Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
Jun 23, 2014 at 5:10 AM Post #3,602 of 22,957
How does the Hugo pair with the SE846? I have the SE846 and am seriously considering the Hugo as well, as DAC/amp combos with low impedance are hard to find. Your first hand experience is appreciated.
Jun 23, 2014 at 5:20 AM Post #3,603 of 22,957
  How does the Hugo pair with the SE846? I have the SE846 and am seriously considering the Hugo as well, as DAC/amp combos with low impedance are hard to find. Your first hand experience is appreciated.

I only demoed it and it was nice but it is not for me due to size. My goal is portable like pocket size.
Jun 23, 2014 at 6:46 AM Post #3,606 of 22,957
dsincere: Heh, I had not typed in "enough" when I had said "warm but still nice..."

I like it as neutral as possible. An overly warm sound might take the edge off of metal which I don't want (beyond the edge that I have taken away by switching to modded black filters). Then again there is brain.burn-in to consider as well as the possibility that, versus listening via an iPhone, the experience will eventually be a rewarding one.
Jun 23, 2014 at 6:57 AM Post #3,607 of 22,957
dsincere: Heh, I had not typed in "enough" when I had said "warm but still nice..."

I like it as neutral as possible. An overly warm sound might take the edge off of metal which I don't want (beyond the edge that I have taken away by switching to modded black filters). Then again there is brain.burn-in to consider as well as the possibility that, versus listening via an iPhone, the experience will eventually be a rewarding one.

In my experience warm can sound like analog like a great record while neutral can be closer to a cd very digital. i grew up listening to records and I tend to enjoy the analog sound.
Jun 23, 2014 at 7:34 AM Post #3,608 of 22,957
Hmmmmm.... That's an interesting point. Perhaps that is what A&K are aiming for.

I shall take that and run with it (to another auditioning of the 120), sir. The power of suggestion is a wonderful thing (tongue slightly embedded in cheek here); upon the second of as many auditions I came away with the impression that the sound was "coloured", for another Head.Fier had observed as such beforehand. The first auditioning (performed with white filters still inserted) had me enamoured with the AK120.

Much confusion and even an apparently drunken rant (I was in fact sober at the time of writing) ensued not long after said first audition. I felt disillusioned with A&K's strategies as well as feeling slightly aggrieved that the top of the line product is so tantalisingly out of reach. I have since settled down. It is hard to ignore the total capacity that is in the offing by the 120. The 240 is for those whose dollars and sense are equally proportioned.

Oops, forgive my tangential ramblings (which are not really covering any new ground). The white filters are going back in tomorrow, and a third audition shall be carried out. Pity I do not have my own SD card yet, however the Jaben lads' taste in music is not altogether bad. If "Superstition" (Stevie Wonder) impresses me as much tomorrow as it did several weeks ago, my 846 may finally get their dedicated DAP dancing partner after all. :)

You are right in so much as that the iPhone / 846 pairing is one that bears CD/digital quality sound. Perhaps warmth, so long as nothing is lost (doubtful) or coloured (presentation / exaggerations) won't be such a bad thing.
Jun 23, 2014 at 7:38 AM Post #3,609 of 22,957
dsincere: Heh, I had not typed in "enough" when I had said "warm but still nice..."

I like it as neutral as possible. An overly warm sound might take the edge off of metal which I don't want (beyond the edge that I have taken away by switching to modded black filters). Then again there is brain.burn-in to consider as well as the possibility that, versus listening via an iPhone, the experience will eventually be a rewarding one.

Yeah I feel ya' the moded black is nice but it does take that edge off's a throw up between that and white ......I found that with the pure copper cable though it is a better match "for me":blush:.....but then I haven't heard a copper/silver know this hobby I'm trying to keep it simple but sweet....I have been reading up on the Hugo though as I see it will work as a DAC with a home system as well, grrrrrrr:smiling_imp: just the size though as a portable is big as I would like to be able to just put things in my pocket and keep it simple that's what I love about the AK by itself....
Jun 23, 2014 at 2:50 PM Post #3,610 of 22,957
Just got an Awesome deal at  - Im now the owner of Shure SE846! Am in the cult now. Also thanks to Monty for helping me out! He called them right before I talked to them and recommended me as a customer! What a nice guy!   I spoke to Mike when I bought my Se846 - he is also super cool and fun to talk to! 
Cant wait - Wednesday or Thursday!
Jun 23, 2014 at 3:19 PM Post #3,611 of 22,957
  Just got an Awesome deal at  - Im now the owner of Shure SE846! Am in the cult now. Also thanks to Monty for helping me out! He called them right before I talked to them and recommended me as a customer! What a nice guy!   I spoke to Mike when I bought my Se846 - he is also super cool and fun to talk to! 
Cant wait - Wednesday or Thursday!

Congratulations. Though I hardly recommended you (Oh if I had such clout ) I advised them that unlike me (a past customer) who is a one trick pony (Shure..Shure Flagship). You are one  who at such a tender age (Dude I am 49 you are impossibly young) is already swinging for the Big Boy toys and understands  what all the toys do DAC Amp etc (I assumed) , could use a break IF they can do something for you. I pointed out that once you are with the rest of us in the real world you will have real disposable income to spend on all that stuff what is beyond my Brain Grade. DACs AMPS (Cable spun from Unicorn manes)
I would kill to hear the 8s through ears 30+ years younger. I am most jealous. But it was fun. Felt like I was huinting for myself. Keeps me sharp
Any how you did ALL the real work. Called around got your best prices and ultimately Cut your Best Deal. Congratulations to you Sir. Today your learned that everything is if not negotiable the fact that it might be is up for negotiation
Jun 23, 2014 at 4:09 PM Post #3,612 of 22,957
  Is the Shure SE535 safer (preventing hearing damage) for long listening sessions since it doesn't have a lot bass? 

Probably not, I find bass is usually the first thing to get drowned out by background noise making me want to turn the volume up.  With the good bass and good isolation on the SE-846, I don't have to turn the volume up as much to have a "fuller" sound in noisy situations such as riding on a bus (coach).
Edit. Or maybe it is the bass on the SE846 that helps to drown out the background noise and as others have already noted highs and mids can damage your hearing as well....

From my experience, speakers and headphones with good treble extension cause ear fatigue and ringing ears much faster at the same loudness than the B&W P5, Shure SE535 and Shure SE846 which has recessed treble.  So from my experience, certain frequencies are more damaging to my ears at the same loudness than other frequencies. 
The Shure SE846 sounds great at low volume, so I guess that helps.
Jun 23, 2014 at 4:14 PM Post #3,613 of 22,957
So from my experience, certain frequencies are much damaging to my ears at the same loudness than other frequencies.

In my experience at the refrence level and proper amplification, its about fullness, not loudness. Please turn it down folks and appreciate the soundscape, the imaging, and low end.
Jun 23, 2014 at 5:17 PM Post #3,614 of 22,957
Hugo and 846 sitting on a tree.

Shiny Pretty . It looks like it belongs INSIDE a TARDIS. What pray thee does such a device do? And what is glowing inside the purple round window. Trippy  I understand it is an AMP and DAC .So that mean all I need is and iPod?
Remember I am hear for comic relief and non technical impressions.
Your sonic Special Olympian
C.M. Burns
Methinks this little hobby of mine is about to get expensive ...Shiny

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