Sep 21, 2016 at 9:37 AM Post #7,502 of 9,185
The Z7 should make a nice compliment to your HD600, and your Schiit stack would drive them just fine.  Expect a more bass heavy experience, and an impression that the mids are "sucked out".  But that's just the HD600 spoiling you in that regard...
oh and just out of curiosity, how does z7 compare with Posted th600? I don't mind a pair of bass heavy headphone. I actually find my hd600 lacks some bass sometime lol
Sep 21, 2016 at 9:38 AM Post #7,503 of 9,185
Noted, where could I find a pair of Z7 with a nice price?

$419.00 new, not bad !
Sep 21, 2016 at 10:13 AM Post #7,505 of 9,185
Z7 is very different than 600 or 900. The bass in Z7 is liquid and fluid, the bass in 900 or 600 is speedy, wooly. They are too different to compare directly. All I can say = 900 or 600 do better with classic and instrument with organic instruments. Z7 is good for modern pop and hip hop with a lot of synthetic plays
Sep 21, 2016 at 10:17 AM Post #7,506 of 9,185
Z7 is very different than 600 or 900. The bass in Z7 is liquid and fluid, the bass in 900 or 600 is speedy, wooly. They are too different to compare directly. All I can say = 900 or 600 do better with classic and instrument with organic instruments. Z7 is good for modern pop and hip hop with a lot of synthetic plays

Gotcha. I think my HD600 can manage classic quite well, so Z7 should be a good complement.
Sep 21, 2016 at 11:43 AM Post #7,508 of 9,185
Yes, mods help. Z7 are great for low level listening because they isolate well, the sound wide and lifelike even then, and the clarity is good and stays good. Listening loud causes the ears to naturally constrict in the highs. Also, the extra bass you hear about holds up even at low levels, where more "flat" (LOL - bass shy) can have the bass vanish as it gets quieter. So you get vibe at low levels.

I also have a the Audio Technica ATH-R70x. A lot lighter, surprisingly good bass for open (not Z7 level of course) and mids that are very similar. The highs are a bit more extended and brighter and it takes more to drive them, but I can just fine from my iPhone at 50-80%. The difference would be even larger, as the HD600 has less bass and low mid warmth and more high mids than the R70x.
Sep 21, 2016 at 12:20 PM Post #7,510 of 9,185
Let me stretch it a bit further. The Z7 with modifications sound even much much better than you can expect it to be.

Agreed.  I went a different route and applied Dynamat around the baffle and on the back of the cups, and used wool dampening to fill the empty cup space.  That along with a custom cable I made has transformed the stock Z7 whose original sound I found to be unrefined with loose/flabby bass is now closer to my ideal sound - neutral with tight sub bass and well extended treble.  I equated the stock sound to be pop-fi where as now I hear it as being hi-fi.  Of course YMMV.
Sep 21, 2016 at 2:14 PM Post #7,515 of 9,185
  I've been enjoying this setup for a while now.  The Kimber cables only made it better.  Thinking about moving to the PHA3 to see how the Z7s do with a balanced output.

Thought they were made for the PHA-3 balanced out?
Well... Z7 is easy on the amp. I usually run them straight out from the Macbook Pro cuz I bring them with me on the move. It's one of those headphones that looks robust enough to take a beating on the road and comfy enough to wear for a long time.

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