The FreQ Custom IEMs - Impressions Thread (Updates on First Page!)
Feb 23, 2008 at 7:34 AM Post #691 of 3,960
The FLAC file is here:

Hey Larry, I don't think that thread you sent me is having the same problem. The sound isn't any sort of hissing "S". It sounds like that ring you get after a loud concert (your analogy).
Feb 23, 2008 at 8:00 AM Post #692 of 3,960

Originally Posted by russya /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The best way I would describe it to someone who knows a bit about sound, is that it's the hi frequency equivalent to the over saturation you hear with some subwoofers in peoples homes that have really strong room modes. Where the room resonates at the frequency the sub is playing. Being that these are quite a bit smaller, I'm thinking that perhaps it's the same phenomenon but at a much higher pitch due to the smaller space involved. I could be wrong, but that's my take on the issue

That's a good way to describe it I think. There's some physical phenomenon happening in the ears where the sound waves are interfering in the small ear space or perhaps in the sound nozzle. The best analogy I can come up with is if you have a small box with water in it. When you dip your finger in the box, the waves bounce back and interfere with each other. If you have a much better box (headphones) the waves dissipate before they can interfere.
Feb 25, 2008 at 2:21 PM Post #693 of 3,960
I was listening to Phantom of the Opera soundtrack and Sarah Brightman's voice in Point of No Return is just too shrill when played back with the SuperFREQs' more forward midrange.

So far this is the only track where I really cannot bear to listen on them.

I tried the same track on the 10p and the Yuin PK1 and at the same playback levels, they aren't as shrill, but I guess Brightman's voice isn't too subdued to start with.
Feb 25, 2008 at 8:13 PM Post #694 of 3,960
Okay, I got my Freqs today, and I think the impressions are wrong. I get absolutely no seal. it feels like I am wearing open headphones, i can hear everything from outside. And my left ear hurts, it feels like its in there REALLLY deep and scratching the inside of my ear. :\
My audiologist is REALLY weird, so I don't really want to go back. Are these the symptoms of a botched impression?
Feb 25, 2008 at 8:30 PM Post #695 of 3,960

Originally Posted by Territhemayor /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Okay, I got my Freqs today, and I think the impressions are wrong. I get absolutely no seal. it feels like I am wearing open headphones, i can hear everything from outside. And my left ear hurts, it feels like its in there REALLLY deep and scratching the inside of my ear. :\
My audiologist is REALLY weird, so I don't really want to go back. Are these the symptoms of a botched impression?

hmm... im pretty sure they did it according to ur impressions, unless they messed urs up using another person's impressions. (never heard of that happening before yet)
Feb 25, 2008 at 11:24 PM Post #696 of 3,960
If they used another person's impressions, I doubt you would even be able to insert the whole canal in. It would hurt. There is a large variety of bends. Anyway, I'm not sure what went wrong. You should definitely contact the FreQ company. Who knows, maybe they did mess up your impressions

When you were doing the impressions, did you do open mouth, and did you feel like the silicone completely filled your ear?
Feb 26, 2008 at 9:03 PM Post #699 of 3,960
I would get new impressions according to the UE instruction of open mouth with bite-block.

It's a real bummer yours don't fit. Contact FreQ asap. They will make it right for you. Of course you'll have to send them back and then wait for new ones. That's the biggest drag

I can't recall, but it sounds like you did get professional impressions, right?

If you did them mouth closed, that is when your ear canals are the smallest. That would make your impressions, and therefore you FreQs, smaller leading to no seal.

Regarding your left ear feeeling like it's getting poked, mine felt like that too. I did see my audiologist though, and she used some emery cloth to smooth off a corner. It seemed to help, but I think it make have mostly been my ear not being used to something being in there.
Feb 26, 2008 at 9:11 PM Post #700 of 3,960
They fit good "enough" but I want a refund on the other freq order I made a few weeks ago for my father, I may want him to get UEs, they're better anyways. Maybe actually I'll get the UE's and have freq remake mine to his molds.
Feb 26, 2008 at 10:06 PM Post #701 of 3,960

Originally Posted by Territhemayor /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They fit good "enough" but I want a refund on the other freq order I made a few weeks ago for my father, I may want him to get UEs, they're better anyways. Maybe actually I'll get the UE's and have freq remake mine to his molds.

Haha nice! What UE would you be going for?

FWIW. I have the livewires and went to try out the UE5c also. The UEs fit perfect! So comfortable to wear and in fact can stay in for hours. My livewires must be a little off compared to them because sometimes my ears got tired with them in.
Feb 28, 2008 at 2:36 AM Post #703 of 3,960
I would just like to express what a great company Freq is.

I had a large problem with the ear molds. When I mixed the two silicon solutions together to make the molds it never setup in my ear. My ears ended up getting a bunch of pink goo in my ear canal. I tried to clean it up myself with qtips without success. One of my ear canals was completely blocked, and since I am a music major in College this proved to be a challenge. I made an appointment with an audiologist and got my ears cleaned out (the doctor said that there was A LOT of goo in my ears).

After the appointment I called Freq and kindly expressed my displeasure. They offered to help pay for my medical bill and were extremely apologetic. The man I talked to on the phone, Derek, was a classy guy.

i just mailed off my professional impressions to them today so I should have them in a matter of a couple of weeks.

I just wanted to say that this is a company of high integrity.
Feb 28, 2008 at 3:19 AM Post #704 of 3,960

Originally Posted by Netminder /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I would just like to express what a great company Freq is.

I had a large problem with the ear molds. When I mixed the two silicon solutions together to make the molds it never setup in my ear. My ears ended up getting a bunch of pink goo in my ear canal. I tried to clean it up myself with qtips without success. One of my ear canals was completely blocked, and since I am a music major in College this proved to be a challenge. I made an appointment with an audiologist and got my ears cleaned out (the doctor said that there was A LOT of goo in my ears).

After the appointment I called Freq and kindly expressed my displeasure. They offered to help pay for my medical bill and were extremely apologetic. The man I talked to on the phone, Derek, was a classy guy.

i just mailed off my professional impressions to them today so I should have them in a matter of a couple of weeks.

I just wanted to say that this is a company of high integrity.


Do you know why the goo didn't set for you? That is some seriously scary stuff to be dealing with your ears like that. That would be really bad if they continue to send out these impression kits with issues!

On a lighter note, that is good the freq people are covering your expenses. i hope it was not too much. You should get free freqs with what you went through! I would be scared.
Feb 28, 2008 at 3:28 AM Post #705 of 3,960
technically, if u have the cotton or foam in, if u pull out, it should pull out everything and leave no residue. but its possible that u didnt mix it well enough or w/ yet.

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