Sony NWZ-ZX1 - 35th Walkman Anniversary model
Nov 18, 2013 at 2:54 PM Post #1,096 of 7,711
I like the way you removed my comment about output impedance, in order to quote me and then reply that it's about output impedance.
But, for the record, I believe it's a combined issue. Even with the lowest ouput impedance on the planet, the amp still needs a reasonable amount of current in order to grab hold of the drivers and control them to full excursion, and with decent dynamics and pace, rhythm, timing, etc.

Updated, and event added emphasis for you. 
If they're sensitive, I don't see how they would need a ton of current. But hey, I'm also not a sound engineer. 
Nov 18, 2013 at 3:21 PM Post #1,097 of 7,711
I haven't abandoned any interest in the NW-ZX1 but I am wary and will be sitting on the fence, watching and waiting with interest, to see how the NW-ZX1 handles CIEMs like the Miracle.

I think you've thoroughly dismissed any possibility of purchasing a ZX1 don't you?, it is pretty obvious the unknown battery issues & impedance outputs are putting you off. In truth it's getting a bit boring reading rehashed discussions that were covered earlier, the way you're going on about things is a tad over the top, imo you're trying to insinuate that the ZX1 crap device and we should all be looking elsewhere, I for one will be looking forward to the arrival of the ZX1 despite your repeated concerns.
It looks like more firmware updates have arrived for customers of other brands for their 'acknowledged by me' buggy DAP's Now it's not for me to say the time spent correcting music files, trying to get things to work properly, the frustration of forever changing SQ updates and the possible concerns of battery failure is a key thing to enjoying this Head-Fi hobby, perhaps I'm just a lazy bugger who can't be bothered with all that malarkey so please excuse me for taking the easy route and buying a Sony.
Lastly, I daresay when I get it the bloody ZX1 it will take an hour to load music and it'll be ready to use, I won't hold my breath for any updates so I'll just have to put up with the SQ that Sony feels is best (have you heard the F887?, it's realllly nice). So in summary what do you reckon on all those people do when they're trying to fix their DAP's?, us Sony users tend to listen to music, who would of believed it, I blame Apple. 
Nov 18, 2013 at 3:34 PM Post #1,098 of 7,711
You basically nailed it. I have high hopes for the ZX1 as well as the F886. I want a high quality player that has good UI and good battery. I'm not selling my X3 but it definitely will be a nice change from the iBasso, Fiio, Hifiman, etc. crowd where the UI is buggy compared to something like an Apple player. 
Nov 18, 2013 at 4:15 PM Post #1,099 of 7,711
I think you've thoroughly dismissed any possibility of purchasing a ZX1 don't you?, it is pretty obvious the unknown battery issues & impedance outputs are putting you off. In truth it's getting a bit boring reading rehashed discussions that were covered earlier, the way you're going on about things is a tad over the top, imo you're trying to insinuate that the ZX1 crap device and we should all be looking elsewhere, I for one will be looking forward to the arrival of the ZX1 despite your repeated concerns.

No, I've been at pains to point out that I think the ZX1 looks like a truly lovely DAP.   Really.
Regarding the battery of the NW-ZX1, it is quite obvious that you only skimmed what I wrote in my earlier post - if you read carefully, you'll see that I said I am not one of the people worrying about the battery.
All I have said is that I am wary of the low amp power output and (at the moment) unknown output impedance.
I fully recognise the strengths of the ZX1 in terms of (probably) almost flawless firmware/UI, beautiful industrial design, gorgeous screen, proper hardware control buttons, etc., and as much as I adore the SQ of iBasso's DX100, I have openly stated that I dislike the appalling battery life and terrible lack of hardware buttons to control the DX100 instead of having to pull it out of one's pocket every time one wishes to change the track etc. Not only does the ZX1 have hardware control buttons one can use within one's pocket, but it also does not make the stupid mistake of the Cowon J3 and DX100, of having some buttons directly on opposite sides of the DAP, so that one accidentally presses an undesired button on the wrong side of the DAP whilst trying to press the desired button on the other side of the DAP (on the J3, the power/screenlock button is directly opposite the volume buttons. On the DX100, they made exactly the same mistake). From an industrial design POV, the ZX1 is an absolute class-act and has many people drooling over it, myself included. Just look at the attention to detail of the button layout, and differentiation between the buttons, so they can be felt and correctly identified in a pocket, without having to see them. Wonderful!:

(image from
Obviously, I'm not suggesting you would have any reason to do so, but I assure you that if you were to read every single post I've ever posted here on Head-fi, you would not find so much as a single post from me raving about any DAP being perfect. They all have their various flaws.
I'm not trying to "insinuate that the ZX1 is a crap device". I'm saying I perceive that it may be lacking, in the amp section, but I am not assuming that that will be so. I am waiting to hear people's experience of it when it is soon released. For the record, I found that my ancient Sony D-777 PCDPs sounded very decent with UM's Miracle CIEM. Not perfect, but very respectable and all parts of the frequency spectrum were rendered appropriately. I am a big fan of these classic Sonys - so much so that I still own 2 D-777s, so please don't think that I do not like Sony, because the truth is, I'm a longtime fan of Sony's portable products, going all the way back to the cassette Walkmans of the 1980s, many of which I owned at the time. I don't recall what the power output of the D-777 is, or know what the OI is, but I was surprised at how well it drives such a low-impedance CIEM. If the ZX1 is no better than the aged D-777, it will be quite sufficient to satisfy me, given the many other positive aspects of the ZX1's design, so there is still hope for me that I may be pleasantly surprised by the reviews when it is released.
Believe me, if I hear user reports / reviews that the amp section of the ZX1 punches above it's apparent specifications, I will gladly buy one when I get my finances back on-track. This DAP looks like a class act in many respects, and it would be so nice to finally have a DAP which has a wonderful slick UI and which will drive low-impedance multi-BA CIEMs properly, without needing a seperate amp. I don't expect DX100 power levels, but the DX100 really opened my eyes to the amazing difference in SQ a truly decent (and low impedance) amp section can make, even to tiny balanced armature CIEM designs, and I'm not new to high quality audio (I've been a fullsize Hi-fi enthusiast for 2 decades or so).
I want NW-ZX1 to succeed, but if it doesn't, I will have to settle for a less-slick DAP, which, perhaps, may be Fiio's X5. I do respect James' efforts to actually listen to his customers, and engage with them during development. He scores very high points, in my eyes, for his attitude towards satisfying his customers' requirements.
The NW-ZX1 and the X5 are due to be released at almost the same time, in Europe, (approx Feb/March 2014), and I won't have money before then, anyway, so I am excited to see how both devices perform when they reach the hands of customers. I have no firm allegiance to Sony or Fiio, so my decision remains unmade at this point, in spite of what you appear to think of me.
There's an unpleasant trend developing in this thread, of people jumping to huge misinterpretations about other members' intended meanings, and then personally accusing them of this that or the other. Attribution Error is something us humans are habitually prone to, but it's quite unnecessary to take/make things so personally within the context of this discussion. We all enjoy this hobby and this forum is an opportunity for everyone to light-heartedly chat about various aspects of the hobby without being personally accused or criticised just because of differing opinions or concerns about these inanimate objects/devices.
Nov 18, 2013 at 5:10 PM Post #1,100 of 7,711
All I have said is that I am wary of the low amp power output and (at the moment) unknown output impedance.

With all due respect, I've lost count the number of times you've posted this concern / issue. There's lots of assumptions about a device that NO ONE has heard properly. ( Other than our Japanese friends that have had a brief listen. )
Nov 18, 2013 at 5:20 PM Post #1,101 of 7,711
  With all due respect, I've lost count the number of times you've posted this concern / issue. There's lots of assumptions about a device that NO ONE has heard properly. ( Other than our Japanese friends that have had a brief listen. )

Yes, it is true that I have mentioned it a few times; I don't dispute that. But, to be fair, I'm not ranting about it.
How many times has expandable memory been discussed by folks in this thread?
How many times has the battery been discussed?
How many times has the internal memory capacity been discussed?
No-one is 'requesting' any of these things (which is non-sensical for any device whose design parameters have already been finalised). We're just bouncing around opinions, concerns, ideas etc.
We're all just kicking our heels, waiting for this DAP to be released. It's how almost all pre-release Head-fi discussions go, and no harm done, and no need to take any of the discussion personally, so no need for anyone to have a go at anyone.
Nov 18, 2013 at 5:45 PM Post #1,102 of 7,711
  Do you think Z1000 headphones / EX1000 IEMs are too old for these? I dont plan on upgrading any headphones for now.

I think this is the first DAP that does the EX1000 justice. It took Sony some years to create it but now the wait is over. The EX1000 is not outdated in any region. (must admit I bought it only 6 weeks ago though.....
But my A845 also does a good Job in driving them extremely well.
Nov 18, 2013 at 7:11 PM Post #1,103 of 7,711
I haven't abandoned any interest in the NW-ZX1 but I am wary and will be sitting on the fence, watching and waiting with interest, to see how the NW-ZX1 handles CIEMs like the Miracle.

If Sony expect people to also purchase the matching amp with these then they will lose plenty of customers. Me being number 1(Mython second
). Just imagine though how many will be listed on the second hand market if this is the case. The price will plummet. Honestly, I do not see Sony pulling this stunt, better not.
Nov 18, 2013 at 9:05 PM Post #1,104 of 7,711
  Do you think Z1000 headphones / EX1000 IEMs are too old for these? I dont plan on upgrading any headphones for now.

What? old, I kept my Beyer Dt770 pros 18 years to long before I go rid of them then!  
I have the Z1000 cans as well as the 7520's & MDR-1R, all 24 ohms, not sure how it will go regards to having impedance matching as although my old Z1070 was loud enough it still needed an amp as it sounded anemic, thin with lack of detail in the timbre of notes been played.  
But as a pairing signature wise these should, if the Sony X & Z are anything to go by the Z1000 should  pair well musically. only five weeks to find out though....
  If Sony expect people to also purchase the matching amp with these then they will lose plenty of customers. Me being number 1(Mython second
). Just imagine though how many will be listed on the second hand market if this is the case. The price will plummet. Honestly, I do not see Sony pulling this stunt, better not

I do not think Sony are, I just think the pre- release killing time here is giving to much thinking time on here to paranoia with battery's and talk of it not been able to power a fridge with 15mw p/c trending on here currently.  
It has still been designed primarily for use with iem's or easy to drive portable headphones as I do not think Sony have ever intended or stated it was to be capable of been like the Chinese high end daps for driving larger cans.  Never has from where I have been sitting in any case.  
it would be nice if it could drive my hair dryer or a Rolls Royce Merlin, but that ain't going to happen, not until another two gen's time anyway. 
In short I don't think Sony have designed the PHA2 solely as a answer to some sort of short comings in the players ability.  It was with first thought designed as a portable high end Walkman for on the move which is what seems like been waiting for ever for Sony to go the next step to produce this higher end model.  
Nov 19, 2013 at 1:44 AM Post #1,105 of 7,711
There is no perfect dap, lets be honest guys. It only comes to which you are willing to prioritize.
SQ, UI, Battery...etc.
For me the Sony ZX1 (hopefully) will be a good "complete package", not best in anything, but it just works wonderful and let me enjoy it, and remember I spent almost 50% of my time with the DX100 trying to fix things! until I lost hope.
My slow Z-1070 sounds wonderful, and all I have to do is just turn it and play, no hiccups no chipmunk sounds no restarts nothing, it just works as a Walkman.
P.S: When Steve went to Japan and saw how Japanese people are in love with Sony and Walkman and Disc-man, he took the Sony Walkman from one of his employees (when he returned) , dismantled it and started thinking of the ipod, so in a way Sony made the ipod
To all of you guys here , I thank you for your contributions and thoughts,.
Please keep them coming.
Its HeadFi =(Here everybody  always do find importance)!
Nov 19, 2013 at 4:19 AM Post #1,106 of 7,711
High end PMP that have a useful touchscreen, physical buttons, good size and not designed for high impedance headphones. All with premium material and a more sane pricetag. I am really interested to be fair.
Nov 19, 2013 at 4:32 AM Post #1,107 of 7,711
Demonstration of real XZ1...started this week in a local portable audio chain shop DMA

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