So what's the word on the new Ultrasone HFI-780????
Apr 2, 2008 at 5:08 PM Post #1,636 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Andrew_WOT /img/forum/go_quote.gif
For people liking their food not too spicy, ESW9 might be a better choice.

I know, I thought it is too expensive, and it's hard to get these in my place, but probably I should take it anyway.
Apr 2, 2008 at 5:11 PM Post #1,637 of 2,328

Originally Posted by musicmaker /img/forum/go_quote.gif
lelek45, this is obviously another area where we think differently. Although the 780s fold up I think they're still large for portable use. If it works for you as a portable phone great. It doesn't for me.

...I thought it will be portable (before I bought it), but I was wrong, It's useless now from any point...
Apr 2, 2008 at 5:24 PM Post #1,639 of 2,328

Originally Posted by silverrain /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I thought this was supposed to be a thread about the 780's?
If someone does not like them, because in *their* opinion, the highs are too much, or the bass is too much, then look at another can -- stop complaining about people that happen to LIKE the 780, and go join a thread that supports YOUR personal opinion, and YOUR personal cans?
Is that so hard?
We are supposed to be giving just opinions on the cans, here, NOT other people's opinions or preferences. Labeling other people in any way is childish. OOPS -- I labeled some people!
Oh dear...I suppose I will now be labeled....

OK, fair enough. I will not complain, but remember that new people are coming to this thread for the 'Truth" about these headphones(before they decide to buy it, as myself did), to hear DIFFERENT opinions, in this case my, negative opinion is valuable for them...
and can save some cash.
Apr 2, 2008 at 5:28 PM Post #1,640 of 2,328

Originally Posted by lelek45 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Important point. You are talking about bass ONLY, I'm talking about WHOLE music representation! I don't care how bass sounds - I do care how whole sounds together. And why, are you talking about bass? I guess, because you have some listening habits that based on music that driven by bass mostly.... I have different habits, that's why we need a reference point.

I was only talking about bass because that was what YOU were objecting too (with the "Basshead" comments). Like you, I also demand a certain kind of midrange and treble performance in order for headphones to sound like music to me. And no headphone is perfect. I am simply trying to illustrate that I think it's highly problematic to assume that one's own opinions are absolutes, which is, intentionally or not, exactly what you were originally suggesting.

That's all - I've no more to say on this topic.

I enjoy the S2 Audio recabled HFI780 headphones. They are not even close to my favorite of the ones I own, but I think they offer excellent overall sound, that is highly competitive in their price point.
Apr 2, 2008 at 5:43 PM Post #1,641 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was only talking about bass because that was what YOU were objecting too (with the "Basshead" comments). Like you, I also demand a certain kind of midrange and treble performance in order for headphones to sound like music to me. And no headphone is perfect. I am simply trying to illustrate that I think it's highly problematic to assume that one's own opinions are absolutes, which is, intentionally or not, exactly what you were originally suggesting.

That's all - I've no more to say on this topic.

I enjoy the S2 Audio recabled HFI780 headphones. They are not even close to my favorite of the ones I own, but I think they offer excellent overall sound, that is highly competitive in their price point.

I shouldn't begin this discussion, sorry, never mind.... simply after reading some people's comments about HFI-780 that they are deficient in bass (
), I felt that I need clarify something... and, please, "basshead" was used as an example to clarification purpose and not to label people. I didn't actually know that on this forum it's a bad word... I'm quite new here.
Apr 2, 2008 at 7:52 PM Post #1,642 of 2,328

Originally Posted by lelek45 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
OK, fair enough. I will not complain, but remember that new people are coming to this thread for the 'Truth" about these headphones(before they decide to buy it, as myself did), to hear DIFFERENT opinions, in this case my, negative opinion is valuable for them...
and can save some cash.

Which part of these imperative statements, did you NOT understand?

"Labeling other people in any way is childish."

"stop complaining about *people*"

NOWEHERE does it say to NOT express an opinon about the cans -- other people have THEIR opinions, too. About the cans, NOT the other peoples' tastes, etc....
And, every person's opinion is the "truth" to *them* -- obviously!
A reader can then form their OWN impression, based on the presented evidence.

This thread is chock-full of peoples' opinions of what they think about he 780's -- all very helpful to help make a buy decision (or not).
Your opinion of the 780 is just as valid as anyone else's -- but, no need for labeling people.
Stick to writing about the cans....

Better re-read what I actually wrote up there, and NOT jump to erroneous assumptions.
Is English a second-language for you?

If so, that could explain people making such mistakes in understanding -- like this.
Something as simple as what I worte really should be easily understood -- it's basic reading comprehension for an english-speaking person -- otherwise, anything can happen!
"Stuff" happens on an international board -- unavoidable.
This is the last I will write about this -- no matter what.
Apr 2, 2008 at 7:53 PM Post #1,643 of 2,328

Originally Posted by lelek45 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I shouldn't begin this discussion, sorry, never mind.... simply after reading some people's comments about HFI-780 that they are deficient in bass (
), I felt that I need clarify something... and, please, "basshead" was used as an example to clarification purpose and not to label people. I didn't actually know that on this forum it's a bad word... I'm quite new here.

Some people don't like the name basshead and don't want to be associated with that even though maybe they are...merely speculating here

Basshead just seems as if that's the only thing that matters which hopefully, most of the time is not the thing.


Originally Posted by silverrain /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I thought this was supposed to be a thread about the 780's?
If someone does not like them, because in *their* opinion, the highs are too much, or the bass is too much, then look at another can -- stop complaining about people that happen to LIKE the 780, and go join a thread that supports YOUR personal opinion, and YOUR personal cans?
Is that so hard?

No need to be so harsh...This is a 1600 + thread about ONE headphone. You can expect the thread to derail at certain points and also getting back on topic again.
I also don't think anyone here is complaining about people who like them and there is no need to put the "their" between * either. Positive comments are nothing more but opinions from people as well.
I also don't think this thread was only meant for the raving comments and that people who have other comments should take it's a discussion forum which means all comments contribute to an adult and healty conversation AND give a fair inside in the headphone(s) being discussed.


Originally Posted by lelek45 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I realize that everyone's ears are different, but I also realize this is not the problem. Problem is the "hearing habits" - this can make a huge difference. I'm trying to turn off these habits to get more objective description of the sound.

Objective description of sound when asking people is simply impossible. Don't forget people also use different sources which lead to different impressions as well. And enough / a lot of bass is not enough for another or too much for again another person. It's impossible to use that as a reference. The only true reference you have is yourself. No exceptions.

I do understand what you mean though as I'm guessing something like, bloated bass is bloated bass and everyone should / could notice that, right?
It just doesn't work like that.

What you might be able to use as a sort of reference to get you started is read a lot and find out whose likes and dislikes appear similar to yours and "use" them as guidelines.
Apr 2, 2008 at 10:05 PM Post #1,645 of 2,328
wonderful review dfkt !
Apr 2, 2008 at 10:10 PM Post #1,646 of 2,328
Well balanced review...thanks!

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