The Audio Lounge
Jul 20, 2018 at 9:23 AM Post #9,121 of 36,384
ok, I guess I am just the opposite. I only drink beer, wine, water and coffee. No tea. Typical american...
Jul 20, 2018 at 9:53 AM Post #9,122 of 36,384
Don't mean this at all in a sexist way but I guess you have an "off" switch then eh?:innocent:

Every time your husband's like, "Here honey, have a drink" you respond with, "Hey a-hole!" LOL

Haha... my husband is a headfier too... our conversations are nothing like that:) It's more like "you won't believe what so and so said in the blah blah thread." Or, can I have a listen to your (insert headphone, iem or bud name here)? Or, can I trade you my spare KZ ED16(mine) for your Toneking TK2(his)? That one did not work...but I gave him the ED16 anyway. But if mine breaks...
Jul 20, 2018 at 9:53 AM Post #9,123 of 36,384
Much like my IEM's, I like my beverages to be 'reference' standard :D

I used to be a barista and developed a love of high quality coffee (including coffee tasting), also high quality tea.
I drink green tea 'black' lol (without milk), but add milk to most others.

I love English breakfast, Lapsang Souchong, Darjeeling, Assam, Ceylon, Rwandan, Oolong and Pu-er teas. Probably others too!

Sometimes, I make a sort of replica version of Chinese 奶茶 (milk tea).
It's typically made I think with condensed milk added for richness, texture and sweetness.
I've made it that way before (or by adding sugar and cream instead) and using Clipper organic teabags.

I bought some high quality English breakfast tea recently (Storm brand) and made a milk tea using that tea, organic milk and cream, and a low-GI sugar substitute I've been using recently which is a sugar made from the juice of coconut blossom (organic, cold-pressed etc).

It literally was like the shocking difference we've probably all experienced between going from a pair of cheap earbuds to hearing an audiophile quality IEM.
I could taste the rich and malty qualities of the Assam in the blend, and the exquisite, fragrant flavours of the Ceylon were singing most loudly of all, and surprisingly, the floral qualities of the coconut sugar were perceptible as well.

It was one of the most unforgettable taste experiences of my life, and I've had a fair few :p

With regards to alcohol, my father was in the wine trade for 20+ years, took exams and all.
I grew up drinking wine and have built up a fair amount of knowledge of that.
Got into whisky years later (I like Bruichladdich best at the moment - I have a 'single origin' Islay Barley 2003 and another one that was aged in Sauternes casks). I appreciate craft beers, especially a good IPA.

Ironically though, I don't really drink. Gave it up years ago on a whim and now anything more than half a glass of wine would make me start to feel drunk :D
But I love to have a little with food, or about half a shot of whisky every once in a while. I'd like to drink more, but I hate feeling at all drunk :)

All this aside, happy birthday all! It's been a pleasure during tough times and I appreciate this thread a great deal :)
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Jul 20, 2018 at 10:07 AM Post #9,124 of 36,384
ok, I guess I am just the opposite. I only drink beer, wine, water and coffee. No tea. Typical american...

I am American.. I am an immigrant here in the UK. Never beer or wine... any alcohol I ever drank had the flavor disguised as much as possible. No coffee either but I love the smell of coffee and I also love coffee ice cream. I grew up drinking tea. Maybe because my mom also grew up drinking tea with her Swiss mom. Maybe I inherited a tea gene. Lately I have been a tea monster. Caffeine addiction is real. Could be worse... could be Red Bull.
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Jul 20, 2018 at 10:14 AM Post #9,125 of 36,384
Much like my IEM's, I like my beverages to be 'reference' standard :D

I used to be a barista and developed a love of high quality coffee (including coffee tasting), also high quality tea.
I drink green tea 'black' lol (without milk), but add milk to most others.

I love English breakfast, Lapsang Souchong, Darjeeling, Assam, Ceylon, Rwandan, Oolong and Pu-er teas. Probably others too!

Sometimes, I make a sort of replica version of Chinese 奶茶 (milk tea).
It's typically made I think with condensed milk added for richness, texture and sweetness.
I've made it that way before (or by adding sugar and cream instead) and using Clipper organic teabags.

I bought some high quality English breakfast tea recently (Storm brand) and made a milk tea using that tea, organic milk and cream, and a low-GI sugar substitute I've been using recently which is a sugar made from the juice of coconut blossom (organic, cold-pressed etc).

It literally was like the shocking difference we've probably all experienced between going from a pair of cheap earbuds to hearing an audiophile quality IEM.
I could taste the rich and malty qualities of the Assam in the blend, and the exquisite, fragrant flavours of the Ceylon were singing most loudly of all, and surprisingly, the floral qualities of the coconut sugar were perceptible as well.

It was one of the most unforgettable taste experiences of my life, and I've had a fair few :p

With regards to alcohol, my father was in the wine trade for 20+ years, took exams and all.
I grew up drinking wine and have built up a fair amount of knowledge of that.
Got into whisky years later (I like Bruichladdich best at the moment - I have a 'single origin' Islay Barley 2003 and another one that was aged in Sauternes casks). I appreciate craft beers, especially a good IPA.

Ironically though, I don't really drink. Gave it up years ago on a whim and now anything more than half a glass of wine would make me start to feel drunk :D
But I love to have a little with food, or about half a shot of whisky every once in a while. I'd like to drink more, but I hate feeling at all drunk :)

All this aside, happy birthday all! It's been a pleasure during tough times and I appreciate this thread a great deal :)

I would never add milk to green tea either.

I feel very primitive compared to you.

In America my only tea was Red Rose. When I moved here I gave away a box filled with the little ceramic animal figurines that came in each box of tea.
Jul 20, 2018 at 10:16 AM Post #9,126 of 36,384
Haha... my husband is a headfier too... our conversations are nothing like that:) It's more like "you won't believe what so and so said in the blah blah thread." Or, can I have a listen to your (insert headphone, iem or bud name here)? Or, can I trade you my spare KZ ED16(mine) for your Toneking TK2(his)? That one did not work...but I gave him the ED16 anyway. But if mine breaks...

Omg I hope you two never split ...who would get custody of the ED16 :astonished: let alone the other zillion iems you two have ! The lawyers would pull there hair out over settling that settlement. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Jul 20, 2018 at 10:19 AM Post #9,127 of 36,384
I hear you about the caffeine. RedBull is nasty.
I do like some good craft beer and I have a great appreciate for some fine red wine. All in moderation. It's like what Layman said, some of the flavors and aromas are intoxicating by themselves. I used to drink tea but found that the flavors on some coffees are just wonderful.
Jul 20, 2018 at 10:23 AM Post #9,129 of 36,384
Caffeine addiction is real

Caffeine addiction is definitely real...I was drinking upto 15 cups of coffee a day until 2 years ago and it caused me all sorts of problems , I now drink 1 in the morning as a kick start and thats it and boy can I feel the difference in so many ways.
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Jul 20, 2018 at 11:07 AM Post #9,134 of 36,384
Caffeine addiction is definitely real...I was drinking upto 15 cups of coffee a day until 2 years ago and it caused me all sorts of problems , I now drink 1 in the morning as a kick start and thats it and boy can I feel the difference in so many ways.

I misread that the first time, and thought you said "now I drink at 1 in the morning as a kickstart", which got me to wondering exactly what kind of crazy routine you were following every day :D
I limit myself to two 8oz cups of coffee a day, and no coffee after 2-3pm :)

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