Jul 19, 2017 at 2:00 PM Post #31 of 37,411
So guys i know your both still waiting and fingers crossed for you both but any thoughts on possible alternatives if it gets to refunds for you?
Noble X definitely gets an upvote from me. A little light on bass for music I listen to, but it's there and well-handled. I've also always liked 64Audio's lineup, though I really wish they cost less. Tried the U6 at a meet a year or so ago and it was incredible. Absolutely loved it more than the U10 or U12. Feel like I should get one some day.....so many headphones and IEMs I want, so little money to buy them :P
Jul 19, 2017 at 2:10 PM Post #32 of 37,411
So guys i know your both still waiting and fingers crossed for you both but any thoughts on possible alternatives if it gets to refunds for you?

Whew, I am just now beginning to look around seriously, so nothing definitive yet. I had thought I'd have it under control with my Trinity orders, lol. Time to research for a bit. I want deep sub bass that stays out of my midrange, present mids that don't sound recessed, great highs that aren't sibilant, good sound stage, and decent to good isolation. I don't want much, huh? Lol.
Jul 19, 2017 at 2:12 PM Post #33 of 37,411
Noble X definitely gets an upvote from me. A little light on bass for music I listen to, but it's there and well-handled. I've also always liked 64Audio's lineup, though I really wish they cost less. Tried the U6 at a meet a year or so ago and it was incredible. Absolutely loved it more than the U10 or U12. Feel like I should get one some day.....so many headphones and IEMs I want, so little money to buy them :p

Yeah the noble x have a good write up and the 64 audio are out of my price range, im reluctant on spending more than 500 pounds on iems simply because I keep breaking them , I snapped my pinnacle p1 cable, washed my dunu dn 2000 and blew my master last week.
Im thinking of trying the one more quad driver next week and I'm keeping an eye on the new flares pro which seem to be Getting some praise so il keep an eye on them.
Jul 19, 2017 at 2:12 PM Post #34 of 37,411
So guys i know your both still waiting and fingers crossed for you both but any thoughts on possible alternatives if it gets to refunds for you?

Refunds for the Icarus 3 and 4? I got a refund for my Hunter orders yesterday and ordered the Lyra 2, if the same things happens to the Icarus I'm just going to wait until an Andromeda 2 gets announced or whatever newest BA IEM from campfire is announced, or maybe get a used andromeda
Jul 19, 2017 at 2:22 PM Post #35 of 37,411
Whew, I am just now beginning to look around seriously, so nothing definitive yet. I had thought I'd have it under control with my Trinity orders, lol. Time to research for a bit. I want deep sub bass that stays out of my midrange, present mids that don't sound recessed, great highs that aren't sibilant, good sound stage, and decent to good isolation. I don't want much, huh? Lol.

I understand, I consider myself to be quite patient and my glass is nearly always half full but it did wear me down in the end.
For the money the one more quad are getting some good reviews , jackpot 77 put me on to them I didn't know anything about them before hand.
Jul 19, 2017 at 2:25 PM Post #36 of 37,411
Refunds for the Icarus 3 and 4? I got a refund for my Hunter orders yesterday and ordered the Lyra 2, if the same things happens to the Icarus I'm just going to wait until an Andromeda 2 gets announced or whatever newest BA IEM from campfire is announced, or maybe get a used andromeda

Oh sorry I thought you were still waiting for the hunter , the campfire always seem to produce the goods dont matter where you look the reviews generally are stellar.
Jul 19, 2017 at 2:38 PM Post #38 of 37,411
I understand, I consider myself to be quite patient and my glass is nearly always half full but it did wear me down in the end.
For the money the one more quad are getting some good reviews , jackpot 77 put me on to them I didn't know anything about them before hand.

Yeah, I've been pretty patient with Trinity, but I'm closer every day to just saying "F it!" and requesting a refund. I'll look into the One More Quad, thanks for the heads up.
Jul 19, 2017 at 2:41 PM Post #39 of 37,411
I made a thing, lol. Just a quick photoshop for the original post. Good, bad, ugly?

It's good to have an anything go,s thread it's a good idea.
I watched the canjam London preview/review from jude/headfi on YouTube.. .it mentioned the one more quads also, but what I found intriguing was the new polymer magnet technology , at least i think thats what it was called if i remember rightly? Anyway definitely worth a watch.
Jul 19, 2017 at 2:45 PM Post #40 of 37,411
I understand, I consider myself to be quite patient and my glass is nearly always half full but it did wear me down in the end.
For the money the one more quad are getting some good reviews , jackpot 77 put me on to them I didn't know anything about them before hand.

1 More Quad is now on Massdrop for $119.
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Jul 19, 2017 at 2:47 PM Post #41 of 37,411
I dont want to read through 200 pages on this awfull mobile website but I want to know if there are any news on the og deltas ? I'm not really expecting to get them anymore...

Yeah the Lyra were $50 more than the Hunters which I was waiting for like a loyal idiot since last August, I couldv'e been listening to the Lyra for almost a year now. There are zero reliable updates now or sitreps, just a Trinity Limbo ™

I don't wouldn't have liked the analytical sound anyway, the mids are too recessed and the highs sibilant on a lot of the filters of the Master, actually takes work to make your own sound signature that you can enjoy, pathetic really and terrible with Vocals, but sound damn good with post rock once set up right

I made a thing, lol. Just a quick photoshop for the original post. Good, bad, ugly?

They all remind me of old headlights haha, put them on barstools in black and white :stuck_out_tongue: good idea on the thread pic btw!

Jul 19, 2017 at 2:52 PM Post #43 of 37,411
They all remind me of old headlights haha, put them on barstools in black and white :stuck_out_tongue: good idea on the thread pic btw!


Ha, I loved The Grand Tour! I've watched every episode of Top Gear, even with the mess that was Chris Evans, but without Clarkson, Hammond, and May it's not the same. So glad Amazon threw money at them for The Grand Tour.
Jul 19, 2017 at 3:13 PM Post #44 of 37,411
Ha, I loved The Grand Tour! I've watched every episode of Top Gear, even with the mess that was Chris Evans, but without Clarkson, Hammond, and May it's not the same. So glad Amazon threw money at them for The Grand Tour.
Grand Tour was some jolly good fun. Did you watch this recent season of Top Gear though, after they got rid of Evans? Because the season of Top Gear was fantastic! Some may not agree, but I think in terms of car-focused entertainment, Top Gear this season was better than The Grand Tour. But the good news is that now I've got TWO car shows I can enjoy :D
Jul 19, 2017 at 3:21 PM Post #45 of 37,411
Grand Tour was some jolly good fun. Did you watch this recent season of Top Gear though, after they got rid of Evans? Because the season of Top Gear was fantastic! Some may not agree, but I think in terms of car-focused entertainment, Top Gear this season was better than The Grand Tour. But the good news is that now I've got TWO car shows I can enjoy :D

I agree with that exactly. Matt LeBlanc is killing it as the single main host. Grand Tour was better for shenanigans and its like watching a best of older Top Gears, like an old pair of shoes that have worn in to fit you perfectly. But this last Top Gear was much more informative and still entertaining. We get both, so we should thank Clarkson for punching the producer, lol.

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