The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!
Jul 17, 2021 at 3:32 PM Post #1,832 of 5,640
Here is a comparison chart someone shared with me:

This chart really shows the differences in the regions. Also on a further note, there’s also some different background DSP going on (to my ears anyway). FEv2/reg.E is king at the moment, but for some (me included) it feels a little bright. I have switched to MX3 on Queen6’s recommendations, and that is keeping the magic of reg.E, but lowering the treble just a little. On highly resolving IEM’s like mine, that combi is king. Worth checking out anyway! Enjoy!
The chart is pretty indicative of the regions and makes for a good visual aid of the differences the regions present. That said there is a lot going on from region to region, certainly more than just EQ. I may revisit MX3, however might miss the openness & sheer dynamics of E. I've also felt that on MX3 the vocals can at times feel a touch distant.

The chart also illustrates J as said it's a very safe tuning if not tame, equally good option for the modders. The most important factor is that you can mix and match Regions, Stock Sony FW & Custom FW which a rare these days.

Jul 17, 2021 at 5:08 PM Post #1,833 of 5,640
The chart is pretty indicative of the regions and makes for a good visual aid of the differences the regions present. That said there is a lot going on from region to region, certainly more than just EQ. I may revisit MX3, however might miss the openness & sheer dynamics of E. I've also felt that on MX3 the vocals can at times feel a touch distant.

The chart also illustrates J as said it's a very safe tuning if not tame, equally good option for the modders. The most important factor is that you can mix and match Regions, Stock Sony FW & Custom FW which a rare these days.

I've been around long enough to perceive differences in sound but I can't always pick where and what they are exactly, also I may only focus on one aspect and not notice others. A big benefit for me in following these threads is reading someone's deeper understanding and explanation which gives me different points to focus on and get a refreshed experience eg switching to E and back to FEv2.
Jul 17, 2021 at 11:11 PM Post #1,834 of 5,640
Tried MrWalkman's FW beginning with FEv2 -> Project Z -> Midnight -> Dawn.

FEv2 : My immediate impression was thick notes. Might be due to the sound contrast from stock 3.02. Nice on slower songs but not so on faster songs/genres. Bass not fast and punchy enough for me. Only lasted me few hours before I switched to the next CFW so didn't notice its brightness.

Project Z : My favourite along with stock 3.02 for now. Though treble region not as sparkly as stock 3.02, it seems to have better detail retreival and the soundstage and organic sound makint it a level above! Will try with brighter region (currently on E).

Midnight : Not really wow'ed by it maybe since it's just a newer version of Project Z but seems like Project Z is better. Couldn't really say why.

Dawn : Immediately the brightness is apparent but like FEv2, the bass is the main gripe for me.

Next mission is to switch region to get a brighter Project Z. Though stock 3.02 with reg. E has a nice balance in terms of sound signature but with lesser detail retreival and soundstage compared to all of the CFW I've tried.
Jul 17, 2021 at 11:20 PM Post #1,835 of 5,640
Just saw this in another thread. Rumored to be the new 1Z MK2.
Jul 17, 2021 at 11:35 PM Post #1,836 of 5,640
Jul 18, 2021 at 4:30 AM Post #1,839 of 5,640
Tried MrWalkman's FW beginning with FEv2 -> Project Z -> Midnight -> Dawn.

FEv2 : My immediate impression was thick notes. Might be due to the sound contrast from stock 3.02. Nice on slower songs but not so on faster songs/genres. Bass not fast and punchy enough for me. Only lasted me few hours before I switched to the next CFW so didn't notice its brightness.

Project Z : My favourite along with stock 3.02 for now. Though treble region not as sparkly as stock 3.02, it seems to have better detail retreival and the soundstage and organic sound makint it a level above! Will try with brighter region (currently on E).

Midnight : Not really wow'ed by it maybe since it's just a newer version of Project Z but seems like Project Z is better. Couldn't really say why.

Dawn : Immediately the brightness is apparent but like FEv2, the bass is the main gripe for me.

Next mission is to switch region to get a brighter Project Z. Though stock 3.02 with reg. E has a nice balance in terms of sound signature but with lesser detail retreival and soundstage compared to all of the CFW I've tried.
Some good notes - brightness is a poor word for FEv2, it isn't that bright but you're right about the bass, it isn't as punchy as I would like, that seems the major trade off as the rest of the CFW is great. I'm getting great separation with my Odin which I never got with Midnight. I'm only at 150 hours with my 1A though, I'll give it a burn to now get to 200.
Jul 18, 2021 at 4:53 AM Post #1,840 of 5,640
That sure looks real to me. I’m glad they have something new, though I’ll be keeping what I have.
Just saw this in another thread. Rumored to be the new 1Z MK2. 98A6D256-583F-456B-A770-9A2B4329F15C.png9B5C497F-D3FF-4DEC-91F2-FE7079DCAD9F.jpegD7BA4033-0239-41CF-96FE-4DA42683B493.jpeg
Jul 18, 2021 at 6:50 AM Post #1,841 of 5,640
Just saw this in another thread. Rumored to be the new 1Z MK2. 98A6D256-583F-456B-A770-9A2B4329F15C.png9B5C497F-D3FF-4DEC-91F2-FE7079DCAD9F.jpegD7BA4033-0239-41CF-96FE-4DA42683B493.jpeg
No microSD or maybe moved to the side?too bad it is android. I read on another website that it has the same sound
Jul 18, 2021 at 7:06 AM Post #1,842 of 5,640
No microSD or maybe moved to the side?too bad it is android. I read on another website that it has the same sound
It’s on the side under the Hold slider
Jul 18, 2021 at 7:17 AM Post #1,843 of 5,640
Jul 18, 2021 at 7:20 AM Post #1,844 of 5,640
No microSD or maybe moved to the side?too bad it is android. I read on another website that it has the same sound
It’s maybe slightly thinner, and maybe has not as good battery life, if it’s full Android? Fun to find out though?
Jul 18, 2021 at 9:46 AM Post #1,845 of 5,640
It’s maybe slightly thinner, and maybe has not as good battery life, if it’s full Android? Fun to find out though?
If it is real and not a fake

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