The Grado HF-2 Review/Comparison Thread
Oct 6, 2009 at 10:13 PM Post #1,021 of 1,528
I can say the HF2's play well with the Lisa III. Not as warm or quite 3D as the Woo 6 but different enough to be enjoyable.
Oct 7, 2009 at 12:37 AM Post #1,022 of 1,528
I got my HF2s yesterday. Here are my first impressions. The comfort is better than I expected and I have no problems with wearing the HF2s for extended listening sessions. The tonal balance is almost perfect for me. I think if the HF2 was just a bit brighter, then the tonal balance would be perfect. The bass is powerful, with tremendous impact. It sounds spectacular with quick, technical drumming. Listening to King Crimson is addictive due to the bass impact. However, the bass at this point is rather poorly defined. This may not be an issue later since the bass sounds better defined today than yesterday. Perhaps I'm becoming adjusted with the HF2's sound. The mids are great. Both male and female voices sound sweet with body. The treble doesn't draw attention to itself. Given the nearly ear-piercing treble of the RS1 with bowls, this is probably a virtue. The headstage is large enough to not sound claustrophobic. The imaging is also fairly well defined. The HF2s sound great with rock due to their euphoric mids, strong bass impact, and well balanced treble. Surprisingly, the HF2s sound pretty good with classical music also; they provide a warmer tone that works well with the classical music I tried. So far, I think the HF2s sound pretty good. It may not sound accurate, but it sounds pretty good regardless.
Oct 7, 2009 at 1:07 AM Post #1,023 of 1,528
I too am very pleased with the comfort. With the bowls they are much more comfortable than my ATH-ES7 were, and even better than the HD 25-1 II in comfort. They compare to the Sennheiser HD 6x0 series for me, actually.

I'm quite pleased with them so far. I have grown attached to my Infinity Primus P152 bookshelves while they were shipping, and I find there are some things either do better but overall these are satisfying. I'll hold off on sound impressions until my JH13 come in (and they burn in more).

Build quality on #500 wasn't glaringly bad; at first glance I found only one nick on the cups. They look great.
Oct 7, 2009 at 4:03 AM Post #1,024 of 1,528

Originally Posted by reorx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
wow, (at least) 2 separate HF-2 owners actively preferring the HF-2 to the HD-800. IS this a genuine case of the little (limited) headphone that could? Or a symptom of some very intense FOTMitis? Stay tuned and find out

I think the FOTM thing has passed for me. The main issue here is that I already have a decent stat rig. The HD800 is good, but it's not as good as my O2mk1 to my ears. Therefore, it is pretty easy for me to go for the balls out fun of the HF-2. If someone needs one and only one dynamic headphone, I'd still tell them to get the HD800.
Oct 7, 2009 at 1:10 PM Post #1,025 of 1,528
To me, the HD800 is most like the K701. It is a darn good headphone, and has no obvious flaws. The HF2 definitely has flaws. That said, I prefer the HF2, flaws and all. I'd never buy the HD800s, for that money, I'd just get stats.
Oct 7, 2009 at 2:58 PM Post #1,027 of 1,528
My final opinion about HF2. Its my favourite headphone so far, on par with SA5000.

It does almost everything right. Played through a clinical source and strong amplifier they really sing. Bass quantity is just right. Its strong, but with my current equipment its quite tight and doesnt bleed to midrange, so its just right for my ears. Warm source and/or amplifier is definetly enough to tip this headphone over the border though.

Midrange is PERFECT IMHO, plus it lacks the coloration that I found somewhat restricting with RS1. Treble is also really nice and in balance with the rest of the frequencies. Its only real problem is the serious lack of soundstage. But since this is more like a problem with this kind of headphone design, I can let it pass and if I need some soundstage, I have other headphones for that.
Oct 7, 2009 at 7:27 PM Post #1,032 of 1,528

Originally Posted by grawk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
To me, the HD800 is most like the K701. It is a darn good headphone, and has no obvious flaws. The HF2 definitely has flaws. That said, I prefer the HF2, flaws and all. I'd never buy the HD800s, for that money, I'd just get stats.

Liar! You'd get JH13s!
Oct 8, 2009 at 5:33 AM Post #1,033 of 1,528
Got mine today!

They remind me of my old MS1's somewhat. They're reasonably bright but not overly bright. The bass is a bit overpowering and flabby at the moment but I hope that evens out. They're pretty up front and intimate at the moment which does well on some genre's but not others. The mids sound a bit thin too.
Oct 8, 2009 at 6:48 AM Post #1,034 of 1,528

Originally Posted by fraseyboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Got mine today!

They remind me of my old MS1's somewhat. They're reasonably bright but not overly bright. The bass is a bit overpowering and flabby at the moment but I hope that evens out. They're pretty up front and intimate at the moment which does well on some genre's but not others. The mids sound a bit thin too.

The bass will absolutely even out and tighten up with burn-in. I compared them to my MS-1 and the HF-2 have a much more open sounding and larger soundstage than the "wall of sound" from the MS-1. I can't even listen to the MS-1 anymore. I don't find the mids to be thin at all either.
Oct 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM Post #1,035 of 1,528
Whats with the HF-2s flooding the 'Headphones for Sale' forum??

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