Sony's new flagship 2014 - MDR-Z7
Jan 26, 2015 at 11:20 AM Post #4,081 of 9,173
I take my previous review back.

Now with the Kimber cable, the Z7 has far fewer soundstage and mid inconsistency. With the upgrade, you truly get a balanced experience that is hard to get with most headphones at this price.

The Z7 with the Kimber upgrade pretty much has it all. The highs? Smooth and detail but never harsh. Mids? Engaging but not super forward and dominating. Bass? Powerful and punchy without overwhelming. Soundstage? Adequately wide without losing engagement and focus. Comfort? Just the right pressure for the seal without being too strained. Build quality? Absolute precision in every detail.

As usual, to get the best experience with Sony, you gotta pay for their upgrades. IMO, Sony should've sold the headphone with the Kimber as standard.


So only Kimber cable can make them better? Do you think some other alternatives will appear? I just received Z7, If I compare them with my Denon AH-D600 the sound is muffled.... However Denons have been used for more than 500h so I should see how they will behave after a week... 
Jan 26, 2015 at 11:20 AM Post #4,082 of 9,173
I take my previous review back.

Now with the Kimber cable, the Z7 has far fewer soundstage and mid inconsistency. With the upgrade, you truly get a balanced experience that is hard to get with most headphones at this price.

The Z7 with the Kimber upgrade pretty much has it all. The highs? Smooth and detail but never harsh. Mids? Engaging but not super forward and dominating. Bass? Powerful and punchy without overwhelming. Soundstage? Adequately wide without losing engagement and focus. Comfort? Just the right pressure for the seal without being too strained. Build quality? Absolute precision in every detail.

As usual, to get the best experience with Sony, you gotta pay for their upgrades. IMO, Sony should've sold the headphone with the Kimber as standard.


I am not doubting you in any way, (well ok, I'll admit, maybe a bit, really sorry about that), but I 'm liking the Sony's right now without upgrading, when initially having my doubts too. 
If you would switch back to the stock cables and listen without any bias, would you say the difference is still there and in favour of the Kimber?
Jan 26, 2015 at 11:24 AM Post #4,083 of 9,173
So only Kimber cable can make them better? Do you think some other alternatives will appear? I just received Z7, If I compare them with my Denon AH-D600 the sound is muffled.... However Denons have been used for more than 500h so I should see how they will behave after a week... 

Moon Audio already has their "Silver Dragon V3" available for the Z7's although I've not tried them myself so debating between that and the Kimber currently.
Jan 26, 2015 at 11:34 AM Post #4,084 of 9,173
When I check the price Silver Dragon V3 for Z7, Kimber Kable seems to be a bargain 

Jan 26, 2015 at 11:55 AM Post #4,085 of 9,173
  So only Kimber cable can make them better? Do you think some other alternatives will appear? I just received Z7, If I compare them with my Denon AH-D600 the sound is muffled.... However Denons have been used for more than 500h so I should see how they will behave after a week... 

Waiting for the Kimble Kables (I'll post feedback when I get them - sometime tomorrow), but even with the stock cable it's already a joy, I get the initial impression of "muffled" sound as I had the very same one. Wether it's my brain burning in or the Z7 burning in or both (must be around 60 hours now), I now don't have that impression at all transparency definitely improves over time up to the point that I appreciate the level of details that those cans so gracefully deliver (so smooth....). 
Out of curiosity, what is your source ?
Jan 26, 2015 at 12:02 PM Post #4,086 of 9,173
Waiting for the Kimble Kables (I'll post feedback when I get them), but even with the stock cable it's already a joy, I get the initial impression of "muffled" sound as I had the very same one. Wether it's my brain burning in or the Z7 burning in or both (must be around 60 hours now), I now don't have that impression at all transparency definitely improves over time up to the point that I appreciate the level of details that those cans so gracefully deliver (so smooth....). 
Out of curiosity, what is your source ?

I am at work now so only decent source now is Fiio X1. And so far I am listening to Z7 for an hour and I do feel that they get more clearer and detailed. Just in case I checked if it is my brain and I switched back to AH-D600... No it is definitely not my brain. 
I guess they need some time to make those huge drivers to move properly... 
Jan 26, 2015 at 12:24 PM Post #4,087 of 9,173
They really seem to be getting better indeed.
I thought I just got used to them, but apparently burn-in (or break-in) does really exsist.
Their sound is in a different, higher league than my Denon AH-D5000s and Audio Technica ATH-A900Xs
No need for a cable-upgrade yet :)
Jan 26, 2015 at 5:32 PM Post #4,089 of 9,173
Purk will receive my Z7 any moment now. Can't wait to get his impressions on them!

I'll let u know when I has a chance to check it out.  Likely will be late late tonight or tomorrow.  
Jan 26, 2015 at 6:26 PM Post #4,090 of 9,173
  I'll let u know when I has a chance to check it out.  Likely will be late late tonight or tomorrow.  

I screwed up on shipping, so that will be tomorrow instead. Sorry!
But still, really looking forward to your impressions of them, if even for you to say the mod does something bad that the stock headphone doesn't... because then I can go back and address it in a future mod.
So please don't be afraid of completely slaughtering them!

About the only thing I would request of you is to please don't attempt to open them up. Not because I have anything to hide, but because the way I put them together means opening them up requires some realigning of certain stuffs inside. I could affix everything, but that makes it less reversible (easily, that is).
This is in general for those who would like to see a guide...
I'd love to make one, but honestly, the modding process for the Z7 is far more elaborate than anything else I have done so far. There are a lot of things to be done, and some higher amount of precision is required as well.
I think I will wait to see some impressions on the modded pair (and there may be measurements as well), to see if it'll all be worth it, and then I'll proceed with writing a guide, if possible. Otherwise, I can also discuss the general concepts/theories, post some photos of certain parts, and then people can try to replicate the mods. The problem with writing up a guide is that certain materials that I have access to aren't quite available en masse to everyone (especially dynamat! You really can't purchase that thing for cheap!), and then there are too many things to be done, so even if I write up a guide, I fear not many people will have the right tools/materials or even willpower to soldier through it all.
I'll most likely offer modding the Z7 as a service for those who would prefer not having to go through the trouble. This is still not decided yet, as I anticipate my time to be fairly limited, and I would not want to get overburdened and leave people waiting. Also I don't want to make it look like I'm using Purk's impressions, or any impression thereafter, as an advertising stun to gain popularity/more customers...
My main intention is still to see if the Z7 really is as good as I think it is (I personally think it's the best closed-back headphone I have ever heard... but I may be very biased!), and to allow more folks access to this potential.
So I hope that's not coming off as bad as it reads. 
Jan 26, 2015 at 8:35 PM Post #4,091 of 9,173
Hi all, seems quite lots of fans in here and actually I bought Z7 in Dec/2014.
Kimble cables is good and bargain with sound but Z7 dynamic driver is actually deserved for a higher grade of cable.
Yesterday, I finally received the hand-making cables and Z7 drives even crazier than with Kimble cables


Jan 26, 2015 at 9:43 PM Post #4,092 of 9,173
What composition is that cable?  Silver?
Jan 27, 2015 at 1:05 AM Post #4,095 of 9,173
Has anyone tried Sony MDR-Z7 with silver cables? I'm deciding between the silver dragon V3 and Kimber portable OFC (cheaper); the stock cable is pretty lackluster imo. 

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