Jul 30, 2014 at 5:31 PM Post #31 of 9,185
my wallet is ready for this
Jul 30, 2014 at 8:30 PM Post #32 of 9,185
Unconfirmed: 50mm Dynamic version 5399RMB (875USD)
                       40mm Dynamic version 3799RMB (615USD)
                       Liquid Crystal Polymer Film
                       Not wooden
                       made in China
Jul 30, 2014 at 8:44 PM Post #34 of 9,185
Unconfirmed: 50mm Dynamic version 5399RMB (875USD)
                       40mm Dynamic version 3799RMB (615USD)
                       Liquid Crystal Polymer Film
                       Not wooden
                       made in China

Wait, what? Very similar to the 7520.
Jul 30, 2014 at 9:21 PM Post #39 of 9,185
Interesting! Loved my SA5000 and liked the R10. Just hope it doesn't sound like a Q010, a versatile flagship is welcomed.
Jul 30, 2014 at 9:37 PM Post #42 of 9,185
I'm so ready. I hope this means a more spacious, neutral sound.

Hope that they can recurrence concert hall in a closed can like R10.
My wallet is ready for this too LOL

I've tried most of the current production TOTL and nothing stood out from the rest. Obviously some fell short to my ears but definitely interested in seeing what Sony can produce here considering they're the ones who brought me into this hobby.
Jul 30, 2014 at 9:51 PM Post #43 of 9,185
That sound description is a big relief to me. I was really worried they would say it was going to be extended bass headphones. Hope the price is good, I might get it just out of brand loyalty from all the years of enjoyment I got out of my sa5000.
Jul 30, 2014 at 9:52 PM Post #44 of 9,185
I've tried most of the current production TOTL and nothing stood out from the rest. Obviously some fell short to my ears but definitely interested in seeing what Sony can produce here considering they're the ones who brought me into this hobby.

Actually I don't think this one can be a killer, but no doubt it will be a lovely one. Price indicates that it can't be a Summit-Fi headphone or a product on top of hill($). Sony's financial situation is very bad recently. They are still searching for products that can make money. Sadly they don't have the guts to revive Qualia or copy the success from Astell&Kern.
Jul 30, 2014 at 10:34 PM Post #45 of 9,185
  Unconfirmed: 50mm Dynamic version 5399RMB (875USD)
                       40mm Dynamic version 3799RMB (615USD)
                       Liquid Crystal Polymer Film
                       Not wooden
                       made in China

I bet these information are real. It's been 'confirmed' by a well-known 'Sonyboy' in China.
In addition, 50mm version will have a ringlike transducer to improve bass quality, i.e. two liquid crystal transducers in 50mm version.

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