Tempting new Virtual Dynamics power cord-- $50!
Sep 6, 2002 at 4:06 PM Post #616 of 698
Have you paired the Matrix with the Silver Ref yet? I thought the Matrix had great imaging and HF detail along with a considerable midrange/ upper-bass hump. The AZ cables are said to have great synergy together.

My preference is to work on ICs before power cords, simply because they have the more primary function of carrying the actual audio signal.
Sep 6, 2002 at 8:56 PM Post #617 of 698

Originally posted by pigmode
Have you paired the Matrix with the Silver Ref yet? I thought the Matrix had great imaging and HF detail along with a considerable midrange/ upper-bass hump. The AZ cables are said to have great synergy together.

That is my plan, I have also heard they sound good together, I believe it is even recommended at AZ site. My plan was to insert the AZ Matrix along with new Nite AC when it arrives, may take 3D presention another step closer to the Absolute Sound.
Sep 7, 2002 at 3:52 AM Post #619 of 698
Well one week into the new VD Nite setup it does sound natural and bass response at lower volume levels seems better. I still cant wait for the Bi-wire speaker cables to show up , maybe next week. The treble still sounds extended (for HT) but I need to get the right speaker cables installed to make the final determination. Then once I have the entire package make a final decision, especially if treble still sounds extended.

I have heard many say that their experience was more of a muted or roll off in treble. I have had the opposite and do not know why unless the tweeters are out of phase since they are not truely Bi-Wired yet. Time will tell. Has anyone else out there noticed extended treble with their Nite package? Unless its my B&W Nautlis 804's or the AVP2?

Carl, any more info on your setup?
Sep 7, 2002 at 6:28 AM Post #620 of 698

Originally posted by audioman

I have heard many say that their experience was more of a muted or roll off in treble. I have had the opposite and do not know why...

When I agreed with the softening of the treble thing, I was a bit unclear. I actually meant that my VD Ref. had a less extended treble than my previous Zu Mother PC. Aren't the Nite ICs supposed to provide a moderate HF extension? I may have to try a pair--let me check the VD site real quick...

Okay, I guess they go for about 600 bux right?
Sep 7, 2002 at 11:05 PM Post #621 of 698

I have some news to report. I finally got my last Nite series cable and swapped it out with the Reference model that I was using on my power amp.

To be brief let me kind of recap the differences that I noticed as I moved up to Nites on my CD player, my pre-amp and finally my power amp.

When I added the Nite on the CD player I could not really believe the difference between that and the earlier model VD cables I was using in the rest of my system. The dynamic response increased dramatically! I think more so than anything else I could have possibly done. In other words, I don't think buying an incredibly expensive amp or CDP would have made as much difference as this simple cable switch.

I then changed over to the Nite series interconnect which cleaned up the sound even more but seem to inhibit the dynamics noticeably. It was a clear improvement but it was an unexpected result. Rick has a technical explanation for this but I don't remember it.

When I added the Nite to the pre-amp the dynamics came back in a big way and the sound stage increased in the same way and to the same degree as the earlier cable swap. I think everyone is familiar with the soundstage characteristics of these cable so I won't go over it again other than to say I have never heard another component do as well in making this much improvement. My B&W's sound like electrostatics and conventional speakers all at the same time.
Last week I added the last cable on the amp and the result was a little different this time. The biggest changes were in seperatin between the instruments and the bottom end tightened up in a very noticeable way. More change on the bottom end with this swap than with all the others accept possibly when I first started using the VD power cables.

Rick say the speakers cable will make a big difference too but they won't really show themselves until everythingn else is changed. Well I'm ready, at least chronologically speaking but financially I am going to have to wait until I recover from all the other audio spending I've done.

Talk soon.

Sep 7, 2002 at 11:09 PM Post #622 of 698
I forgot to mention that as you move up in the VD cable series the more extended the high frequencies get. Even at the begining of the series they highs are still very much there and they sound good but they don't have the presence they have on the later series cables.

Sep 8, 2002 at 12:39 AM Post #623 of 698
I'm beginning to think that the treble difficulties I experienced with the Power 1's (and still have to a minor extent with the Refs) are the result of my system--either the receiver or the speakers. I like my headphones more than ever and don't notice any issue with them. So maybe I have to do more than tweaks like AC cords...e.g. a new pre and amplifier.

I'm going to wait until I can have someone come over and help me set up the Mapleshade cones. They are really sharp and I don't want to slide my $$$ SACD player around on top of them and get tons of scratches on the finish!
Sep 8, 2002 at 12:54 AM Post #624 of 698
Everytime I look at your profile, I'm absolutely flaberghasted by your great choice of cdp and speakers.
Your system is crying, moaning, screaming out for a compatible amplifier. The absolutely last thing I would spend money on is cables. Don't let the gist of this thread fool you into thinking that cables are more important than components. Most all of the major players in this thread had well balanced component sets before they came here.

But that's just me...
Sep 8, 2002 at 6:25 PM Post #625 of 698

Originally posted by pigmode
Everytime I look at your profile, I'm absolutely flaberghasted by your great choice of cdp and speakers.
Your system is crying, moaning, screaming out for a compatible amplifier.

But that's just me...

No, it's not just you! A friend came over yesterday and listened--told me the same thing.

I don't want to crap in this great thread too much, but what do you think might be good with the Offrandes? Here's what I'm considering: Belles 350A, PS Audio HCA-2, Bel Canto Design EVo 2 or 200.4 in bridged mode, Gamut D200, Bryston 7BST or 4BSST, McCormack DNA225.

When I get one, I'll definitely need another VD Ref.
Sep 8, 2002 at 7:15 PM Post #626 of 698

Originally posted by Calanctus

I don't want to crap in this great thread too much, but what do you think might be good with the Offrandes? Here's what I'm considering: Belles 350A, PS Audio HCA-2, Bel Canto Design EVo 2 or 200.4 in bridged mode, Gamut D200, Bryston 7BST or 4BSST, McCormack DNA225.

When I get one, I'll definitely need another VD Ref.

OMG, the McCormack is rated at 225w and the Gamut at 200W!! Your room must be huge! I'm moving from an EL34 based 25w tube amp to a 3.5w SET amp, so conceptually we are at opposite poles.

I will hold off on getting another Ref. till I become familiarized with my new system.


I then changed over to the Nite series interconnect which cleaned up the sound even more but seem to inhibit the dynamics noticeably. It was a clear improvement but it was an unexpected result. Rick has a technical explanation for this but I don't remember it.

I'm a little confused here. Dynamics were inhibited but it was still a clear improvement? Will you keep those ICs?
Sep 8, 2002 at 8:05 PM Post #627 of 698

The VD Nite interconnect still had the nice soundstage and made a noticeable improvemnent in the overall cleanliness of things but it damped the dynamics a bit. I called Rick and he explained what was happening and assurred me as soon as I moved up to the Nites on the next component everything would be fine. Which I did and everything was fine, only much better.

It proves one thing about the VD stuff and that is that it works as a system even bettr than it does alone. As soon as I put a Nite Power on the next component in line all the dynamics were back in a big way.

The dynamics of these things are off the charts in my experience. There is no way you would ever consider putting a recording of a jet engine into play in my system because with the Nites installed it would laugh at the dynamics of such a recording and proceed to blow your house down.

Dark Angle has reported a less dramatic change but I think others have tended to agreed with me.
I still cannot get over the difference.

Talk soon.

Sep 8, 2002 at 9:00 PM Post #628 of 698

Originally posted by bkelly

The VD Nite interconnect still had the nice soundstage and made a noticeable improvemnent in the overall cleanliness of things but it damped the dynamics a bit. I called Rick and he explained what was happening and assurred me as soon as I moved up to the Nites on the next component everything would be fine. Which I did and everything was fine, only much better.

BINGO!!! VD told me that my Ref. cord didn't have a voice, because it was transparent and could only relay the truth of my components. Here you seem to be saying that the Nite IC is more or less deliberately voiced to compensate for the sonic effects of the Nite PC. We are tweaking the sound of our systems with these cables right?

Why do we have to wade through the lip service paid to audio shibboleths such as transparency in order to get some valid information about a product? I'm not singling out VD for this, and I still plan to acquire another VD cord but it is highly irritating nonetheless.
Sep 9, 2002 at 1:29 AM Post #629 of 698

Originally posted by pigmode

OMG, the McCormack is rated at 225w and the Gamut at 200W!! Your room must be huge! I'm moving from an EL34 based 25w tube amp to a 3.5w SET amp, so conceptually we are at opposite poles.

Heh, actually those are 2 of the weaker amps on my list (PC Audio HCA2 excluded). The Belles is 250 wpc...the Bryston 7BST is 500. My speakers lack some dynamics and are too flat, plus I'm guessing that the impedance curve is mountainous (I haven't actually seen one anywhere, that guess is based on the sound), so I want to make sure I have enough power...plus some in reserve in case I want to change speakers to something harder to drive.

Some manufacturers are definitely hip to the importance of power cords. The PC Audio folks actually chided a reviewer for not replacing their stock cord with a better aftermarket product. The reviewer compared their product slightly unfavourably to a more expensive Krell amplifier, and they responded by saying that with a better power cord it could have challenged the Krell.
Sep 9, 2002 at 2:54 AM Post #630 of 698
I have heard the McCormack DNA225 and the Bryston. Both are excellent amps, but I cannot recommend either as I am completely unfamiliar with your speakers. I am considering the McCormack for use with my new B&W 805 signarures which seem to like powerful solid state amps. Although if I had one of the floor standing B&W 800 series speakers I would deffinitely get the Bryston.

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