Jul 19, 2017 at 10:41 AM Post #17 of 37,413
Does anyone have any experience with the Audio Technica ATH-CKS1100iS? I've been looking at them for a bit too. They have 2x12.5mm drivers set up in a dual phase push-pull configuration which could create a great amount of sub bass.

I don't have any experience with them, however it might just be me being stupid, but nothing turn me off more (in an IEM, that is!) than an inline mic and remote on the cable. More so, obviously, is the cable is a non detachable one.
Jul 19, 2017 at 10:42 AM Post #18 of 37,413
I don't have any experience with them, however it might just be me being stupid, but nothing turn me off more (in an IEM, that is!) than an inline mic and remote on the cable. More so, obviously, is the cable is a non detachable one.
I can see that being irritating. Just imagine a tiny thing thumping on your chest as you are jogging. Plus no option to change out cable :c
Jul 19, 2017 at 11:39 AM Post #19 of 37,413
I don't have any experience with them, however it might just be me being stupid, but nothing turn me off more (in an IEM, that is!) than an inline mic and remote on the cable. More so, obviously, is the cable is a non detachable one.

It's proprietary I think, but it is detachable on them.
Jul 19, 2017 at 12:38 PM Post #21 of 37,413
Holy cow, do they all work? I just ordered the ZS5, very curious about them

That's @OldDude04s retirement fund :stuck_out_tongue:

I was also looking at the FiiO F9 because of the physical and acoustical crossover. I like a good bit of bass from my IEM's, but I don't want it to muddy up my other frequencies.

I was looking at it too for riding my bike since the bass ports are on the nozzle side and out of the freestream

Does anyone have any experience with the Audio Technica ATH-CKS1100iS? I've been looking at them for a bit too. They have 2x12.5mm drivers set up in a dual phase push-pull configuration which could create a great amount of sub bass.

That's true, I was listening to my Delta2's last night with silver filters and spiral dots and the sub bass scared me while I was trying to fall asleep, sadly the bass bleeds into the mids

I figured we needed a place to shoot the crap about all the IEMs/ear buds.


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Jul 19, 2017 at 12:43 PM Post #23 of 37,413
That's true, I was listening to my Delta2's last night with silver filters and spiral dots and the sub bass scared me while I was trying to fall asleep, sadly the bass bleeds into the mids

That is my only complaint about the Trinity Masters, that when you use the silver filters and a bit of EQ they are capable of great lows, but the upper lows bleed into the mids.
Jul 19, 2017 at 1:07 PM Post #25 of 37,413
As this is a bit more open and don't have to worry about rustling feathers, I just want to say I'm happy im out of the trinity mess I did want my hunter and i do hope they pull through but i have to say I am relieved.
It was realy frustrating towards the end of my cancelling, I might regret not getting my hunter but i won't regret how honestly frustrated i was getting and all over some iems.
Jul 19, 2017 at 1:08 PM Post #26 of 37,413
Interesting, hadn't even thought of that aspect.

You know the sound when you blow on the top of a beer bottle while you're drinking with your buddies, now take a leaf blower to the top of the bottle and you get what the delta sounds like above 18mph. The bass port is 100% in the freestream. I need something to distract me from suffering physically and not fatigue mentally on top of that

That is my only complaint about the Trinity Masters, that when you use the silver filters and a bit of EQ they are capable of great lows, but the upper lows bleed into the mids.

I hate that about the stock filters. I pulled the white media from the gunmetal filters and double stuffed them with the black acoustic foam, you get a really good amount of sub bass without anything bleeding into the mids, good mids, a 3d soundstage and open highs.

Well i just subbed too as I said before we have spent so long waiting feel like i know most of you guys now! Ex trinity vets lol

Imma get us BFF necklaces and make some of my DCU bottoms into shorts for you
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Jul 19, 2017 at 1:16 PM Post #27 of 37,413
I hate that about the stock filters. I pulled the white media from the gunmetal filters and double stuffed them with the black acoustic foam, you get a really good amount of sub bass without anything bleeding into the mids, good mids, a 3d soundstage and open highs.

Hmm, I'm gonna try that later. So, one white filter, one black filter per side.
Jul 19, 2017 at 1:27 PM Post #28 of 37,413
Hmm, I'm gonna try that later. So, one white filter, one black filter per side.

2 black filters in each and no white filters, have a piece of plastic handy to stick the white filters to.

I tried 2.5 in each and it closed off the highs too much for my liking but still significantly less than a white filter, also the bass was really heavy with 2.5 and I don't like it when it gets boomy and crosses into the mids
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Jul 19, 2017 at 1:31 PM Post #29 of 37,413
2 black filters in each and no white filters, have a piece of plastic handy to stick the white filters to.

I tried 2.5 in each and it closed off the highs too much for my liking but still significantly less than a white filter, also the bass was really heavy with 2.5 and I don't like it when it gets boomy and crosses into the mids

Ok, gotcha. I misread the first post. Thanks for the info. :thumbsup:
Jul 19, 2017 at 1:39 PM Post #30 of 37,413
2 black filters in each and no white filters, have a piece of plastic handy to stick the white filters to.

I tried 2.5 in each and it closed off the highs too much for my liking but still significantly less than a white filter, also the bass was really heavy with 2.5 and I don't like it when it gets boomy and crosses into the mids

Ok, gotcha. I misread the first post. Thanks for the info. :thumbsup:

So guys i know your both still waiting and fingers crossed for you both but any thoughts on possible alternatives if it gets to refunds for you?

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