Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
Jun 22, 2014 at 2:48 PM Post #3,586 of 22,957
To my mind the 8s justify the price, and I am forever thankful that high end audio is not a mainstream thing, for the price would most likely appreciate all the more. Four years of engineering went into them, after all.

I only have the hunch that the DX50, even after Rockboxing it, is not equal to the tasks demanded by the 8s. Already Truckdriver bought a DX90 and immediately sent it back from whence it came. In spite of its warmth I will be going in for the AK120,next month, which I may then have modded by Red Wine Audio. Apple need to look toward these things now, if not six a long time ago. They coulda, shoulda but wouldna even so much as up the iPhone to 128GB.

Unless you are looking for a used AK120 it might be tough to find them in the future... At least I know looking online at Canadian retailers most shops have now changed out to the AK120ii..  I found 1 place still selling the AK120 and it is the in store demo.  YMMV on find one though

Jun 22, 2014 at 3:05 PM Post #3,587 of 22,957
 Is the Shure SE535 safer (preventing hearing damage) for long listening sessions since it doesn't have a lot bass? 

Probably not, I find bass is usually the first thing to get drowned out by background noise making me want to turn the volume up.  With the good bass and good isolation on the SE-846, I don't have to turn the volume up as much to have a "fuller" sound in noisy situations such as riding on a bus (coach).
Edit. Or maybe it is the bass on the SE846 that helps to drown out the background noise and as others have already noted highs and mids can damage your hearing as well....
Jun 22, 2014 at 3:26 PM Post #3,588 of 22,957
It occurs to me that I have never actually posted my impressions of the 8s on this thread. I was reminded today that I did however email my thoughts and impressions to Sean Sullivan at Shure (the man in charge of the 8s and their development) a while back.
While it has required some reformatting to get it in here below is the entire letter.
Please note that my two criticism of the 8s being the zipper case being off skew and the seating of the nozzles were both rectified. Shure sent me a brand new zipper case. as for the nozzles seating issue it turns out all I needed to do was  put on my reading glasses when changing the filters
My opinion has evolved since writing this. I am less and less to inclined to go to the white filters especially with the SCS. And in fact have come to accept that certain muddiness apparent in certain progressive rock recordings of the early 70's. The are what they are Quaalude Fueled Sound Engineering and all.
Now none can say I have not contributed "Real" impression of the 8s... And yes this is how I write in the real world as I do here. Your proof lies below.
Obviously there was no need in my impressions to go on about the 8s being Self Aware. After-all the man is the person in charge of the development of the 8s. Having been there since their birth he was no doubt there when they spoke their first thoughts. So without further ado .....
SE846: My thoughts - The TARDIS in disguise...

To: Sean Sullivan


SENT May 8, 2014


Dear Mr. Sullivan,
Apologies for the delay in sending you my promised (laypersons) thoughts on my SE846 IEM. However I have been having so much fun with them I just haven't gotten around to sitting down and putting my thoughts to pixel.
BIGGER THICKER RICHER MORE DETAILED SOUND!!!  TIMBRE RESONANSE it's all there in joyous abundance....Visceral is an understatement.
Like the Doctors Companions upon entering the TARDIS for the first time, this listener had one thought on first use... "It's Bigger on the inside!".  (See attached clip ).

I could go on but the reviews on head fi say it better than me for a technical standpoint. I will say this. Since my first pair of Shure E3s right up to my SE535 (and my 530s before them - RIP) I have enjoyed them yet I always found myself when listening (as opposed to wearing them while say working out when other distractions kick in) saying to myself "If only...."
If only the highs were not so bright and fatiguing (especially the E3s).
If only they had more punch.
If only the bass was more.....
I was reaching for something I could not put into words
I am happy to say it is If only no more. Now I hear, feel, see and taste the music
There really is no comparison between the SE846 and the SE535 (which are currently in their case where they have resided since the first day I put my SE846.)
People ask are they worth the money compared to the old flagship the SE535. My answer is unequivocal YES! The SE846 are worth the money (less costly is always nicer but that is not the point). I tell people that the SE535 as compared to the SE846 is arguably not worth the price - not the other way around.
The SE 535 is like a BMW M3 it does what it does impeccably. The SE846 is like the PORSCHE 918 Spyder (The Roxanne Universal fro JH while I have not heard them reminds me of the McLaren P1 ) I have attached a Review of the Porsche  918 Spyder from Top Gear it sums up, metaphorically, the thrill and exhilaration of the SE846 and how they compare to the Roxanne. -It is a great clip)
I finally got around to trying the White Filters this week. They do wonders with muddy early 70s recording like Dark Side of the Moon. They Bring David Gilmour's to the forefront as well as bringing the sax and other instruments back to life. I suppose the neutral blue tips make the muddy bass of the recordings of that era just too muddy and overpowering thus losing detail. So the "sparkle" the white tips bring in do help. (interesting enough by the time Pink Floyd Animals is released this muddiness is gone from the recording and the Blue tips rule.) I suppose I could switch the filters when listening to Floyd in sequence (DSOTM, Wish you were here and Animals) on an "enhanced summer day that depends on of course my dexterity at the time
. At this point I am doing a lot of A-B testing on certain tracks to find what the default filter will be for those days. ...A first world problem to be sure.
For longer term listening and overall for anything recorded after 1974 the Blue tips give the music a fat luxurious sound that is anything but fatiguing. the white tips sparkle a bit too much and are just too bright at high volumes.
With the exception of the Progressive Rock/ Psychedelic Rock (Yes, Pink Floyd and Genesis) recorded up to about 1974/75 the Blue Tips bring a warmth a detail to classic rock recordings. I do not have enough time to go into the zeitgeist of listening to Jazz of any era through the blue filters. Classical depends but again for long terms listening one can get totally lost in them with the blue tips on.)
How good are they. I find I can spend hours with the SE846s on completely sober or otherwise "unenhanced" in any way shape or form. Enhanced.....I see only great future ahead. Oh and I forgot to mention they NEVER EVER require EQing to make them right.
This is not to say that everything is perfect. There are a few "quality issues. I am happy to say that build quality is excellent. .however I do have a few small issues/observations.
1) Changing the filters.
I note that the right ear nozzle does not seat as easily as the left ear and sometimes it takes 2-3 attempts to get the nozzle to sit flush so the collar screws all the way down. 
A more minor observation would be that making the marking the red dot on the earpieces that the red mark on the nozzle is supposed to line up with clearer or larger would make reassembly easier. (This is not why my nozzles on the right ears does not seat so easily. On that point I have no idea.)
2) Zipper Case 
My second and  larger issue has nothing to do with the build quality of the SE846s at all but rather the zipper pouch. I will say at the outset that the square Zipper Case is a HUGE Improvement over the Oval Case provided with the SE535 (and my 530s before them).
The mesh internal pouch is excellent for holding extra tips and the Filter Holder etc,  giving me flexibility on the go.
The build quality on my particular case was ...well lacking. In particular the top and bottom pieces of the  Case when zipped shut do not line up square (off skewed) I assume caused by whoever sewed the zipper in at the case factory. While only off slightly it is quite noticeable to the eye.  
This may seem a minor issue it is within the context of your Flagship model costing upwards of $1000 it is somewhat irksome. Please keep in mind I come from a family steeped in building and design and such flaws are very noticeable to the eye. And to be honest as the SE846 is your flagship even the Zipper case should be perfect. I do not know if I am the only person with this case issue or not but it is a slip in quality control. I will be honest it bothers me each time I see the case (closed) and if possible a replacement for this one would be most appreciated. (I will even send you the original back).
I have attached a photo of the case below however it does not show up in photo as obviously as it does when viewed in person.

Clearly I am over the moon happy with the SE846 and I thank you and everyone involved at Shure with their creation. After a lifetime of listening I finally have stopped hearing the little voice inside of my head saying  "If only"  (except for the case "if only it were straight")
Thank you again for taking the time to read my thoughts. I again apologise for the delay but between tax time and all the time I have spent with the SE846 ( two years worth of listening/dancing around the house in a month) I just haven't had the time. I thank you again for making a product that has superlatives rolling off my tongue like lies form a Politician's mouth
Musically Yours
PS while a metaphor for the SE846 please watch the Top Gear road test of the Porsche Spyder 918 (link ) as it captures the exhilaration an joy I feel when enjoying my SE846 which cannot be put into words.


Jun 22, 2014 at 4:06 PM Post #3,589 of 22,957
Monty great review and interestingly I was listening to Genesis' "Supper's Ready" off Foxtrot (2013 Remaster) as I read it. I already liked your comments on this thread but a man that appreciates prog rock, now you are like a brother from another mother.
Jun 22, 2014 at 5:00 PM Post #3,590 of 22,957
Monty great review and interestingly I was listening to Genesis' "Supper's Ready" off Foxtrot (2013 Remaster) as I read it. I already liked your comments on this thread but a man that appreciates prog rock, now you are like a brother from another mother.

Tbh Monty is a cool guy overall
Jun 22, 2014 at 5:23 PM Post #3,591 of 22,957
Monty great review and interestingly I was listening to Genesis' "Supper's Ready" off Foxtrot (2013 Remaster) as I read it. I already liked your comments on this thread but a man that appreciates prog rock, now you are like a brother from another mother.

Tbh Monty is a cool guy overall

Aww Shucks  If I had blood running through my veins I'd be blushing.
Which reminds me. It's time for another transfusion from an 8 year old boy. SMITHERS!!! Bring the car around
Cheers Gentlemen

Jun 22, 2014 at 9:15 PM Post #3,592 of 22,957
The Choice as I see it is obvious.Really hardly a decision at all. Tick Tock Time IS running out

Hint: The Apes really don't like us - a lot.
Jun 22, 2014 at 9:58 PM Post #3,594 of 22,957
Dont understand the poster that is worried about hearing damage from a particular IEM.  It is completely false and irrelevant.  Hearing damage comes from too many decibels, loudness and high frequencies are also more damaging than mid or low. 
But to say a particular IEM can damage your ears more than another is completely delusional.
Jun 22, 2014 at 10:26 PM Post #3,595 of 22,957
  Dont understand the poster that is worried about hearing damage from a particular IEM.  It is completely false and irrelevant.  Hearing damage comes from too many decibels, loudness and high frequencies are also more damaging than mid or low. 
But to say a particular IEM can damage your ears more than another is completely delusional.

Nnnnnot exactly. If you listen to your music at a given loudness generally speaking, and headphone A has no bass but headphone B has a LOT of bass, and your comfort level is dictated by the sharpness of the highs, all that extra bass added to the mix means the total decibels being pumped into your ears is higher. Imagine if you go by how loud the vocalist is and then suddenly add a subwoofer. Don't get it twisted, either. Lows can definitely cause hearing problems.
The converse of this is that an imbalanced headphone may well require you to lift the volume up significantly higher in order to hear all the details, whereas a better one sounds good even at low volume. This would work in the favor of the SE846 and I believe it's the case. I listen to my music more quietly than I ever did before. 
Jun 22, 2014 at 10:31 PM Post #3,596 of 22,957
Nnnnnot exactly. If you listen to your music at a given loudness generally speaking, and headphone A has no bass but headphone B has a LOT of bass, and your comfort level is dictated by the sharpness of the highs, all that extra bass added to the mix means the total decibels being pumped into your ears is higher. Imagine if you go by how loud the vocalist is and then suddenly add a subwoofer. Don't get it twisted, either. Lows can definitely cause hearing problems.
The converse of this is that an imbalanced headphone may well require you to lift the volume up significantly higher in order to hear all the details, whereas a better one sounds good even at low volume. This would work in the favor of the SE846 and I believe it's the case. I listen to my music more quietly than I ever did before. 

Well if he got a bad sounding earphone he will not be listening to it much so his hearing will be saved. I also read that BA Drivers in general has to be played at a certain volume to get its full sound.
Jun 22, 2014 at 10:32 PM Post #3,597 of 22,957
Nnnnnot exactly. If you listen to your music at a given loudness generally speaking, and headphone A has no bass but headphone B has a LOT of bass, and your comfort level is dictated by the sharpness of the highs, all that extra bass added to the mix means the total decibels being pumped into your ears is higher. Imagine if you go by how loud the vocalist is and then suddenly add a subwoofer. Don't get it twisted, either. Lows can definitely cause hearing problems.

The converse of this is that an imbalanced headphone may well require you to lift the volume up significantly higher in order to hear all the details, whereas a better one sounds good even at low volume. This would work in the favor of the SE846 and I believe it's the case. I listen to my music more quietly than I ever did before. 

I was at a electronic music concert a few weeks ago (zomboy). I was right next to the woofers the whole time. By the end of the night my left ear hurt really bad from bass fatigue. Considering I love bass this we surprising to me. Lucky for me one of the staff gave me earplugs.
Jun 23, 2014 at 3:36 AM Post #3,598 of 22,957
As far as I know, the human ear can withstand a constant, incessant pressure of between 80-90db for up to an hour.  The greater the pressure, the less time the ear can withstand it; for instance, a pressure of 105db can only be withstood for three minutes.  Pressure of 120db = instant damage.
Insofar as IEMs go, where the earpiece/speakers sit within the ear might have a great deal to do with it as well.  The volume that was most comfortable and engaging for me wtih the IE8s was easily identifiable, however it might have taken some time in identifying it initially (in the first weeks and months of owning them - it's hard to say because I bought them back in 2009).  Listening to Dead City Ruins (great local Melbourne rock band) at 55% volume and it is borderline too loud.
Considering the 846' ability to perform very well at lower volumes, and their awesome isolation, hearing loss should be a non-issue.  Each volume range offers its own engagement, however, hence this is easier said than done.
Talk of which, is their ability to reproduce good sounding music at a lower volume not reason to charge that little bit more over and above other headphones, which fail to do so?
By the way I do listen to Ol' Blue Eyes and the man Ol' Blue Eyes dreams of beign while in his sleep (I am of coruse referring to Dean Martin).  I listen to all sorts of music, in fact.  I steer clear of the term "EDM" however though as it implies the sort of ********* electro-house that has taken over America lately.  David Guetta, Aiviici, etc.  No thanks !!
As for the AK120, fortunately Jaben Melbourne still stocks it.  Quite a few Australian retailers do, in fact.  They say that there should still be units available by the time I am ready to pull the trigger.  Otherwise, Addicted to Audio still has a Titan or two left.  I have indeed read the comparisons between each of the previous models and those that have just hit the market and I have auditioned the AK120 as well.  It certainly sounds as though the mk 2 models are not worth the investment by comparison to the AK12-00's sound, which while warm is nice.  I have no idea to what AK100II and AK120II allude.
Jun 23, 2014 at 4:02 AM Post #3,600 of 22,957
As far as I know, the human ear can withstand a constant, incessant pressure of between 80-90db for up to an hour.  The greater the pressure, the less time the ear can withstand it; for instance, a pressure of 105db can only be withstood for three minutes.  Pressure of 120db = instant damage.

Insofar as IEMs go, where the earpiece/speakers sit within the ear might have a great deal to do with it as well.  The volume that was most comfortable and engaging for me wtih the IE8s was easily identifiable, however it might have taken some time in identifying it initially (in the first weeks and months of owning them - it's hard to say because I bought them back in 2009).  Listening to Dead City Ruins (great local Melbourne rock band) at 55% volume and it is borderline too loud.

Considering the 846' ability to perform very well at lower volumes, and their awesome isolation, hearing loss should be a non-issue.  Each volume range offers its own engagement, however, hence this is easier said than done.

Talk of which, is their ability to reproduce good sounding music at a lower volume not reason to charge that little bit more over and above other headphones, which fail to do so?

By the way I do listen to Ol' Blue Eyes and the man Ol' Blue Eyes dreams of beign while in his sleep (I am of coruse referring to Dean Martin).  I listen to all sorts of music, in fact.  I steer clear of the term "EDM" however though as it implies the sort of ********* electro-house that has taken over America lately.  David Guetta, Aiviici, etc.  No thanks !!

As for the AK120, fortunately Jaben Melbourne still stocks it.  Quite a few Australian retailers do, in fact.  They say that there should still be units available by the time I am ready to pull the trigger.  Otherwise, Addicted to Audio still has a Titan or two left.  I have indeed read the comparisons between each of the previous models and those that have just hit the market and I have auditioned the AK120 as well.  It certainly sounds as though the mk 2 models are not worth the investment by comparison to the AK12-00's sound, which while warm is nice.  I have no idea to what AK100II and AK120II allude.

Ha ha haaa "warm and nice" :blush: yep I know the sound you crave it's the same sound I love to create when putting together home systems as well....:city_dusk: it's a good sound too one you can listen too for hours and hours on end ......

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