The FreQ Custom IEMs - Impressions Thread (Updates on First Page!)
Apr 13, 2008 at 6:50 AM Post #1,142 of 3,960
Mod edit: response to flaming removed.

** I updated the front page with wquiles' nice new FreQs. I'm jealous of the new build quality
It's very much improved. If someone is buying one, please buy a translucent color so we can see what it looks like.
Apr 13, 2008 at 1:41 PM Post #1,143 of 3,960

Originally Posted by Fr3sH /img/forum/go_quote.gif
wquiles : how is the isolation with your set ?

The isolation is very good. If I don't have music playing, I can still hear my surroundings but "muted". If I am playing music (not loud, just low to normal volume) then I can not hear my wife talking to me 8 feet away from me (she was a little pissed!).

Still, please note that the seal that I am getting is about 95 % as good as the slightly better seal that I am getting with the custom tips on my Triple.Fi 10's, so these can get even better in terms of isolation/seal

To give you further data, the seal/isolation that I have now is adequate in "fairly quiet" room like my office (computer fans, and a large ventilation fan - so not trully quiet), but the seal that I am getting now would not be adequate for traveling by plane, which I do often, and why I wanted IEM's in the first place. I trully need that extra 5 % to block more of the loud environment inside a plane at 30K feet

I did more listening last night and I still feel like I did yesterday regarding my initial notes regarding the SQ of the SuperFreQs vs. the TF's - these are basically identical to my ears: very natural sound, even, "great" and powerful bass (when I touch them to get perfect seal). Female voices (my biggest gripe with the Shure SE530's) are perfect and sound like they should. In fact, once I get this small seal issue sorted out, I don't see any reason to keep the TF's (nor the Super.Fi Pro's) - I will most likely sell them here in the forums or Ebay to somebody wanting a great deal on outstanding universal IEM's that are still in excellent shape.

The SuperFreQs are also just as sensitive as my TF's, so if your source has any inherent hiss, you "will" hear it. When I connect them to my Total BitHead (connected via USB to my Ubuntu Linux Workstation), if I am not playing any sounds, I can hear this very low level white noise. If I do the same with my Cowon iAudio7, I can hardly hear the hiss/white noise. Of course, once you start playing anything, you can no longer hear any hiss - just pure music, but I wanted to point this out in case anyone was wondering about the sensitivity of these SuperFreQs IEM's.

I will keep reporting as I use them more!

Apr 13, 2008 at 2:09 PM Post #1,144 of 3,960
The SuperFreQ is one of the most sensitive phone.
It's sensitivity exceeded the noise ground floor of my AMB mini3, which is very low.
This is something I haven't got with any other IEMs such as Triple fi., Livewires, UM2 or SCL5.

The specification said it's sensitivity is 122dB/mW with impedance of 22ohm and it's true.
I measured the impedance with ammeter, the reading shows 21 ohm.
Apr 13, 2008 at 3:29 PM Post #1,146 of 3,960
I am glad to hear that they sound as good as TF10Pro. I was always wondering about the sound of them because many people rated them above E500/SE530. Yet, I decided not to try them because I know my ears won't fit that big TF10Pro(I tried SF5Pro and hated the fit). You have saved me money for not trying

Regarding the seal, I had the same problem with you. When I first got it, I just could not get the good seal for my right phones, but I got almost perfect seal on my left. I called FreQ and they told me to wait about a week to give time for adjustment. Anyway, I decided to send them back last Friday because the seal problem. It was true that they were better after few days. But when I moved, the seal from my right broke. I think you should try few more days before calling them since you get about 95% of the seal. Mine was like 70% because of the right phones when I got them. After about few days, it was like 80% to 85%.

killkli : did you ask for deeper canal fit for yours ?
Apr 13, 2008 at 3:37 PM Post #1,147 of 3,960
Well, I just asked my audiologist to make the impression to the second bend of my ear, but she already knew that.
And I have two impressions, one for Livewires and one for SuperFreQ.
I did SupreFreQ's with open mouth and LW with closed mouth.
Lucky for me, they both fits me great!
Open mouth impression is indeed a little tighter than close mouth one, I do experience this difference.
Apr 13, 2008 at 4:01 PM Post #1,148 of 3,960

Originally Posted by killkli /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, I just asked my audiologist to make the impression to the second bend of my ear, but she already knew that.
And I have two impressions, one for Livewires and one for SuperFreQ.
I did SupreFreQ's with open mouth and LW with closed mouth.
Lucky for me, they both fits me great!
Open mouth impression is indeed a little tighter than close mouth one, I do experience this difference.

That's probably why. My audiologist did not follow the UE instruction I handed to her for some reasons. Well, I hope FreQ can solve the problem with the seal.
Apr 13, 2008 at 8:15 PM Post #1,150 of 3,960
I forgot to answer an earlier question: I did ask FreQs for deep ear canal fit. These are "almost" as deep as my custom UE ear tips (which are very deep), so yes, I feel these are definitely deep enough

Apr 13, 2008 at 8:22 PM Post #1,151 of 3,960

Originally Posted by powertoold /img/forum/go_quote.gif
** I updated the front page with wquiles' nice new FreQs. I'm jealous of the new build quality
It's very much improved

As long as yours sound good to you and fit great, that is what really counts - thanks to you again for being one of the early adopters

Apr 13, 2008 at 9:25 PM Post #1,153 of 3,960

Originally Posted by filipelli /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Perhaps you can send them back in powertoold? To take advantage of the new quality?

Even if the new music makers cables are coming out soon, $189 and the possibility for a new cable still sounds sweet to me.

No, I'd feel bad. I've already sent in my phones too many times because I wanted to fix the ringing resonance problem. I doubt they would give any early adopters a new makeover. It would take too much effort.
Apr 15, 2008 at 5:54 PM Post #1,154 of 3,960
well, I am on my way to owning a pair of these guys. Got my impressions made saturday (thanks to ivan2 for the tip on Sears), got the prepaid postage box from the Freq yesterday, sent out my impressions today. I'm getting clear inside + black everything else. At this point on the order site, you can choose clear to begin with, so I'm pretty sure I'll be getting the right colors. Also, in the box they sent me, there was no self-impressions compound (because I indicated during the order process that I would be getting them professionally made), and there was a note from Todd saying that since I'm one of the first 999 people to order these, I will be getting any upgrades they release for free. So now we have an official statement to that effect.

I'll let you all know when they come, and of course I'll post pictures

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