The AK320 thread
Nov 24, 2015 at 9:37 PM Post #61 of 743
Anyone that has listened to it has any insight on 240 vs 320? :D
Nov 24, 2015 at 10:37 PM Post #62 of 743
Anyone that has listened to it has any insight on 240 vs 320?

There aren't many posts in this thread yet so you can easily find some on that. If you just turn back one page to p4 of this thread, you will see the comments from a couple of us who have heard AK320 last night. 
@fumoffuXx: I think most of us are skeptical about AK320 before hearing it. Not that I have nothing to pick on the player after listening to it, but the reason should be obvious why AK320 is designed the way it is, i.e. no native DSD support, small storage. AK240, being less than 2 years old, is still a relatively new product that AK wants to keep making more money out of. From users' perspective of course we would like a player that has the perfect combination, but from AK's business point of view they simply won't come up with a product that trumps or equals AK240 in every aspect. After trying out AK320, I would say AK could have totally set AK320 at the same price of AK240 to make the choice a tougher one for buyers. I don't agree with what you said about AK380 users though, I don't see any reason why they should be sour (and I don't see them being sour). AK380 is superior to AK320 in absolute sense.
Nov 24, 2015 at 11:30 PM Post #63 of 743
for myself (haven't heard 320 yet) and most likely wont bother.   As I have the 380 now I feel no need but if I hadn't purchased it yet and knowing I prefer the 380 with the AMP I may have had a listen to 320/AMP.   I could live with non-native DSD but the storage would be a slight issue.  Whether I could live with that for the money saved and as others state larger mSD cards are coming.....its a hard call.
As is I am a very happy 380/AMP listener.
Nov 24, 2015 at 11:30 PM Post #64 of 743
They will get there buddy :) Remember the time when 1 GB of space was a big deal look where we have come today :) Perhaps I was wrong on the availability but I'm sure such cards will come in time.
Do give this a listen if you got an opportunity and they sound great compared against the 380 for the dollar.

2 TB microSD cards are likely 4 years away, given the current rate of progress.  Normally these things double in capacity about once a year; that hasn't happened this time.
Buying a device that can't mount the storage I need today, on the hope that I might be able to get a suitably sized card before another device that can mount two cards comes out (e.g. the new Onkyo/Pioneer units), doesn't make any sense.
I'm not very price sensitive - but what I buy does have to do what I want it to WHEN I buy it.  If I wanted to buy "futures" I'd be on the NYSE.
Nov 24, 2015 at 11:34 PM Post #65 of 743
  I dont get it, no one is forcing anyone of you to buy a AK320. WHy the hate? SOur because u got a 380 and u can't stand seeing a product like this being launched?

I'm voicing my dislike of the 320 since it is yet another player from AK that isn't addressing some of the often-stated desires in the DAP market.
I don't have an AK380 ... I have an AK120, since it was the best option at the time that could mount two cards.
What I want from AK is something 380 like, with half a terabyte of on-board storage, two card slots, and no need to mess about with special software just to put files on it!
Until they come up with something like that, they'll continue to get my feedback that their old AK120 with a Mojo is a better sounding, far less expensive, alternative.
Nov 24, 2015 at 11:45 PM Post #66 of 743
I dont get it, no one is forcing anyone of you to buy a AK320. WHy the hate? SOur because u got a 380 and u can't stand seeing a product like this being launched?

I don't think people are pissed over that; its more of questioning the "need" of this limited edition release.

Now, if it happened to be superior to the 380, then we would be having a different discussion.

Either way, I'm not interested in this, & would rather wait till next year for the next flagship to be out (hopefully, the price wouldn't be at insane levels).
Nov 25, 2015 at 1:06 AM Post #67 of 743
I personally would like to avoid stacking with the Mojo and have a all-in-one device if possible. Even if I have to pay more and the sound quality is a little less.
If I buy the AK320 I can sell my AK100ii to recoup part of the cost.
If I add the Mojo I can't sell the AK100ii and I also have to carry a thick stack and charge two seperate devices, not to mention buy a nice cable to connect the two devices.
All-in-one solution offers a significant value for me. I would rather not mess about with stacking/rubber banding/velcroing, etc, etc...
This is all a personal preference of course and I don't blame people for going with Mojo and saving some $$$
Different strokes for different folks. I'm excited about the AK320... I think it may offer a nice performance to dollar ratio in the AK line up (not in the overall larger Head-Fi world, as AK's are expensive to begin with)
Nov 25, 2015 at 1:16 AM Post #68 of 743
2 TB microSD cards are likely 4 years away, given the current rate of progress.  Normally these things double in capacity about once a year; that hasn't happened this time.
Buying a device that can't mount the storage I need today, on the hope that I might be able to get a suitably sized card before another device that can mount two cards comes out (e.g. the new Onkyo/Pioneer units), doesn't make any sense.
I'm not very price sensitive - but what I buy does have to do what I want it to WHEN I buy it.  If I wanted to buy "futures" I'd be on the NYSE.

Oh you should try the Onkyo and Pioneer.
Personally heard the Pioneer and well, it is bright but the player is nice. has a nice UI and is not too laggy and might float your boat. I like the build as well.
Hoping when I get to try the Onkyo, it would be quite a bit more overwhelming.
Nov 25, 2015 at 2:09 AM Post #69 of 743
Oh you should try the Onkyo and Pioneer.

Personally heard the Pioneer and well, it is bright but the player is nice. has a nice UI and is not too laggy and might float your boat. I like the build as well.

Hoping when I get to try the Onkyo, it would be quite a bit more overwhelming.

I will as soon as they are available.

To be honest, if they manage a decent, fast UI, with no arbitrary index limitations then I'll very likely snag the Onkyo just to use as a transport.

If it turns out to sound good with my SE846, that'll be a nice bonus!
Nov 25, 2015 at 2:43 AM Post #70 of 743
Either way, I'm not interested in this, & would rather wait till next year for the next flagship to be out (hopefully, the price wouldn't be at insane levels).

As I quoted the AK marketing manager in my earlier post here, AK380 will remain as the flagship till at least the end of next year, if not longer. That is, if you don't consider possible variation model of AK380 as "next flagship". Just go for AK380.

Nov 25, 2015 at 3:35 AM Post #71 of 743
[Deleted post quote removed]
Hehe. Though AK3800SS was specifically talked about because it was asked by a couple of people, and Alex said that AK actually hates to make SS. You must be thinking: "you kidding, right?" But he provided the reason, a commercial reason, which does explain: case of SS is challenging to manufacture. For production of AK240SS, lots of cases ended up with dents or other defects that they have to be discarded, so AK is not really excited with the idea of making AK380SS.
Nov 25, 2015 at 2:33 PM Post #72 of 743
common guys i find it a really gap filler for people who do not want to pay 3400 usd for the ak380 and have a better eq than the ak240 and newer design
Nov 26, 2015 at 12:18 AM Post #73 of 743
You guys may have noticed OT sarcastic posts of AK milking customers, and stupid jokes have been removed - there may be a few I've missed. Feel free to report.

Keep the topic about the AK320 or AK320 comparison to other DAPs. If the DAP doesn't interest you, there's always the unsubscribe button. I believe there's another thread about AK or businesses like AK floating somewhere around Head-Fi. May wanna subscribe and bring your AK as a business conversations there instead.
Nov 26, 2015 at 2:41 AM Post #74 of 743
I'm interested after reading a post a couple of pages back that said initial impressions are that this sounds more like the 240 than the 380 (I found when demoing those two players side by side that I preferred the tonality of the 240)...

Here is hoping for a world tour!

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