Aug 8, 2016 at 10:33 PM Post #12,454 of 14,773
The way I see the TRRS update is, it's part of the chain only and won't offer a great improvement unless you have the right mastered tracks, the correct resolving iem's, the patience to observe the differences.

And of coarse the ability to hear the differences between TRS and TRRS is critical, it could be several factors like the cable quality, or not all ears have been created equal, (some people have a musical ear as well, and can play chords back on a piano after hearing them just once). And other just didn't treat their hearing the right way, and as a result will also be oblivious to the improvements.

I can hear a positive difference and think it's nice that there is the TRRS balanced audio output option (separated grounds). And certainly one worth using if you decide to update your cable. My only issue is having to swap cables or add piggy lead, to use my IEM'S on another device.
Aug 8, 2016 at 10:38 PM Post #12,455 of 14,773
Another test for the cable - wow...really loving how KSE's sound now.  Never really liked the KSE and its Amp in line in mode, so its been collecting dust for awhile hehe.



Aug 8, 2016 at 10:46 PM Post #12,456 of 14,773

I agree with Whitigir.  I made one trip with the dock and it was a pain.  Go with the dongle cables.

OK, guess I won't bother either then, I travel fairly regularly these days. One time when I was taking my stuff through the check-in, they stopped to give the ZX2 a closer look. Good thing it said Sony on it, or I'd have to explain what it is

Another test for the cable - wow...really loving how KSE's sound now.  Never really liked the KSE and its Amp in line in mode, so its been collecting dust for awhile hehe.

I have to agree, tried both with my friend's KSE 1500, and the digital out was significantly better. Don't think I'd ever let something like the KSE sit around gathering dust, though!

Aug 9, 2016 at 7:42 AM Post #12,457 of 14,773
  Don't agree with the 'mind-boggling' part ($4000+ for a DAP, anyone?), but I can see where you're coming from, the enhancements and unique audio circuitry  are a bit lost with use as a storage. But I have to agree with Whitigir, the digital out from the ZX2 is no slouch, I prefer it over analog in all situations that I've tried (with the Shure KSE1500, the Chord Hugo, etc). I'd go so far as to say it's noticeably better than the digital output from some 'mind-boggling' DAPs which shall remain nameless 

For me, not sure what exactly Sony did, but it shows. Now to get off my butt and actually get one of those cables for myself. I still don't get how Sony can't just release a digital out -> micro USB cable themselves, instead of needing that clunky adapter.
Edited for clarity/typos.

That's exactly what I mean. When you use the ZX2 as a pure storage device, and I think that's what's happening here, you bypass its digital amplifier and also its DAC, yet that's where all the (expensive) magic is coming from. I can understand why you prefer the digital signal. I use a digital cable, too, to connect my ZX2 to my HP-V1 tube amplifier. However, I still get to enjoy the audio bliss coming from both the audio circuitry and sound enhancements.
Aren't there cheaper ways than buying a ZX2? There must be cheaper devices offering digital outputs with good quality.
Aug 9, 2016 at 8:00 AM Post #12,458 of 14,773
That's exactly what I mean. When you use the ZX2 as a pure storage device, and I think that's what is happening here, you bypass its digital amplifier and also its DAC, yet that's where all the (expensive) magic is coming from. I can understand why you prefer the digital signal. I use a digital cable, too, to connect my ZX2 to my HP-V1 tube amplifier. However, I still get enjoy the audio bliss coming from both the audio circuitry and sound enhancements.

Aren't there cheaper ways than buying a ZX2? There must be cheaper devices offering digital outputs with good quality.

Have you seen this post ?

Sony is unique in offering more power and quality to Digital signals for audio than anything else out there. Either the dongle cables or the cradle will hugely increase the sound quality coming off your Zx2 in digital mode. Do not use cheap China made cables.

Have you questioned yourself as why Zx2 drain more battery in digital mode ?
Aug 9, 2016 at 8:00 AM Post #12,459 of 14,773
Anyone willing to be the first to have a go with one of these? The launch price is a lot less than I was expecting for the UK.
Aug 9, 2016 at 8:36 AM Post #12,461 of 14,773
One of the key advantages of Head-Fi is, while most of us can't get an opportunity to listen to various audio gear before purchase, due to logistics and other factors, it allows users to make comparative statements. Statements which others can use to infer what they can expect from a certain combination of equipment.
In the spirit of that attribute, I come here today bearing comparative insight.
So, I use the ZX2 almost exclusively for all my music listening, whether at work, on the go or at home. About a year ago, I decided to try out the Sennheiser IE800s with the ZX2. They're dynamic drivers, with fairly low impedance and high sensitivity. As such, the paltry output power of the ZX2 should be enough to drive the IE800 well. And, I've found that to indeed be the case. The ZX2 (Japanese model) and the IE800 make for an excellent combination.
But, as time wore on, I got antsy. I really wanted to find a pair of full-sized cans that I could use at home which had a similar sonic character to the IE800, but could also be driven by the ZX2.
After much searching, comparing specs, and reading glowing reviews, I got a pair of Oppo PM3s. In short, no. These were not what I was looking for. Good, certainly. But its sonic character was just too jarringly different compared to the IE800s—too "smooth", too laid back.
Which then brought me back to Sennheiser. "Go for the jugular", I thought. which meant examining the HD800. But alas, their specs dissuaded me from legitimately considering them for use with the ZX2. Then, the HD700, maybe? Their impedance is half that of the HD800, and they're pretty sensitive.
Well...why not?! I do have a separate headphone amp if the ZX2 is just too weak. Sure. Go for it!
Upon plugging the HD700 into the ZX2 and pressing play, my immediate reaction involved my jaw dropping and various nonsensical mumblings emitting from me involving the words "holy" and "crap".
The sonic character of the HD700 is VERY similar to the IE800. It's very clear, sharp, detailed, energetic. And the bass, while not overly abundant is clear, extends quite low and still has some impact. I'd like to think that last point is thanks in part to those super capacitors on the ZX2.
And the volume? So far, all of my recordings result in me setting the volume slider to 75-85% of maximum. When pushed to 95-100%, the result is too loud for me to stand for any length of time. Surprisingly, I was not able to detect any distortion even at 100%.
Yes, I can imagine a combination of factors, like tracks that were recorded at a low volume and those who have some hearing loss or those who have less sensitive hearing might run out of juice with this combination. But generally speaking, the HD700 + ZX2 can actually work together quite nicely.

Aug 9, 2016 at 8:39 AM Post #12,462 of 14,773
Aug 9, 2016 at 8:44 AM Post #12,463 of 14,773
Have you seen this post ?

Sony is unique in offering more power and quality to Digital signals for audio than anything else out there. Either the dongle cables or the cradle will hugely increase the sound quality coming off your Zx2 in digital mode. Do not use cheap China made cables.

Have you questioned yourself as why Zx2 drain more battery in digital mode ?

Alright, I just have to stop you right there. If a cable meets the minimum spec for USB 2, then it is massive overkill for digital audio. 24/96 audio in stereo uses 4608 Kbps. USB can handle 280Mbps. That's 280,000Kbps, or a little less than 61x the required bandwidth. So if it meets spec, it will be able to carry the signal just fine. You can use more expensive components, but it's absolutely impossible for them to matter. Now, it might be that the connections on the cheaper cable are in fact no good, but they'll either work or they won't. So long as it meets spec, you'll be fine.
With regards to using the ZX2 as a transport, if the DSP and EQ are good, and it applies them before outputting the signal, then there is definitely reason to use it. If it applies no DSP, and it just does a bit-perfect output, then it's the same as any other device that's bit-perfect. The DSP on the ZX1 is pretty good, but I've never tested it through the digital out, I probably should. The crossfeed options are quite noticeable on the ZX1, and (some of the options) are pretty darn good. Not up to the level of anything that Joe Boggs has provided out of the goodness of his heart, but definitely good. If those are applied to the digital out, then I'd say it might be worthwhile, assuming that you can afford the ZX2. 
Aug 9, 2016 at 9:15 AM Post #12,464 of 14,773
Alright, I just have to stop you right there. If a cable meets the minimum spec for USB 2, then it is massive overkill for digital audio. 24/96 audio in stereo uses 4608 Kbps. USB can handle 280Mbps. That's 280,000Kbps, or a little less than 61x the required bandwidth. So if it meets spec, it will be able to carry the signal just fine. You can use more expensive components, but it's absolutely impossible for them to matter. Now, it might be that the connections on the cheaper cable are in fact no good, but they'll either work or they won't. So long as it meets spec, you'll be fine.

With regards to using the ZX2 as a transport, if the DSP and EQ are good, and it applies them before outputting the signal, then there is definitely reason to use it. If it applies no DSP, and it just does a bit-perfect output, then it's the same as any other device that's bit-perfect. The DSP on the ZX1 is pretty good, but I've never tested it through the digital out, I probably should. The crossfeed options are quite noticeable on the ZX1, and (some of the options) are pretty darn good. Not up to the level of anything that Joe Boggs has provided out of the goodness of his heart, but definitely good. If those are applied to the digital out, then I'd say it might be worthwhile, assuming that you can afford the ZX2. 

All in depth science a side, have you ever tried a quality cables or Sony cradle or Sony dongle cables in comparison to normal USB cables ? If not, I don't think we are on the same topic here. I myself tried different materials, Sony cradle, dongle cables, and clearly observe the differences.
Aug 9, 2016 at 9:40 AM Post #12,465 of 14,773
Hi guys ! I have a subscription to tidal Hifi and I would like to move off line content on external memory .... I tried to press the "move to USB storage" inside of the application but the contents are always saved on the device memory! solutions? Thanks

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