Feb 16, 2015 at 4:15 PM Post #12,586 of 35,511
ugh, nvm.
was posted before
Feb 16, 2015 at 5:33 PM Post #12,588 of 35,511
Just so everyone is aware, I experienced my first cable failure with first pair of PFE 022's. I retested it on different devices, cleaned the plug's contacts... no dice. Fortunately, it was only the button and microphone that were affected--the sound, though temporarily affected, is back to normal. Earphone Solutions was kind enough to send another pair free of charge. So I have three pairs now. Should I go for a fourth... lol! The first one is just kind of annoying because, due to the control/mic portion being faulty, it will spontaneously lower the volume on my phone every hour or so.
Feb 16, 2015 at 6:59 PM Post #12,589 of 35,511
Unless someone gets my new Klipsch X7 on the classifieds I think I'm passing on the Phonaks.
Which is fine, no filters needed to change and I get to sport some cool looking white buds. I hope the insertion isn't Ety-like, deep insertion so the drivers are right next to your ear drumm.
Feb 16, 2015 at 11:09 PM Post #12,590 of 35,511
World Wide Stereo has the Audio Technica CKN70s for $35 w/free shipping with code DAILYDEAL

Thanks for posting these, GearMe. I'm one of the guys who went for this deal and, boy, I like these a lot.

As I mentioned before, I've own a pair of CKN50s, the CKN70s little brother, for a long time, now. While I generally liked their sound, I found the treble to be way too peaky and had put them away to move on to other things.

Well, after stumbling across this post, I dug my CKN50s out again. Yes, the treble still tends to be hot, but they actually tamed to a very listenable level after additional burn in. I may have given up on them too early the first time around. With sufficient time, and careful system matching, the treble is very manageable, and the 50s really do give an engaging, involving listen.

But happily the CKN70s significantly improve on the 50s. Right off the bat the sound was significantly smoother and more natural, while maintaining the same general character.

The CKN70 has a very clear, open, detailed sound that's still slightly warm (but not dry). Add to this a very taut, tight, bouncy, round quality in the bass and midrange, and it's a very lively, open, involving, and fun sound that's still refined. And so far the 70s' treble has shown little of the overly-harsh quality that showed up early, but later mitigated, the 50s.

So I'm very happy with the 70s. So much so that I tried to buy another set with the code, but got a message that it had already been used (even on a totally different computer, so I wonder if it simply means the code has expired).

But if anyone does find that the code still works, give a holler. I wouldn't mind getting another pair of these.
Feb 16, 2015 at 11:15 PM Post #12,591 of 35,511
  Unless someone gets my new Klipsch X7 on the classifieds I think I'm passing on the Phonaks.
Which is fine, no filters needed to change and I get to sport some cool looking white buds. I hope the insertion isn't Ety-like, deep insertion so the drivers are right next to your ear drumm.

I will have both come mail time tomorrow. Haven't heard PFE 012 yet but would never trade my X7s for them. They are excellent in SQ Comfort and Build. They don't go as deep as X11 so not to bad but you need proper seal for good sound. X7 one of my all time fav IEMs. Of course just my opinion .
Feb 16, 2015 at 11:50 PM Post #12,592 of 35,511
I very much agree with this comparison's conclusions on these IEM's. No offense to anyone here, but I find it more accurate than some of ljokerl's conclusions, as much as he has generously supplied a tremendous record amount of knowledge on IEM's to the community at large. Personally, I have found some of ljokerl's conclusions have been swayed by price bias. Still, I do use his guide--quite regularly, in fact--but just like Innerfidelity, I read it knowing their is some unavoidable human bias. For Tyll, he seems to give Wall of Fame designations more readily to overly warm headphones. For ljokerl, he seems to give higher ratings to pricier models with less consideration towards actual intrinsic value. All that said, I find these findings below more on point with the IEM's I have heard based on actual real world usage.

Feb 17, 2015 at 12:25 AM Post #12,593 of 35,511
Wow these do sound great! I can dig the bass specially when they do mids and highs so fantastically. Very comfy indeed and a fantastic buy at 99, steal at 60. Wonder if that coupon still works..

Do you wear it over ear or down? Seems thr angles are made for a particular way. I might put some hot glue or rtv silicone as a makeshift strain relief..not sure if there's on inside but the way I see the cable go into the casing is no bueno.

I will have both come mail time tomorrow. Haven't heard PFE 012 yet but would never trade my X7s for them. They are excellent in SQ Comfort and Build. They don't go as deep as X11 so not to bad but you need proper seal for good sound. X7 one of my all time fav IEMs. Of course just my opinion .
Feb 17, 2015 at 12:29 AM Post #12,594 of 35,511
Wow these do sound great! I can dig the bass specially when they do mids and highs so fantastically. Very comfy indeed and a fantastic buy at 99, steal at 60. Wonder if that coupon still works..

Do you wear it over ear or down? Seems thr angles are made for a particular way. I might put some hot glue or rtv silicone as a makeshift strain relief..not sure if there's on inside but the way I see the cable go into the casing is no bueno.

I ware down. Klispch has Great customer service but watch out doing anything to void warrant. They will just get better with burnin ENJOY.
Feb 17, 2015 at 12:44 AM Post #12,596 of 35,511
But if anyone does find that the code still works, give a holler. I wouldn't mind getting another pair of these.

They're both on World Wide Stereo's site for $34.99 (coupon code: presidential) and on NeweggFlash for the same price (same seller) for all colours (blue, black, and silver). Also, note to potential buyers: they use J-cables; some people like them, some people don't.
Feb 17, 2015 at 12:54 AM Post #12,597 of 35,511
They're both on World Wide Stereo's site for $34.99 (coupon code: presidential) and on NeweggFlash for the same price (same seller) for all colours (blue, black, and silver). Also, note to potential buyers: they use J-cables; some people like them, some people don't.

Feb 17, 2015 at 1:33 AM Post #12,598 of 35,511
Just a semi-weekly reminder that the amazingly detailed and balanced Audeo Phonak PFE 022 and 012 at Earphone Solutions are still on sale for $39.60 using the discount code AU50. If you want to try the other black and gray filters, the green filters have the filter changing tool, which are also discounted and, in fact, the only filters that are discounted. You can get these filters and earphones by visiting the link below:
Feb 17, 2015 at 1:37 AM Post #12,599 of 35,511
Has anyone compared the PFE to the RHA750? I have the 750 and pretty satisfied with them.
Feb 17, 2015 at 1:49 AM Post #12,600 of 35,511
  Has anyone compared the PFE to the RHA750? I have the 750 and pretty satisfied with them.

I had the RHA and sold them.  They sounded pretty decent but I couldn't get them to fit right.  I got the RHA on sale for $80 and the PFE for $40.  I think the PFE is a better deal for the price.  I wouldn't bother switching if you already have the RHA and are satisfied.

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