000Hz
Nominal Impedance: 100Ohms
Sensitivity: 96dB
Power Handling: 0.4Watts
THD: <0.3%

Information from product box.


Precide Ergo AMT Driver
Transducer: Air Motion Transformer
Frequency Response: 20-20,000Hz
Nominal Impedance: 4Ohms
Sensitivity: n/a
Power Handling: n/a (But around 4 watts by my own estimates)
THD: <0.2%

Information comes from product Box


Precide Jecklin Float 2 Driver (couple to frame the same way as the Ergo 2 driver, but has no hard wired resistor network)
Transducer: Dynamic
Frequency Response: Unknown (Estimated 30-20,000Hz)
Nominal Impedance: Unknown (Estimated 120Ohms)
Sensitivity: Unknown
THD: Unknown

Information from my own estimates, no hard data.


Stax SR-202 Driver
Transducer: Electrostatic
Biasing Voltage: 580Volts
Electrostatic Capacity: 120pF
Frequency Response: 7-41,000Hz
Nominal Impedance: 133kΩ
Sensitivity: 100dB/100Vr.m.s.
THD: not quoted.

Information from the Stax website.
Oct 26, 2006 at 1:38 AM Post #4 of 2,328
Hokay mate, let's consolidate:


Fostex T30 driver disassembled. 60mm. About 60 ohms.


Fostex T40RP (not mkii) driver disassembled. 45mm. 50 ohms. Photo by RedLeader.


Yamaha YHD-2 driver, 150 ohms. Same 38mm diameter as...


...the Audio-Technica-built driver used in Realistic PRO30 and A-T's own ATH-1 and ATH-2. 30 ohms, one of the lowest-impedance isodynamic drivers I know of.


Technics EAH-830 driver disassembled. Interesting similarity to the Fostex T30 above.


Original 45mm Fostex T20 driver. Note the removable plastic clamp holding the driver together.


Pleated nontensioned diaphragm from Peerless-MB PMB 100. Similar to diaphragms in non-YHD Yamaha Orthodynamics. Note that the center of the diaphragm is clamped. This photo and the one below are from MB Quart's Willi Presutti.


Complete 55mm PMB 100 driver. Note the clamps. By contrast, Yamaha drivers are glued together. Also compare this driver to the one in the TDS-5M below.


Exploded drawing of AKG K340.


AKG K501 driver mounted to its baffling baffle.


Koss A/130 on its baffle. Note the damping pad covering all but two vent holes. Photo by Kramer.


Elektronika TDS-5M: a pretty straight copy of a Yamaha HP-1 made in the Soviet Union, using a copy of a 55mm PMB isodynamic driver. Wild! Photo by yvfed1.


Stax SR-X Mk 3 driver. From a Japanese site showing how to disassemble an SR-X and SR-5.


Yamaha HP-1 Anisotropic driver. 55mm. Photo by Joop Nijenhuis. Note that the pleated diaphragm makes the flat voice coil look edgewound.

Oct 26, 2006 at 4:04 AM Post #6 of 2,328
Koss plugs

optimus Pro 155 (koss titanium 60 ohm)

The best pic I can get of my RS1, without destroying it.

shure e2c

Grado HF1


Oct 26, 2006 at 6:10 AM Post #7 of 2,328
Here is one from my old stanton srs-265. I didn't take one for my k340 yet cause i'm enjoying them too much right now

Oct 26, 2006 at 6:41 AM Post #9 of 2,328
I will bite

Oct 26, 2006 at 6:58 AM Post #10 of 2,328

Originally Posted by SonicDawg
I will bite

I thought you bypassed the pcb? I dont see that done in the pic?
Oct 26, 2006 at 7:16 AM Post #11 of 2,328

Originally Posted by aznsensazian
I thought you bypassed the pcb? I dont see that done in the pic?

lol, that is a "before" pic I took, prior to my series of life-giving surgeries performed on them.
It's funny, though, that I have opened and reopened them to modify the dampening cotton so often, that I could hardly bother to take another picture now :rolleye:
Oct 26, 2006 at 8:32 AM Post #12 of 2,328
If this thread were alive a week ago I could have posted pics of my Sony E888-LP "Biocellulose" drivers... The dog found them and decided they looked tasty...

They're long gone now tho..
Nov 23, 2006 at 2:01 PM Post #15 of 2,328

Originally Posted by aznsensazian /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Here is one from my old stanton srs-265.

Hey aznsensazian, it looks like your stantons are really just yet another case of OEM by MB Quart. The freaky "cardamatic suspension" gave it away. In this case what you have is evidently the top of the line QP95, especially if the back grilles of the earcups look like the one in this pic:

cheers, FV

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