Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
Jun 21, 2014 at 10:13 PM Post #3,541 of 22,960
Well, considering what and how much I am getting out of the experience when plugged into my iPhone or MacBook versus your waning enjoyment, I think the unequivocal evidence is just that.

A Sansa Clip, FiiO X5, Samsung Galaxy Note or similar will probably do you good. I have made the executive decision to stear clear of iBasso products, especially after how disappointing that amp of theirs was with my IE8s.

Ive been kinda crazy about my source lately too - Ive considered the Fiio x5 bit its a bit of money. 
Id like to get headphones im confident in then maybe upgrade to the Fiio X5 when the time and money comes. 
Jun 21, 2014 at 10:35 PM Post #3,542 of 22,960
Well, considering what and how much I am getting out of the experience when plugged into my iPhone or MacBook versus your waning enjoyment, I think the unequivocal evidence is just that.


you are not listning to me i do enjoy them
Alright I'll consider it depending on the price. Whatcha looking to get

they will be a new pair so 300 au
Jun 21, 2014 at 10:45 PM Post #3,543 of 22,960
why did u buy the sm3 when sm64 has been out and very highly rated for a long time bro!?

The SM64 is a terrible headphone.  You have to be [Mod Edit: ...silly to post something indirectly rude about people who like a particular IEM].  That said, the UM3X and SM3 have their own set of problems.  To the asker of the question... yes if you can afford it, dump them both and get the 846.
Jun 21, 2014 at 10:51 PM Post #3,544 of 22,960
The SM64 is a terrible headphone.  You have to be [Mod Edit: Redacted].  That said, the UM3X and SM3 have their own set of problems.  To the asker of the question... yes if you can afford it, dump them both and get the 846.

i bet u just looked at the charts
 there areas many passionate sm64 lovers out there as the 846
Jun 21, 2014 at 11:10 PM Post #3,545 of 22,960
To my mind the 8s justify the price, and I am forever thankful that high end audio is not a mainstream thing, for the price would most likely appreciate all the more. Four years of engineering went into them, after all.

I only have the hunch that the DX50, even after Rockboxing it, is not equal to the tasks demanded by the 8s. Already Truckdriver bought a DX90 and immediately sent it back from whence it came. In spite of its warmth I will be going in for the AK120,next month, which I may then have modded by Red Wine Audio. Apple need to look toward these things now, if not six a long time ago. They coulda, shoulda but wouldna even so much as up the iPhone to 128GB.
Jun 22, 2014 at 1:36 AM Post #3,546 of 22,960
surly my rockboxed dx50 beats ure youphone not myphone 5 to paste. i do like them! iIm just saying there no better than sm64 for the money return  which is fair enough,
no gimmicks no brand name no fancy packaging just quality sound that would satisfy anybody best stock cable on the market 2,
Sure is a big name in a big industry you will pay too much rather these earphones have 500/600 $ premium sound, the other 600 (they are 1200 $ Australian ) the other 600 is paying for build quality , new product using revolution technology -sub-woofer bass should stay in your lounge or in your car if ask me. you're only gunna damage your hearing if you want it loud and as good as it is it its no body rumble   . spruced up packaging . and last but not least the BRAND NAME you cant argue that they would use there name and reputation to sell the product just as Sony or any of the others do (exuding Beats because they are for stupid people and they don't count).
What small name companies do not do is stretch limitations on costing there products based on a flashy badge, I imagine in fact that, it would work the other way round as too try and and work towards being one of the best of the best in the long run by aiming towards  quality lowest possible price - ya feel me ?!
anybody that reads this thread will be so biased towards this product, people who cant necessarily afford 1000 dollars will spend it any way because you guys are sooo in love and rightly so i'm just saying you can get the same level of enjoyment much cheaper

I'm having a hard time reading this post through the massive amount of childish foot-stomping. 
I do love the number of people who cry and throw temper tantrums about premium products and say you're paying for the "brand name". It always sounds to me like the pathetic flailing of someone who's hoping to justify why they can't afford the product. 
Jun 22, 2014 at 1:56 AM Post #3,547 of 22,960
I'm having a hard time reading this post through the massive amount of childish foot-stomping. 
I do love the number of people who cry and throw temper tantrums about premium products and say you're paying for the "brand name". It always sounds to me like the pathetic flailing of someone who's hoping to justify why they can't afford the product. 

I can't make heads or tails out of his post...however I will say the SM64 was the best I had owned...until the SE846
Jun 22, 2014 at 2:22 AM Post #3,548 of 22,960
Yes, there is an upward trend in the pricing of high end audio. There is also an upward trend in its quality and innovation. Shure have earned their steadfast reputation which is so much more than can be said of 99% of consumer product brands.

I could not give a rats about the pricing element, for now. I will save complaint for when pricing becomes unfairly inaccessible for plateauing progress in development.

Subwoofer bass? I think Shure is justified in calling it that, for the 846 does offer exceptional sub-bass. It is neither designed nor possible to create an all over body rumble. Such frequencies would severely alter brainwaves and possibly cause permanent damage. Comparing an IEM's subwoofer to that of a car stereo is just plain daft, and with the volume some people play music through their car systems, it is not just us who risk going deaf.

Hahahaha Monty I must have been identified by a special case, for Astell & Kern must have dibs on my brain as well.
Jun 22, 2014 at 4:01 AM Post #3,550 of 22,960
Err this is the IMPRESSIONS thread. There is a separate SE846 thread where you can moan about the price. Then again no-one needs to read it. This is a non-essential hobby and if you have bills to pay we all get it. Also if you are willing to pay non-Asia / USA markup then would suggest that brings Tralucent into play.
  Help me head-fi:
I have recently purchased some SM3s and UM3x's and loved them for a short bit but then I start to crave more. It seems every headphone that I touch is no-longer good enough and I crave better. My next obsession is the SE846 despite how desperately out of my price range it is. 
I am afraid that im chasing an unreachable goal - that I will end up unloading my UM3x and SM3s to buy the SE846 and love them for a short time only to crave even more. Essentially what I am asking is would you say its worth it. I already feel I have lovely headphones but the uncontrollable craving inside of me craves more and I feel like the SE846 is the answer despite my lack of funds. 
Should i just cut out the middle man and remove my ear drums only to find a way to have analog signals routed directly into my brain? Why stop there? I could just evolve to a higher state of being and convert my consciousness into a 100% digtal being where I could explore the world of lossless audio without ever having to have an analog, colored signal between me and the music. But wait - that wont work, music is recorded to lossless from analog and sound itself, I must cut out the other middle man. Ill convert all the musicians in the world into my higher state of digital being and hold them captive. Music and sound itself will be produced in the digital world and listened to the very same. I will be free to frolic in an unlimited digital loss-less world. There will be no hearing music - only feeling. 

Back in the day owned the Shure E4G (Gaming edition paint job) but sold it as found bass and detail lacking. Then purchased the UM2 and loved it for 6-years (asides from the sibilance). When the cable went had rushed out to eagerly demo the UM3 assuming it would be foregone. Returned home with the SE535 and PFE 232 instead. Compared alongside the others the UM3 sounded more closed in and less defined. That was two-years and a bit ago. Demoing in Tokyo and despite the presence of the Westone W series and the exotic JVC wood offerings*, kept going back to the SE846 booth and ended up buying!
(*SE846 more impactful and dynamic than W60. There was also this slight scooped-out vocal focus on the W60 that I can imagine working on some genres but somewhat distracting elsewhere.
JVC wood series more looks than anything. The bass to my tastes is more quantity than quality and in the rest of the sound the others were better. Think old Denon Dxxx series vs TH900 bass).
People refer to the 'Shure house sound' and it was cited a few pages ago. But to my mind Shure has constantly evolved their product and the sound. Just about the only relationship with the past that the SE846 shares is a hint of the vocals. But the smoothness, clarity and detail is next level versus SE535. People then perceived Shure SE535 bass was more quality than quantity (myself included) and some preferred the warm bassy Westone 4 instead (never got proper demo time). That is now addressed by the bucket-load and would defer to Mr Front-Page on the skilfully implemented impactful bass yet without bleeding into the rest of the frequency range. By far the biggest criticism addressed is the extension at both ends, particularly the treble. As much love as I do have for the SE535 you was not getting the full experience. This proves companies do listen and competition is good. So we may perhaps expect the next Westone flagship to have more premium feel and evolve the sound further

Jun 22, 2014 at 4:44 AM Post #3,551 of 22,960
i bet u just looked at the charts
 there areas many passionate sm64 lovers out there as the 846

I can't take anyone who uses "u" instead of "you" seriously. 
For me it is definitely justified. I had two friends check out my setup today and their minds were blown away. I thought my IE8's running through a D10 (hiflight opamp kit) and iMOD was good... (they've listened to my previous rig too) This is just another level. 
People are very passionate about their gear. You're in the 846 thread. You'll find many more passionate people in their respective threads raving about the gear they've acquired. 
Jun 22, 2014 at 6:37 AM Post #3,554 of 22,960
To my mind the 8s justify the price, and I am forever thankful that high end audio is not a mainstream thing, for the price would most likely appreciate all the more. Four years of engineering went into them, after all.

I only have the hunch that the DX50, even after Rockboxing it, is not equal to the tasks demanded by the 8s. Already Truckdriver bought a DX90 and immediately sent it back from whence it came. In spite of its warmth I will be going in for the AK120,next month, which I may then have modded by Red Wine Audio. Apple need to look toward these things now, if not six a long time ago. They coulda, shoulda but wouldna even so much as up the iPhone to 128GB.

Yes Apple should as well as also releasing some high-res music files for those of us who want it........Hey good move on thinking about the AK120 you know the new 120II is available now you may want to go that route not saying the one you're going is bad either way sounds like a good move....☺️
Jun 22, 2014 at 7:33 AM Post #3,555 of 22,960
After writing some headphone erotica with friends last night followed by a long game of Cards against humanity featuring the Shure SE846 as the primary go to inside joke I think im going to take the plunge and get them. 
I was going to buy them used on HeadFi but I feel like for that amount of money it might be worth it to go all out and buy new. Is their anywhere I can get an exceptional deal on these? Should I just toughen up and buy from Amazon? Or just stick to HeadFi? 

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