The Audeze LCD-2 Ortho thread (New)
Dec 8, 2012 at 11:24 PM Post #3,646 of 7,138
Few months after bamboo version released no more problem of reliability? (driver failing, wood cracking etc.)

Cracking yes, there was one person that reported a hairline crack on their Bamboo version way back in this thread around the time people were hyping the bamboo release being extremely strong, a friend of mine had a distorted left driver on his bamboo revision (turned out to be a defective driver). But apart from a few, Audeze has and is continuing to improve the quality of their products to insure a pretty consistent quality across all LCD models.
Dec 9, 2012 at 2:07 AM Post #3,647 of 7,138
From Tyll at InnerFidelity
The really cool news I heard from Audeze was that they've moved into a new manufacturing facility, and now (with the exception of the wood parts manufacture, which would create a lot of dust) their entire manufacturing process is under one roof. This is terrific news as it means they will have much tighter control of the manufacturing process and Audeze will have have an avenue for ever improving quality of manufacture. It's great fun to see this company blossom.

I think the above may explain why we're not seeing problems reported so often these days.
Dec 9, 2012 at 6:08 AM Post #3,648 of 7,138
I wish they would invest more time in making a better design for the headphones. Yes they look great and everything but the weight factor is really quite bad.its not comfortable and you can't forget it's on your head,and when you tilt your head forward if you are studying or something it move forward from the heavy cups.

I sold it couple of days ago because of weight,treble and soundstage which where all poor IMO.
Too bad it's timbre was superb,the best I've heard in any headphone.acoustic stuff where meaty and full.piano pieces where amazing.
I could have lived with its dark signature(I loved my previous hd650) but I couldn't justify soundstage and resolution in comparison to my jh13.
If they made a lighter design and improved the areas I discussed,I will be all over it.
Dec 9, 2012 at 12:25 PM Post #3,649 of 7,138
I wish they would invest more time in making a better design for the headphones. Yes they look great and everything but the weight factor is really quite bad.its not comfortable and you can't forget it's on your head,and when you tilt your head forward if you are studying or something it move forward from the heavy cups.
I sold it couple of days ago because of weight,treble and soundstage which where all poor IMO.
Too bad it's timbre was superb,the best I've heard in any headphone.acoustic stuff where meaty and full.piano pieces where amazing.
I could have lived with its dark signature(I loved my previous hd650) but I couldn't justify soundstage and resolution in comparison to my jh13.
If they made a lighter design and improved the areas I discussed,I will be all over it.

Since you sold what will you replace it with?
I've never been bothered by the weight and find them quite comfortable.  I do prefer leather cups to cloth any day.  Cloth always looks ratty after a year or so.
Dec 9, 2012 at 1:13 PM Post #3,650 of 7,138
since im upgrading my system in a few months and building a b22, i will get the hd800.  soundstage,airness and imaging are pretty much what makes or breaks a headphone for me since i listen to mostly classical,jazz and vocal trance. i didnt like the lcd2 for electronica/ trance at not into huge bass when i listen to those genres. i focus entirely on the "atmosphere".
Dec 9, 2012 at 2:04 PM Post #3,651 of 7,138
The LCD2 can be comfortable if you wear them regularly, for my head at least.  I went weeks without using them and then started again yesterday.  The Clamping Force is back in full effect.  I've had these phones for a year already.  I thought it would be alleviated for good, since it stopped hurting before after a while.
Dec 9, 2012 at 4:29 PM Post #3,652 of 7,138
Since you sold what will you replace it with?
I've never been bothered by the weight and find them quite comfortable.  I do prefer leather cups to cloth any day.  Cloth always looks ratty after a year or so.

The weight does not bother me either. At first I found the clamping pressure a bit much, however I loosened them up a bit with the longer posts and by bending the tabs out a bit to release the pressure so now they are quite comfortable for me.
The treble improved when I went to using a Bryston BHA-1 for an amp. Can't wait to try a balanced cable. 
The only thing I really find to criticize is the soundstage size. If that is a big deal to you I can see why you may not like them. Personally I find timbre and detail to be really important, things which I find quite satisfying with these phones.
Dec 9, 2012 at 7:58 PM Post #3,653 of 7,138
Hey guys, I've had the LCD-2 for the past week and I've been listening to them with my Lyr + Bifrost.  The mids are great and the highs are smooth but there is just a general lack of body and meatiness in the lower end and more specifically the mid bass which makes them sound kind of flat.  The bass is absolutely one of the best I've heard in terms of quality, articulation, and texture but there is just not enough of it to give me that full bodied grunt.  Will a more powerful amp like the Mjolnir make a difference in this respect?  I'm using the stock GE tubes in the Lyr.
Dec 9, 2012 at 8:53 PM Post #3,654 of 7,138
Hey guys, I've had the LCD-2 for the past week and I've been listening to them with my Lyr + Bifrost.  The mids are great and the highs are smooth but there is just a general lack of body and meatiness in the lower end and more specifically the mid bass which makes them sound kind of flat.  

Have not heard the Mjonir yet but if your upgrading do look out for the Violectric V100/V200 as they will provide the sound aspects you've described missing from your current Lyr + Bifrost combo. The V100/V200 add's a bit more bass just a tad bit more to the slightly warmer signature it provides.
Dec 9, 2012 at 8:56 PM Post #3,655 of 7,138
since im upgrading my system in a few months and building a b22, i will get the hd800.  soundstage,airness and imaging are pretty much what makes or breaks a headphone for me since i listen to mostly classical,jazz and vocal trance. i didnt like the lcd2 for electronica/ trance at not into huge bass when i listen to those genres. i focus entirely on the "atmosphere".

2/3/balanced channel B22, they all sound very well with the HD800 as I own this combo myself but instead of using stock Nichicon cap's I've replaced all the board's with ELNA Silmic II's which is slightly more warmer but with great clarity, making the HD800 sounding a bit less bright with some of my music. But yeh, listen to some high-res stuff through a good source you'd be hypnotized by your music.
Dec 9, 2012 at 10:59 PM Post #3,656 of 7,138
since im upgrading my system in a few months and building a b22, i will get the hd800.  soundstage,airness and imaging are pretty much what makes or breaks a headphone for me since i listen to mostly classical,jazz and vocal trance. i didnt like the lcd2 for electronica/ trance at not into huge bass when i listen to those genres. i focus entirely on the "atmosphere".

Sounds like the HD800 will suit your listening tastes well. Keep in mind however that its a bit of a one trick pony in that everything will have a pronounced wide soundstage, even material that shouldn't like intimate trios and things like that. It also lacks liveliness in the bass which can tend to yield a not very involving sound unless you boost the bass up. 
Dec 10, 2012 at 10:23 AM Post #3,657 of 7,138
Hey guys, I've had the LCD-2 for the past week and I've been listening to them with my Lyr + Bifrost.  The mids are great and the highs are smooth but there is just a general lack of body and meatiness in the lower end and more specifically the mid bass which makes them sound kind of flat.  The bass is absolutely one of the best I've heard in terms of quality, articulation, and texture but there is just not enough of it to give me that full bodied grunt.  Will a more powerful amp like the Mjolnir make a difference in this respect?  I'm using the stock GE tubes in the Lyr.

I've got the Cavalli Liquid Fire and the bass is excellent.  I've got some new ambient recordings: Oren Ambarchi:"Audience of One" and Mark Nauseed "With Space in Mind" that really test bass and the LF is just killer.

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