The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
May 30, 2013 at 3:31 PM Post #13,216 of 21,763
So, I'm not trying to purposely change the topic, but I happened to see this program about the Malaysian elections, and I remembered jgray was talking about it before; I'm not very well-versed about Malaysian politics, but I've been aware of the racial tensions that have historically caused issues in Malaysia. There is also a large population of Malaysians here where I live (almost completely of Chinese descent), and they seemed to be very concerned about the election. I didn't have much time to pay attention to the elections, though now that the election results have been out for a while, and BN is still at the helm, how are the issues raised in this program still relevant? Just a curiosity...

Can't really comment much on this (well that goes for a topic) since I didn't follow the issues up to the latest past GE. Don't really have the time to watch this too, I'm afraid; only managed to watch half of it. Of what I do watched, i.e. the new media affecting information insemination and racial equality, here's what I think.

Old media is mostly controlled by BN, that much is certain. New media; social media, blogs, etc.; are more into what the younger voters want to see, and there's a lot more extremism on both sides. Sure, what mostly happened with social media are keyboard crusades and whatnot, but when the keyboard crusaders are in close proximity and not really anonymous, it can get to bloodletting (like brain-dead people expressing extreme opinion on a site that uses Facebook Connect and are using their main Facebook account). Racial equality... is a tough thing for me, since I am Malay. I am here in Moscow because there's an entity; MARA, for this post's sake. That's its real name btw; that focuses solely on helping Malay. I got my education from a school established by that same entity. What non-Malay; Chinese and Indian; can supposedly count on are the government, but even there Malay are still given a bit more help, since MARA can help only so much.

There's not a lot that I can say though, since, like I said at the start of the post, I don't follow the issues presented, loudly and in the open, if not clearly, the past year prior to the election, and I lived in a fairly uneventful neighbourhood. I should say though that now I have to follow the political malarkey since in the next election I am eligible to vote.
May 30, 2013 at 3:32 PM Post #13,217 of 21,763
I'd be on schedule, because I'd set certain goals and had been meeting them. When that happened it pushed up my timetable, as I said before, I was already doing pretty well with my own plans. Realistically, it set me forward ~15 years. See, when my grandfather died only three family members inherited anything; one of my uncles, my mother, and me. It wasn't evenly split, either. My uncle and I each received 45% and my mom got 10. The reason being, he and I were the only ones with financial discipline, and my mom was frugal by nature. Handing over huge amounts to anyone else would have harmed them, like giving a large pile of candy to a 7 y/o. They'd consume it as quickly as possible until they're sick, and then it would all be gone.

You make opportunity by creating good habits.

I *somewhat* agree with this.
May 30, 2013 at 3:34 PM Post #13,218 of 21,763
All this talk about building wealth reminded me of a series of programs on the History Channel called "The Men Who Built America":
It's an interesting look at how some of the most famous wealthy people in America made their money.
On a related note, I'm gonna be quite poor soon if I keep collecting nice old rifles. A Remington 300H&H is on it's way to me right now. Wish I coulda afforded that beautiful Super Grade .375 I had my eye on, but alas it was not to be....
May 30, 2013 at 3:36 PM Post #13,219 of 21,763
So that's where Roger Waters got it.
I was responding to billybob's assertion, though yours bears some thought. What would you say to people who were influenced by religion or philosophy to seek fulfillment in the eradication of material attachments?

Exactly. Explains the cover art quite well.
May 30, 2013 at 3:53 PM Post #13,220 of 21,763
I was responding to billybob's assertion, though yours bears some thought. What would you say to people who were influenced by religion or philosophy to seek fulfillment in the eradication of material attachments?

It's the same philosophy really, ditch crazed consumerism. In some you're focusing without; Christianity, Islam, Taoism, etc. and others within; Buddhism and Hermetics. I'm not endorsing the love of money, but the control of its flow.
May 30, 2013 at 4:01 PM Post #13,221 of 21,763
So that's where Roger Waters got it.

I was responding to billybob's assertion, though yours bears some thought. What would you say to people who were influenced by religion or philosophy to seek fulfillment in the eradication of material attachments?

I would say that they have chosen to live apart from society. As long as they don't expect me to provide for their basic food & shelter, they can do as they wish. Personally, I *like* living in a nice house, driving a nice car and eating in good restaurants - and I'm willing to work productively at endeavors valued by others in order to earn the monetary compensation to allow me to have the items I need, as well as some I simply desire. Someone mentioned earlier that a person does not create wealth - and that is true - what a person creates is *value*. We use money as a symbol of value. When you do something that is valued by others, you set yourself up to have the opportunity to trade the value you have for someone else's value. If you do not provide value, you should not expect to receive anything in trade.
May 30, 2013 at 9:38 PM Post #13,222 of 21,763
If anyone had a chance to read my FAD Heaven V Aging impressions, I'd love some feedback or critiques. I haven't really posted impressions that long and in that style before so any comments at all would be welcome. Posted, PMed, whatever.
May 30, 2013 at 11:30 PM Post #13,223 of 21,763
Here's a question. Where do you think you'd be in life if not for fortune smiling on you? Do you think you'd be near the same position you are now?
There are several people who started off with the same background as you, but never made it out of that mobile home. Some did, but only had slight upward mobility.
My point is that no matter how hard you work, the key to success is, and will always be, opportunity. There are basketball players in ghettos all over the world who have worked to be more skilled than most NBA players. Unfortunately, most of them will never be discovered.
We have somewhat similar views of life. Yes, opportunity is necessary, but you must first put in the effort to be ready when it presents itself.

Totally agree...
I'd be on schedule, because I'd set certain goals and had been meeting them. When that happened it pushed up my timetable...

You make opportunity by creating good habits.

A bunch of people I know (including myself) have been on schedule for a while, all of us doing what we love, no real debts, no real bad habits, working our asses off and trust me I'm pretty sure none of us will be wealthy. And I'm not talking about normal clerical jobs, most of us work on Pratt, Northrup, Rolls Royce, etc. etc. most of us are engineers, mathematicians, work at R&D, you know, bright people with good opportunities and even with our set goals we will never reach a different status (and that will probably never change once we start getting married, having kids, etc. etc.) So... no. I don't quite agree with most of what you are saying and I don't know why, but I'm almost pretty sure that if your "timetable" wouldn't have been "pushed", you'd be in the same situation you are right now... but I'm still hoping to win the Lotto... I'll let you guys know if that changes my views... :wink:
May 30, 2013 at 11:38 PM Post #13,224 of 21,763
If anyone had a chance to read my FAD Heaven V Aging impressions, I'd love some feedback or critiques. I haven't really posted impressions that long and in that style before so any comments at all would be welcome. Posted, PMed, whatever.

Sadly, as I have not heard them, I would have no frame of reference with which to internalize those impressions.  But on a separate note, I'd like to say...
Congratulations on your graduation today vwinter! 

May 31, 2013 at 12:23 AM Post #13,226 of 21,763
Sadly, as I have not heard them, I would have no frame of reference with which to internalize those impressions.  But on a separate note, I'd like to say...

[COLOR=008080]Congratulations on your graduation today vwinter![/COLOR]  :smile:

Lol thanks again. And don't think for a second that the extra large text isn't appreciated. :wink:

That's a big reason why I decided to do the impressions and probably a review if I can get it together: It's not exactly a budget IEM nor a coveted TOTL model so the chances of a high adoption rate and subsequent impressions is probably pretty low. Thanks for reading them!

Muppet, I received the StageDiver 3 and you were interested at some point....if you pass by...

Soooo they're not exactly David?
May 31, 2013 at 12:40 AM Post #13,228 of 21,763
I'd be on schedule, because I'd set certain goals and had been meeting them. When that happened it pushed up my timetable, as I said before, I was already doing pretty well with my own plans. Realistically, it set me forward ~15 years. See, when my grandfather died only three family members inherited anything; one of my uncles, my mother, and me. It wasn't evenly split, either. My uncle and I each received 45% and my mom got 10. The reason being, he and I were the only ones with financial discipline, and my mom was frugal by nature. Handing over huge amounts to anyone else would have harmed them, like giving a large pile of candy to a 7 y/o. They'd consume it as quickly as possible until they're sick, and then it would all be gone.

You make opportunity by creating good habits.

Here's a very blunt question, what if one day as you're going about your business, meeting your goals so to speak, someone far more influential and powerful then you (the proverbial great white shark) came along and decided that by intentionally going out of their way to screw your business dealings up they could reap a handsome profit for themselves. You may of coarse have been not to badly off at the time but the other person is by far more financially powerful and is easily more capable of using their financial wealth and connections to do whatever they wanted to completely derail whatever you tried to do. What then?
Yes this question is my way of steering the conversation towards a point I hope to make.
May 31, 2013 at 12:45 AM Post #13,229 of 21,763
Here's a very blunt question, what if one day as you're going about your business, meeting your goals so to speak, someone far more influential and powerful then you (the proverbial great white shark) came along and decided that by intentionally going out of their way to screw your business dealings up they could reap a handsome profit for themselves. You may of coarse have been not to badly off at the time but the other person is by far more financially powerful and is easily more capable of using their financial wealth and connections to do whatever they wanted to completely derail whatever you tried to do. What then?
Yes this question is my way of steering the conversation towards a point I hope to make.

Insert image of moustache twiddling shark here----->
May 31, 2013 at 12:48 AM Post #13,230 of 21,763
And Goliath ? In value they might be. Great iems IMO.

And Goliath. Is it more of a cavernous 3D kind of sound? Also, if you don't mind saying, how much were they shipped, in USD?

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