The Fiio X3 Thread.
Jul 8, 2015 at 1:34 AM Post #16,321 of 17,498
3.34b is superior. More detail/micro-detail. more sparkle, cleaner...

I thought 2.14b was the real deal, till I listen to 3.34b. The other day I reverted back to 2.14b just by curiosity and meh... how did I like it so much before? :D

Thanks for chiming in, man!

I always think back to 2.14b with fond memories and romanticize it. It was the FW where the X3 finally grew up :L3000:

and i am using high gain even for iems ... I love the sound that way for some reason !! :bigsmile_face:

I'll have to give this a shot with my DAPs. I've read that using Low Gain is technical better, as you get to crank the volume higher and get more dynamic range out of the DAC. However, the proof is in the smile on your face when it just sounds right - not what's technically better :wink_face:
Jul 8, 2015 at 5:08 PM Post #16,323 of 17,498
deltasun: To be clear, I'm talking about 2.14b not 3.14b.

2.14b was the X3 FW that sounded clean and clear with an expanded soundstage. I stopped using an amp with my X3 once 2.14b dropped. 2.14b was just fantastic!

Sorry, I meant the 2.14b, yes.
Jul 8, 2015 at 10:03 PM Post #16,325 of 17,498
  BTW, X3 is no longer dark with 3.34b. At least for me. Bassy, yes, but not dark.

Jul 11, 2015 at 12:25 AM Post #16,327 of 17,498
Finally a FW to look forward to. I haven't wanted to move FW in so long because of all the different talk about them in the past but I am positive that 2,14b was standalone the most competent even to I ran 3.0 because 2.14b would always crash on me. 3.0 fixed that for me but also made me paranoid to leap to any FW that wasn't solid and or still in beta. (Also just out of sheer laziness of installi,g new FWs lol) soon I will pick this up and hopefully make my X3 sexier than ever before for my ears.
Jul 12, 2015 at 6:20 AM Post #16,328 of 17,498
2.14b was epic. Have used it till 3.34b release. But the sound was much improved with 3.34b. It's still not as clean as the standalone DAC, but I feel they're almost there and then we will see against X3 II without hardware EQ.

Well if you mean the dac used in the Fiio X 3, I always find it sound better the with the headphones out.
It is even a big problem for me, LOL. I really have good gear, a lesser room. Wth Mark Levinson amp (335), B&W 800 D, I never was THAT happy with my gear. I had Accuphase DSP 67, never liked it, too  soft. The Oppo 93, too closed also, nothing seem to work, mostly too soft, I told this here before.
But my little netbook and the X 3, I can't figure it out....... I just love it!  Some say the X3 is colored, so it should sound dull on the Mark Levinson. Nope. It is just sounding live.
It is maybe a bit "thick", but then live electrified music, also sounds  that way.  Voices could be just a bit clearer, but then they still sound realistic. The bass guitar, is very present, when often heard in the  mix. About the mix, it seems like I am hearing what the producer intended. Some sounds I could not figure out where they came from are very distinct now. And what save it from being dull is it is so transparent at the same time.
Maybe something wrong with my ears, but I seem to hear and feel the joy of playing their instruments. When a guitar is important, you hear that the best, isolated from the rest.  I bought a little M 2 Tech USB dac. I can understand some people preferring this one, I really do. It is clear, clean, and can sound more impressive on jazz, and maybe classical music (I hardly play that, but cannot judge that). But it is NOT as soulful, I never have the impression assisting at the recording, or hearing live music, too clinical. After a while I want my X 3 back.
There is no "bump" in the bass at all, it goes deep when the recording allows it, and be "flat", when the dynamics are lower. I have recordings where, I would add bass even, but when it is not there, it just not push it. When I play the High resolution of Leonard's Cohen "Particular Problems", well it is so powerful, the presence, weight is like a live experience. (the normal resolution is fine, but the HD files are more realistic)
Now what is my problem? I have either find a dac, that sounds exactly the same, same DAC chip (but no guaranty it sounds the same way)? The customcute seemed to come close, but is not available any more.  If I use my X 3 for travelling, it gets lost, or broke, then I am going to be in trouble. I not know how the new X 3 sounds as Player, or Dac, but it is a different chip.
So all I can do I guess is buy that one, have maybe a player, I like less to travel with, but keep the sound I love, when I am home. Best is to find a small exactly same sounding dac, but I guess it is "Mission Impossible", just too happy with the X3 as a Dac. Not meaning, I not see its limitations, it just makes me enjoy my music more.
And yeah, for the best on the headphones, which version should I use?
Jul 15, 2015 at 3:15 AM Post #16,331 of 17,498
 is FiiO expecting to release 3.34 final any time soon.  3.34 has been in Beta for what seems like AGES!!!!!
FiiO .. common, give us 3.34 Final already!!!!

It is very unlikely to be called that. The firmwares that are not beta versions only seem to have one decimal place. More likely to be 3.4 or something. I just don't know when it will be.
Jul 22, 2015 at 8:51 PM Post #16,332 of 17,498
How do I erase the internal memory on my X3?
I have erased the files, but I still show no available space, and, what is worse, i cannot access the files that once were there, and I cannot add new files TO the device either.
So basically, I have a Fiio paperweight now, with only the preloaded files to access, on the internal memory. 
I erased the files i had stored there, hoping to replace them with other files, and they erased alright, but this freed up NO SPACE, and now I have no space AND no files.
This is frustrating, as I do not have an external storage card yet, and as such, am now stuck listening ONLY to the files that came with the device.
Does anyone know how to free up the internal space on my device once more, so I can add songs once more to the device, or, at the very least, how to re establish the files that once took up the memory space on the device, which currently are no longer there, but for some reason are still occupying the storage?
Oh, and I am using a MAC, not a windows computer, so the "tools" function they mention on the Fiio website does not even exist as an option when I open the internal storage of the X3, leaving the instructions as useless as the device seems to be now
Jul 23, 2015 at 12:50 AM Post #16,335 of 17,498
How do I erase the internal memory on my X3?
I have erased the files, but I still show no available space, and, what is worse, i cannot access the files that once were there, and I cannot add new files TO the device either.
So basically, I have a Fiio paperweight now, with only the preloaded files to access, on the internal memory. 
I erased the files i had stored there, hoping to replace them with other files, and they erased alright, but this freed up NO SPACE, and now I have no space AND no files.
This is frustrating, as I do not have an external storage card yet, and as such, am now stuck listening ONLY to the files that came with the device.

Does anyone know how to free up the internal space on my device once more, so I can add songs once more to the device, or, at the very least, how to re establish the files that once took up the memory space on the device, which currently are no longer there, but for some reason are still occupying the storage?

Oh, and I am using a MAC, not a windows computer, so the "tools" function they mention on the Fiio website does not even exist as an option when I open the internal storage of the X3, leaving the instructions as useless as the device seems to be now

You beat me to the solution. Macs conservatively hold the trashed items on your device until you empty the trash just in case you change your mind.

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