Sony MDR-EX81 vs Sony MDR-EX71
May 5, 2005 at 10:53 AM Post #61 of 101
HI: How are you? I got the ex81 to try over my Koss 75 because the 75 have a bit to much bass for talk radio. The ex81 did sound better at this but I paid 49.00 + tax total of 53.48 and I didn't like the fit. Also I seemed to miss the bigger sound of the 75.

The 75 cost me I think 20.00 and I felt that the ex81 at that price just was not for me. But if members like the ex81 I don't want to say anything bad about them. Enjoy them.
May 5, 2005 at 12:00 PM Post #62 of 101
Hi Lou...

I wasn't thinking that you were wrong for not liking these 'phones (I apologise wholeheartedly if this is how it appears)... If you like the KSC75 for half the price, then - thats brilliant

Have yourself a great day!

May 5, 2005 at 12:44 PM Post #63 of 101
HI: I never thought that you were saying anything about my decision. I just feel a bit bad about saying anything negative about the ex81 in a positive thread about them.

Also the thread is about the ex81 versus the ex71 and I don't think it is fair to compare them to the Koss 75 regardless of price.

The ear canal phones are much different than the ear clip on phones. My mistake.
May 12, 2005 at 6:37 PM Post #65 of 101

Originally Posted by bangraman
Fascinating comments. Especially as the EX71 and 81 have the same drivers with the practically the same housing.

That's interesting. My suspicion is that I like the 81s better than the 71s because I am able to get a much better fit with the 81s.
May 12, 2005 at 6:44 PM Post #66 of 101

Originally Posted by bangraman
Fascinating comments. Especially as the EX71 and 81 have the same drivers with the practically the same housing.

They do?

The drive unit size is the same - I'll grant you that... but for them to sound THIS different.. not unless it is some weird logic with the earphone being put in to your ear essentially upside down...

I hope you try a pair for yourself Bangraman... there really is a very REAL difference between the two...
May 12, 2005 at 6:48 PM Post #67 of 101
I've been watching the EX71 v 81 threads with interest and playing around with examples from different batches of the 81. Now that the 'EX81 is better' threads seem to have reached some degree of mass and Duncan has weighed in, I thought it would be time for me to comment.

Both phones have basically the same drivers. Both phones, if fitted the same will sound essentially the same. There are very slight variances due to the design of the housing, but it's not a magically cured EX71.

The 81's allow a looser connection between the ear and the phones before they fall out, which would mean that for some, the sensation of bass is reduced and trebles are brought to the fore. Also those of you going to the Etymotic school of sound tuning will note that a reduced bass will also in turn reduce the sensation of a scooped out midrange which might have been there before. The nature of the EX71 bass... lumpen, one-note, etc will however not change due to the variations of fit since that is largely a driver issue.

Differences between previously owned 71's and new 81's may also be more acute due to the unusually rapid degredation in the driver performance of the EX series.
May 13, 2005 at 7:33 AM Post #71 of 101

You said you'd tried samples from various 'batches' - Is there sample variation? - I can certainly accept what you say about the midrange / lesser bass, but just wondering if we'll see differing opinions as time goes on - one pair being hideously bright, another supremely bassy etc etc...

May 13, 2005 at 9:11 AM Post #72 of 101
No, there's not an appreciable amount of sample variation. It's just that I don't have time to test myself, so I'll open a couple of fresh packs, listen to them for a while and then give one to someone else to use. Then I'll get it back, open up another couple of new ones and compare.

As we've talked about before the EX71's performance falls off from being somewhat scratchy, relatively cheap-feeling highs, scooped mids and big, one-note lows to smoother and rather more incoherent highs, reasonably balanced-seeming mids and further muddied bass as the drivers degrade. The same can be expected with the EX81, although this will be coloured by the variations in fit I referred to before.

When fitted in the most common way, the EX81s couple looser to the ear than you would jam the EX71's in and in that case it does change the bass you hear. It's lighter and seemingly more balanced. And as I said before (and it's always worth repeating myself) this will also change how you perceive the midrange and trebles. And of course there are relatively major changes in the EX71 drivers during it's life.

So it's right to an extent that you should notice sometimes a major change in the characteristics of the two. But in comparing the two, you are essentially listening to the same phones at different stages in their degredation cycle. There is no 'great new sound', although this is debatable as the EX81's fit may give you a different sonic balance compared to the EX71. However, there will be no increase in quality.

I personally believe the earclip design is quite flawed. It needed more formability to deal with a wider range of ear sizes.
May 13, 2005 at 11:16 AM Post #73 of 101

Originally Posted by bangraman
I personally believe the earclip design is quite flawed. It needed more formability to deal with a wider range of ear sizes.

I can certainly agree with you there...

As i've mentioned a couple of times within this thread I look a bit like an alien with stunted antenna growth whilst wearing these...

I am still looking at the E3C / ER6i to permanently give me iPod bliss, but - until that time, the EX81 mostly fill that role adequately
May 13, 2005 at 12:25 PM Post #74 of 101

stunted antenna

In which case, you're pretty much getting a "new" EX71 sound, since you have the transducers inserted a fair way into the ear. The lighter bass and treble accentuation in comparison with the EX71 occurs when you're wearing the EX81 as they're pictured on the pack. And as you've pointed out, there may be quite a number of people for whom the over-ear fit may be 'iffy' at best.

The EX81 are essentially nicer looking EX71's with the backup of earclips which results in a slightly different fit (which can change the sonic balance)... which work really well if they fit you. If they don't, the clips can actually be a hindrance.
May 18, 2005 at 4:27 AM Post #75 of 101
will these fit well for ppl wearing glasses? i'm worried about whether the hooks will interfere with my glasses.....are the hooks bendable? so it can fit for all sizes of ears?

also, i'm kinda new so any suggest how to 'burn-in' ur earphones? i got a pair of 2 wks old EX51 and they dont sound that good imo

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