Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
Jul 15, 2014 at 5:38 PM Post #4,291 of 22,954
Mohammed will go to the mountain...

Jul 15, 2014 at 5:50 PM Post #4,292 of 22,954
spook76, I tried the plain blue and plain black (ie no foam) and didn't much like either.

I need to try white with foam and white without foam a little more to see which I actually prefer because adding foam robs the white filter of air and ambience slightly while not having it leads to occasional hotness in the treble for my ears.

@SomeGuyDude, sorry to read about your impressions going astray. Customs can be so frustrating with all of the various variables!!
Jul 15, 2014 at 6:13 PM Post #4,295 of 22,954
Does anyone have either of their stock se846 cables they'd like to sell?

I just tried my wife's se215 cable and its so much more comfortable. I was thinking of cutting a stock se846 cable and removing the memory part that is so stiff.

If you have one or two and aren't "attached" to them let me know.
Jul 15, 2014 at 6:23 PM Post #4,297 of 22,954
Does anyone have either of their stock se846 cables they'd like to sell?

I just tried my wife's se215 cable and its so much more comfortable. I was thinking of cutting a stock se846 cable and removing the memory part that is so stiff.

If you have one or two and aren't "attached" to them let me know.

If you don't mind my asking, don't you have your own?
Jul 15, 2014 at 7:31 PM Post #4,299 of 22,954
Yeah, but I'm picky. I figure most or at least a few might have bought customs and never looked back.

I have mine sitting around. I'm probably buying another one (the $40 Fiio cord looks interesting), might be able to toss you one. The memory wire is already removed, too.
Jul 15, 2014 at 7:40 PM Post #4,300 of 22,954
so you're saying demoing iems should never be trusted because you can't insert them 'exactly the same' even with the same tips... All I can say is LOL.
Don't put words in my mouth!! I said you can't insert them the same every time when you are doing comparisons - not  saying you shouldn't demo them
I don't see how this is 'more' off topic than the planet of the apes picture before or that they other guy complaining about a third party custom company not getting his ear impressions.
Has nothing to do with 846's applies to every headphone out  there
It is different here, people were arguing about 250 hours+, with cable burn in etc.... I'm saying there is a physical mechanism that can be measured (i.e measuring the stretch of the material in the first few hours which happens with any material under stress)
- so tell me exactly what your measurement is and if it is repeatable and permanent for these headphones . This whole hobby is based on opinions..... some people like er4 better se846.
You're not talking about liking one over the other at all, you're talking about burn in. If you want to tell us you like one iem better than another and why, , go for it
.. the only way is to demo them both! If you want solid scientific evidence then you are in the wrong hobby! Not really
We're simply repeating the same pro and con burn in "opinions" that have been voiced on both sides a hundred times in a hundred different threads.
How long do you want to keep this up?

Jul 15, 2014 at 9:22 PM Post #4,302 of 22,954
While I'm at it, anyone got a vote for a solid not-stupid-expensive cable that's just braided (without a dang plastic sheath around it) for these?
Jul 15, 2014 at 9:34 PM Post #4,303 of 22,954
Is treble brighter still with afterburners or just different?

I'm a little wary of having nothing between earwax and BAs

I believe it is brighter but also the clarity and detail is the greater compared to any of the filters. Going without a filter with full afterburners is not for the feint of heart. When I first engaged the afterburners, it was very fatiguing as the sound became very (possibly too) dynamic and vivid.

I realized three things if you want to go filterless. One, you have to let your brain adjust to the greater impact (that took about 3 days). Two, to help your brain adjust turn down the volume at least 10% from whatever is your current level. Third, use an amplifier to push the sound which allows you to adjust volume on your DAP down to eliminate most of the fatigue. Even after my ears/brain adjusted, I still found the sound too fatiguing, it wasn't until I turned down my DAP and turned up my amp that the fatigue was mitigated.

After reading this summary you may be wondering why the hell anyone would do this. My answer is you cannot believe the level of detail and clarity with greater treble extension the SE846 can provide. When I try even the white filters now I hear a veil placed on the sound I never heard before I turned on the afterburners. For me it is too late to ever go back but my experience could, and probably is, a function of my set up.
Jul 15, 2014 at 9:59 PM Post #4,304 of 22,954
If the result of the no-filter mod is extra treble, I think I'm good. Even with the blues in these gets kinda rough after two hours or so, I'm not aiming to hurt my po' li'l eardrums.
Jul 15, 2014 at 10:32 PM Post #4,305 of 22,954
If the result of the no-filter mod is extra treble, I think I'm good. Even with the blues in these gets kinda rough after two hours or so, I'm not aiming to hurt my po' li'l eardrums.

My 47 year old ears are also the product of a misspent youth so I am sure our hearing and therefore perception of sound is different.

One of the many concerts I attended was Deep Purple (10th row in front of a 15' by 50' stack of Marshall speakers) in 1984 and after Jon Lord's organ solo my ears rang for three days straight (ahh good times).

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