Sony Walkman custom firmware (non-Android)
Nov 28, 2020 at 7:39 PM Post #2,311 of 8,589
Ok, guys, I'm in crisis.
I state that I like to listen at high volume (very high), but in High gain, whatever region I used ... the sibilants were inaudible, while on low gain the sound is much more polite.
I know that many of you are against eq, and even I have never adopted this method, but today, in boredom, I simply tried all frequencies at +10 db; I put the low gain mode back and started my listening session between 75 and 100 volume. (depending on the song)
really impressive soundstage, I used the U region, to make my z5s more detailed, and every sibilant is gone, every high frequency is not fatiguing, precise, high resolution.
I don't know if it can be a valid solution to take advantage of the low gain tone, but I definitely prefer it.
try and let me know, I'm not this great audiophile expert, I'm a beginner, but if I had to listen to my ears, now I'm even more satisfied
Nov 28, 2020 at 7:43 PM Post #2,312 of 8,589
I used the U region, to make my z5s more detailed, and every sibilant is gone, every high frequency is not fatiguing, precise, high resolution.
I don't know if it can be a valid solution to take advantage of the low gain tone, but I definitely prefer it.

The gain is already set higher on region U having it in low gain is totally fine. Nothing to worry about. :)
Nov 28, 2020 at 7:47 PM Post #2,313 of 8,589
The gain is already set higher on region U having it in low gain is totally fine. Nothing to worry about. :)
When intend listen High volume i said...normally..high gain, 95-105..😂😂
whatever region on low gain Is too weak for my preferences.
But with this!!
Nov 28, 2020 at 7:53 PM Post #2,314 of 8,589
When intend listen High volume i said...normally..high gain, 95-105..😂😂
whatever region on low gain Is too weak for my preferences.
But with this!!

In my opinion, as a Rule of Thumb High Gain should only be used when you need some oomph to power some iems/headphones that require in little more juice but it isn’t necessary to use always especially when it can cause some adverse effects like sibliance and fatigue :wink:
Nov 28, 2020 at 10:17 PM Post #2,315 of 8,589
Ok, guys, I'm in crisis.
I state that I like to listen at high volume (very high), but in High gain, whatever region I used ... the sibilants were inaudible, while on low gain the sound is much more polite.
I know that many of you are against eq, and even I have never adopted this method, but today, in boredom, I simply tried all frequencies at +10 db; I put the low gain mode back and started my listening session between 75 and 100 volume. (depending on the song)
really impressive soundstage, I used the U region, to make my z5s more detailed, and every sibilant is gone, every high frequency is not fatiguing, precise, high resolution.
I don't know if it can be a valid solution to take advantage of the low gain tone, but I definitely prefer it.
try and let me know, I'm not this great audiophile expert, I'm a beginner, but if I had to listen to my ears, now I'm even more satisfied
I love mx3 3.00 and just tame the highs with eq, if you want unfatiguing sound i may suggest 3.01 or 3.02 J or Cew or E.. U its actually piercing i never use high gain
Nov 29, 2020 at 1:03 AM Post #2,316 of 8,589
Nov 29, 2020 at 3:35 AM Post #2,317 of 8,589
Just curious, how does the WM1A with this latest firmware compare for pure sound quality with TOTL players like the SP2000, DX220 MAX or R8?

After installing this modded firmware is there still a big difference in sound between the WM1A and WM1Z? Thanks for your input.
Nov 29, 2020 at 4:14 AM Post #2,318 of 8,589
Just curious, how does the WM1A with this latest firmware compare for pure sound quality with TOTL players like the SP2000, DX220 MAX or R8?

After installing this modded firmware is there still a big difference in sound between the WM1A and WM1Z? Thanks for your input.
The WM1A with DMP-Z1 FE beats the stock 1Z hands down. But I don’t know the difference between both 1A and 1Z using FE.
Nov 29, 2020 at 4:30 AM Post #2,319 of 8,589
Hey guys! I'm not sure if this was discussed before but I thought I asked.

May I know the sound comparisons between the A55 and the zx300 after applying MrWalkman's firmware? Is the zx300 better or are they almost similar? I saw a few online in my country who are selling used zx300 and A55 so I was thinking on getting one of them due to the amazing battery life. I mainly use iems.
Nov 29, 2020 at 4:38 AM Post #2,320 of 8,589
Nov 29, 2020 at 9:10 AM Post #2,323 of 8,589
Just curious, how does the WM1A with this latest firmware compare for pure sound quality with TOTL players like the SP2000, DX220 MAX or R8?

After installing this modded firmware is there still a big difference in sound between the WM1A and WM1Z? Thanks for your input.
Yes there is still a big difference between the 1A and 1Z when running DMP1-WM1 FE. The 1Z has more details and a larger soundstage. But for the money a 1A with FE can't compare to anything else.
Nov 29, 2020 at 12:36 PM Post #2,324 of 8,589
Just curious, how does the WM1A with this latest firmware compare for pure sound quality with TOTL players like the SP2000, DX220 MAX or R8?

Different approach all those models have great third party DAC chips and lots of power and it the DMP-Z1 itself has two mono balanced AKM4497eq. Sound wise not sure??? Haven't used none of those DACs. Sony and Cowon have probably the best DSP which makes the firmware more versatile but Hiby R8 has the best specs and their firmware is one of the best.

If you like the sound of the Hiby R8 then it checks all the boxes. IMHO. Like in any digital median, Firmware has it's limits when the hardware isn’t up to par and vice versa! It too uses 2 balanced mono Ak4497eq chips (it’s great but it’s no longer the AKm’s flagship) but there’s more to DACs than just chips like circuit design, etc

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