The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
May 29, 2013 at 10:07 PM Post #13,186 of 21,763
I would disagree with saying that everyone has such an opportunity, but most indeed do. It's certainly better than in other countries (I say this coming from a country formerly in the Soviet block, opportunity was definitely the prime motivator for my family). And again, it is easier for some than others. Believing that anyone can accomplish anything just because they work hard and set their mind to it is naive, believing that doing so is the best strategy to success is pragmatic.

Ultimately those that have failed - whether by chance, inequality, or poor decision making - outnumber those that have succeeded. At that point you have to ask some questions about whether that kind of system is sustainable and what sorts of personal goals people should aspire to given their respective circumstances.

I never said they can accomplish anything, but they can achieve fulfillment. If a person doesn't change their habits and perspective, no amount of financial assistance will help.

Sorry to speak in anecdotes, but my cousin spends 8-10 hours online every day griping about rich people, the government, and the unfairness of "the system" (along with another 2-3 playing video games). I told him if he spent that time more constructively he'd be happier and see results. I even offered to go over his schedule and help him prioritize and work out some strategies (since I don't just hand out money to people). That didn't go over well. :rolleyes: The fact is, I'd secretly planned to help out anyone in my extended family, if they were willing to focus and work, but no one did, so they're still in the same place they were.
May 29, 2013 at 10:29 PM Post #13,187 of 21,763
Quote:Originally Posted by warrenpchi /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That's exactly where I keep them.  Out of sight, out of mind.  Besides, they're not very pretty looking IMO.

Why sir. A a gentleman of such obvious good taste I find it hard to believe you have overlooked the Nautilus shell motif of the 8320. That very same motif being used by such stalwarts of the audio industry, B+W themselves.
And I know you listen to them on that old discman you have, when all the doors are locked and the lights are off so nobody suspects your home

Because the Olive is easier to use and doesn't require any additional hardware.  It's a convenience thing really.  I pop in a disc, it rips to FLAC and grabs album info/art, and then spits the disc back out.  Probably not the cheapest solution out there, but less hassle in my life in the long run.  That's what I was thinking at least.

Yes well, experience has shown me over the years that when you buy the "Swiss army knife solution" in any given technical arena, you usually just wind up with the corkscrew.

May 29, 2013 at 10:36 PM Post #13,188 of 21,763
I can understand getting a thing like that if you literally had 2000 CD's and you seriously couldn't be bothered. Me, I've been carefully buying CD's and ripping them and adding album art myself. It gives me an odd sense of curatorial satisfaction.
May 29, 2013 at 11:39 PM Post #13,189 of 21,763
Not to be obnoxious, I'm really not, but in what endeavor has someone thwarted your efforts to make a fortune? While I can understand if someone stole your idea, or took your IP or goods and left you out in the cold, being angry at someone just because they have money is counterproductive. Despite popular opinion, wealth isn't like a large, finite pool that people are intentionally kept away from, there are definite habits and perceptions at work that heavily contribute to the "financial divide", and most aren't a part of some machination manufactured by mustache-twisting millionaires.

Not at all, your comment is well taken. Here's the thing, you're taking my comment completely out of perspective. I really couldn't care less if someone is rich or not but I do care when someone who is rich is ignorant with others and talks down to them because they think being rich gives them the right to be condescending. I really think a rich billionaire should learn to keep her big trap shut and not make comments such as "if you're poor then work harder" or "the minimum wage should be lowered" or "there are people in the third world who do the same job for 2 dollars a day.." When it involves issues such as poverty which enough richie rich companies in this world take advantage of by setting up operations in the third world I take a rather piss poor view of anything these so called industrialists have to say about the issue.
As for me, well lets just say me and eke share something in common. We both come from families who lived very poor lives and whose family worked themselves to the bone to make sure their sons had a better life then they did. Both my parents health is far from what can be deemed as fair due to them working themselves silly to get out of Portugal, then to get out of the Winnipeg ghetto and get a home in quiet suburbia where their son could go to school away from drug dealers, gangs, prostitution etc. When I was a young kid I barely ever saw my father because he was always at one of his 2 full time jobs. No offence Magick, I like you dude I think you're hilarious and down to earth, but we come from extremely different worlds. People like me dream of living in your world and a lot of people like you would consider living in my world a nightmare never mind living the life of someone in the third world.
I don't think it's to much of me to ask that someone such as Gina Rinehart who has more then most others in the world show a little class in public or at the very least if she can't she should just zip it. Is it?
Sorry if my comments don't sit well with you. Truthfully, I don't consider you a Gina Rinehart like person.
May 29, 2013 at 11:50 PM Post #13,190 of 21,763
Thanks!  That UE900 showed up on my doorstep today.  Ima give it a good and loving home!  

Well, not even that.  But the alternative is laying in a ditch somewhere... so Ima use positive thinking here and hope for the best!

Magick's words of wisdom. Never seen him so active... makes me think of wink. 
Yup, you can't change the outside (world), but you can change the inside/your domain (yourself). 

May 30, 2013 at 12:46 AM Post #13,191 of 21,763
Magick's words of wisdom. Yup, you can't change the outside (world), but you can change the inside/your domain (yourself). 

Wise words. 

 Never seen him so active... makes me think of wink. 

Big difference is, Magick's posts have relevance. 

May 30, 2013 at 3:04 AM Post #13,199 of 21,763
And I know you listen to them on that old discman you have, when all the doors are locked and the lights are off so nobody suspects your home

Sadly, the thing died long ago.  Frankly, I don't remember what I did with it.
Because the Olive is easier to use and doesn't require any additional hardware.  It's a convenience thing really.  I pop in a disc, it rips to FLAC and grabs album info/art, and then spits the disc back out.  Probably not the cheapest solution out there, but less hassle in my life in the long run.  That's what I was thinking at least.

Yes well, experience has shown me over the years that when you buy the "Swiss army knife solution" in any given technical arena, you usually just wind up with the corkscrew.

I'll be honest, I could use a decent corkscrew...
I can understand getting a thing like that if you literally had 2000 CD's and you seriously couldn't be bothered. Me, I've been carefully buying CD's and ripping them and adding album art myself. It gives me an odd sense of curatorial satisfaction.

Well not 2,000... but I have about 300~400 that haven't been ripped yet.  And so the thought of rapidly going through that is somewhat appealing.
May 30, 2013 at 5:36 AM Post #13,200 of 21,763
Not at all, your comment is well taken. Here's the thing, you're taking my comment completely out of perspective. I really couldn't care less if someone is rich or not but I do care when someone who is rich is ignorant with others and talks down to them because they think being rich gives them the right to be condescending. I really think a rich billionaire should learn to keep her big trap shut and not make comments such as "if you're poor then work harder" or "the minimum wage should be lowered" or "there are people in the third world who do the same job for 2 dollars a day.." When it involves issues such as poverty which enough richie rich companies in this world take advantage of by setting up operations in the third world I take a rather piss poor view of anything these so called industrialists have to say about the issue.

As for me, well lets just say me and eke share something in common. We both come from families who lived very poor lives and whose family worked themselves to the bone to make sure their sons had a better life then they did. Both my parents health is far from what can be deemed as fair due to them working themselves silly to get out of Portugal, then to get out of the Winnipeg ghetto and get a home in quiet suburbia where their son could go to school away from drug dealers, gangs, prostitution etc. When I was a young kid I barely ever saw my father because he was always at one of his 2 full time jobs. No offence Magick, I like you dude I think you're hilarious and down to earth, but we come from extremely different worlds. People like me dream of living in your world and a lot of people like you would consider living in my world a nightmare never mind living the life of someone in the third world.

I don't think it's to much of me to ask that someone such as Gina Rinehart who has more then most others in the world show a little class in public or at the very least if she can't she should just zip it. Is it?

Sorry if my comments don't sit well with you. Truthfully, I don't consider you a Gina Rinehart like person.

Most of what Gina is purported to have said was either wildly taken out of context or fabricated from whole cloth. This isn't to say she's a nice person, I don't know the woman, but I have worked hard to separate media fact and fiction WRT anyone. She's wealthy and a bit of a socialite, so she's an easy target. A while back I took a beating in my local paper over a comment that I never made, it was completely fallacious. They did print a retraction, buried in the editorial, but hardly anyone read it compared to the original story, and now my reputation is soiled through no fault of my own. My lawyer wanted me to sue for libel, but I let it slide because at the time my health was poor and I didn't need the stress.

I grew up in rural Appalachia and lived in a small mobile home until I was 12. My dad worked at a local plant but was laid off, or on strike due to union labor disputes, a good deal of the time . So we lived on the eggs our chickens made, fish from the lake, and bologna sandwiches for months at a time, and my sister and I wore our cousins' cast-off clothes. Often we had no power during the spring, Summer, and Fall, because we'd get behind on the bill and they'd simply cut it off. My most treasured object was my library card, however, and that's probably what saved my life. The fact is, my "world" is relatively new to me, I wasn't born into it, and I did work my a** off getting here (even if good fortune smiled on me rather late in the game).

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