The Audeze LCD-2 Ortho thread (New)
Dec 13, 2012 at 9:48 PM Post #3,676 of 7,138
Laptop with Foobar 2000 -> Schiit Bifrost -> Schiit Lyr -> LCD-2s

-HK sends
Dec 19, 2012 at 12:16 AM Post #3,677 of 7,138
After a short hiatus with headphones, I am back in the game with the LCD-2 rev.2! Just got these last Saturday. They are connected to a Burson Soloist that I also got a couple weeks ago, and my source is the trusty Rega Apollo that I've had for years. Let me share some impressions:
- Coming from a couple of years of Grado RS1i (and a few months with the SR225i recently), I was slightly taken aback by the treble presentation. Quite a jump, not an easy adjustment! I feel like I need to "recalibrate" my brain by listening to all my music again. Each time I listen to an album for the first time with the LCD-2, I'm shocked at the perceived lack of treble because my previous memory of it is with the Grados. Then, on subsequent listens, it starts to sound more natural again. This is simply a non fatiguing treble. I would like a LITTLE more shimmer in the cymbals, but everything else sounds right. I have a feeling this is something I will be able to adjust to, given that I was starting to outgrow the nature of the Grados. Especially the SR225i: way too bright for my taste. I hold fonder memories of the RS1i.
- The comfort is something that I was initially concerned about. When I put them on my head, I could feel the clamping and the pressure of the headband after half an hour. Now that I've had some time to break in the leather a little and slightly stretch the headband, comfort is going up exponentially. The clamp is significantly reduced, to the point where it doesn't hurt or bother me anymore, and the headband is starting to bother me less and less. They're definitely not the most comfortable headphones in the world, but I think it's possible to adapt from "pain" to "not distracting anymore".
- Imaging: I've owned a couple headphones in my time (K701, HD600, DT880, RS1i, SR225i and W1000X for a very short while) and the LCD-2 are the best of the lot. Even though the soundstage is a little intimate (which I happen to like), the air around the instruments is gigantic compared to the other phones (except maybe W1000X, that one had pretty good imaging too). Piano, voices, saxophones, guitars, hi-hats, percussions; everything seems to have pinpoint accuracy in the soundstage. What this does is paint a picture with many, many musical details all sharing space with no fuss. It's a gorgeous portait that you can look at and never be confused. This is something I'm very pleased with.
- With great imaging comes great detail retrieval. These are the most detailed headphones out of all I've owned. I've discovered hidden details in some recordings that now seem so evident with the LCD-2.
- These headphones have great dynamics. They're fast. I listen to metal a lot, and these headphones keep up all the way so far. I remember the W1000X having many great qualities (imaging, tonality, detail retrieval) that are similar to the LCD-2, but it fell flat on fast music like rock and metal. This is where the LCD-2 succeeds almost effortlessly.
- The mids are incredible. Very resolved and seducing. I loved the RS1i for its midrange, but this is another ballgame I believe. Mids are very important to me, and there is some serious Mid action going on here. Which is why I believe (hope?) I'll be able to adjust to the more distant treble presentation.
- Finally, the bass. Coming from the RS1i, this is something I was looking forward to. The RS1i's bass is not the best: I remember listening to Nik Bartsch's Ronin and just missing out on the fun because the bass player was simply not giving it to me! With the LCD-2, the bass becomes visceral again: it's deep, impactful, controlled and tuneful. Something that surprised me: some recordings are more bass heavy than I thought. The LCD-2 will easily reveal that. It comes as a shock after being used to a "lighter" sound signature. In any case, one thing is for sure: this bass is seriously good.

Well, time to go listen some more!

(EDIT: In retrospect, I realize that comparing mid-fi phones to the LCD-2 is a little unfair and perhaps not what this sub-section is designed for. If it helps, think of this post as "my first little taste of Summit-Fi"
Dec 19, 2012 at 2:02 AM Post #3,678 of 7,138

Nice impressions. Congrats!
Yeah the RS1's are a great hp, but the LC2's are completely different beast. Once you've given the LCD2's a bit more brain burn in time, the treble will sound very natural.
Dec 21, 2012 at 9:19 PM Post #3,679 of 7,138
Hi guys,
Nice impressions Kevin.T !
I am also a happy owner of a lcd2 :D . I am using it in combination with Burson Conductor, so our experience might be similar :D
About the treble, I have heard people saying that silver cables would bring some sparkle to the treble. I happen to like the lcd2s' treble, but sometimes I could use more sparkle.
I am considering Toxic Cables. From what I see it has the largest appreciation thread any cable company has on headfi :D . They are more than 2 times cheaper than the competition, and from what people say they might be quite better than some. 
I am considering buying a Silver Poison from Toxic Cables.They say it boosts the treble, mids, the bass and the soundstage. (it has some gold injected so it does not take anything from the bass)
From what i've read it might be a good combination for LCD2 . 
I am also considering the Black Widow (cryo occ copper cable). I would not want the lcd2s to become to bright. I have not yet decided. 
Has anyone any experience with a silver cable or a good copper cable, or maybe both?
Dec 22, 2012 at 4:12 AM Post #3,680 of 7,138
Hi guys,
Nice impressions Kevin.T !
I am also a happy owner of a lcd2 :D . I am using it in combination with Burson Conductor, so our experience might be similar :D
About the treble, I have heard people saying that silver cables would bring some sparkle to the treble. I happen to like the lcd2s' treble, but sometimes I could use more sparkle.
I am considering Toxic Cables. From what I see it has the largest appreciation thread any cable company has on headfi :D . They are more than 2 times cheaper than the competition, and from what people say they might be quite better than some. 
I am considering buying a Silver Poison from Toxic Cables.They say it boosts the treble, mids, the bass and the soundstage. (it has some gold injected so it does not take anything from the bass)
From what i've read it might be a good combination for LCD2 . 
I am also considering the Black Widow (cryo occ copper cable). I would not want the lcd2s to become to bright. I have not yet decided. 
Has anyone any experience with a silver cable or a good copper cable, or maybe both?

The Silver Poison made a big difference on my HE6. The SP is not a bright souding silver cable so no problems on that issue.
Dec 22, 2012 at 7:37 AM Post #3,681 of 7,138
The Silver Poison made a big difference on my HE6. The SP is not a bright souding silver cable so no problems on that issue.

+1 ,totally agree.
I just a Moon Silver Dragon v3 cable for my he-6's,and it makes a world of difference.
A really beautiful cable...good bass,smooth treble.
Dec 22, 2012 at 7:51 AM Post #3,682 of 7,138
+1 ,totally agree.
I just a Moon Silver Dragon v3 cable for my he-6's,and it makes a world of difference.
A really beautiful cable...good bass,smooth treble.

The HE6's are either very responsive to cable upgrade's or the stock cable is just naff.
Dec 22, 2012 at 8:00 AM Post #3,683 of 7,138
^^ Glad that you like the cable Mike. I may be the guy that recommended it to you. It's really a great cable and found that it also worked beautifully with my hd650's. Then like a true idiot, I sold it thinking the grass would be greener with something else. Wish that I had it back. 
Dec 22, 2012 at 8:27 AM Post #3,685 of 7,138
The HE6's are either very responsive to cable upgrade's or the stock cable is just naff.

The head-fier that sold me mine,claimed ;"that the V3 of the silver dragon ,used a higher grade of pure silver,than some others".
Not sure ,if that is fact or fiction?
Might be malarki???..anyway,it does sound great.
^^ Glad that you like the cable Mike. I may be the guy that recommended it to you. It's really a great cable and found that it also worked beautifully with my hd650's. Then like a true idiot, I sold it thinking the grass would be greener with something else. Wish that I had it back. 

      A 1000 tnx's...yes,..,you were the one who convinced me on this cable;-it's especially good in bringing out some the details on my classical music...Ludwig never sounded so good.
Dec 22, 2012 at 9:52 AM Post #3,687 of 7,138
#1 post here (long time lurker). G'day from Australia!
Recent owner of these beauties paired up with Steve's Q cable. Amazing.

Welcome to head-fi... sorry about your wall... oh... wait... LCD-2?  Q cable?  iIt seems like you already got to that part! 

Dec 22, 2012 at 11:04 PM Post #3,689 of 7,138
Hey guys, I've had the LCD-2 for the past week and I've been listening to them with my Lyr + Bifrost.  The mids are great and the highs are smooth but there is just a general lack of body and meatiness in the lower end and more specifically the mid bass which makes them sound kind of flat.  The bass is absolutely one of the best I've heard in terms of quality, articulation, and texture but there is just not enough of it to give me that full bodied grunt.  Will a more powerful amp like the Mjolnir make a difference in this respect?  I'm using the stock GE tubes in the Lyr.

Get new tubes! they make a world of difference (at least switching out from the stock ones)
Dec 23, 2012 at 5:13 PM Post #3,690 of 7,138
Get new tubes! they make a world of difference (at least switching out from the stock ones)

I actually just posted a thread in the Lyr tube rolling thread.  I'm also using the LCD-2.2 with the Lyr and stock GE tubes.  My comment was that the treble was a bit abrasive.  I'm not sure if this is a fault of the tubes or the solid state amplifier stage itself.  I'm hoping that better tubes can fix this, or I may have to look at upgrading the amp.

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