Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
Jun 28, 2016 at 9:57 PM Post #15,573 of 22,998
I'm looking for the best cable 2.5mm with Shure SE846 to be used with AK380.

We offer several cable builds for Shure IEMs with 2.5mm TRRS termination:

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Jun 28, 2016 at 11:58 PM Post #15,575 of 22,998
Jun 30, 2016 at 7:59 PM Post #15,576 of 22,998
1st post in this forum.

I have had the SE846 for a couple of weeks now.

I find that they are bass shy in the lower registers. I know this because I have a 12" sealed sub in my house (M&K 120, once voted the most musical 12" sub), and a home built sealed 12" sub in my car. The first thing I noticed with the SE846 was that some music is completely missing from the bottom end of the EDM music like.

Within a few days, I found the tripple flange tips (5mm cut off) provided the best seal, and hence the best bass extension.

The blue tubes are possibly the best balanced, imo. The whites are terribly harsh, even with London Grammer. I am currently using the blacks, as I damaged one blue tube removing the foam - don't do this, btw, the blues without foam sound worse (harsh) than the whites.

Q: what EQ settings are others running ?

I mostly listen using Samsung Galaxy TabS 10.5, and NEUTRON player for Android, 64bit processing, with dithering.
EQ: freq 35hz, gain 8dB, Q 1.0 (yes this is a parametric eq)

btw, the TabS is a massive jump in soung quality over my Note3 phone.

Jun 30, 2016 at 11:56 PM Post #15,577 of 22,998
Eh, I wouldn't bother with the expensive cables above, just buy the recently released 2.5mm TRRS cable from FiiO, its gonna be the same for $30.
Jul 1, 2016 at 12:05 PM Post #15,579 of 22,998
I have the old se535 cable (like from 2011) and its also more flexible than the new one from SE846.
Close inspection of the old and new cable will reveal this:


That non-conductive narrow bump-out is because the older plug was too wide for the jack to connect through the hole in a lot of phone cases.  Good redesign by Shure, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the audio.
Originally Posted by Mr Makarov /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Seems like I am not the only person on the planet who thinks that there is a noticeable (small but noticeable) difference, but who knows perhaps we are all insane and inventing things.

Opinions vary widely and strongly on this subject, but briefly, the counter-argument is that expectation bias (which is an absolutely normal and universal human phenomenon) means under certain circumstances people can subjectively hear differences that may not actually be there.  In other words, you can be "inventing things" as it were while still being completely normal.

Also, there's this.
Jul 1, 2016 at 12:24 PM Post #15,580 of 22,998
  Opinions vary widely and strongly on this subject, but briefly, the counter-argument is that expectation bias (which is an absolutely normal and universal human phenomenon) means under certain circumstances people can subjectively hear differences that may not actually be there.  In other words, you can be "inventing things" as it were while still being completely normal.

Also, there's this.

Of course they discuss a cable that does nothing. What's nice about the 846's is that it's an easy swap from one cable to another. It's clearly evident what characteristics one cable "material" (nickle/copper/silver/gold...etc) enhances or detracts from the SQ when you have the ability to compare cables side by side. Whether the characteristics are a positive of negative, is purely listener preference. 
Jul 1, 2016 at 12:43 PM Post #15,581 of 22,998
  Opinions vary widely and strongly on this subject, but briefly, the counter-argument is that expectation bias (which is an absolutely normal and universal human phenomenon) means under certain circumstances people can subjectively hear differences that may not actually be there.  In other words, you can be "inventing things" as it were while still being completely normal.

Also, there's this.

I've always felt coat-hangers are under-appreciated. They probably do provide a decent low impedance and minimal inductive interference (being straight and usually pretty thick). I think there might be a market for recycled coat-hangers :wink:
Jul 1, 2016 at 5:04 PM Post #15,582 of 22,998
I've always felt coat-hangers are under-appreciated. They probably do provide a decent low impedance and minimal inductive interference (being straight and usually pretty thick). I think there might be a market for recycled coat-hangers :wink:

Unfortunately, the thickness of the wire, will add a ringing, and slow decay, to the treble. By far the best solution....Take 2 empty cans,put a hole in the bottom of each,tie a piece of string to each can, ( Any length) stretch it so its taught,hey presto, no ringing treble!.
Jul 1, 2016 at 8:04 PM Post #15,583 of 22,998
Reading from below...........pmsl. Brilliant. Although the cup and strings will be a damn sight cheaper than the headphone and amp's I keep dreaming of at the moment. :)
Unfortunately, the thickness of the wire, will add a ringing, and slow decay, to the treble. By far the best solution....Take 2 empty cans,put a hole in the bottom of each,tie a piece of string to each can, ( Any length) stretch it so its taught,hey presto, no ringing treble!.

I've always felt coat-hangers are under-appreciated. They probably do provide a decent low impedance and minimal inductive interference (being straight and usually pretty thick). I think there might be a market for recycled coat-hangers :wink:

Jul 1, 2016 at 8:25 PM Post #15,584 of 22,998
Experience has taught me that the the next purchase may not necessarily be an amp for an existing DAP. It could be more beneficial to spend the money for an amp towards a different player instead.
Jul 1, 2016 at 11:17 PM Post #15,585 of 22,998
Originally Posted by threephi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That non-conductive narrow bump-out is because the older plug was too wide for the jack to connect through the hole in a lot of phone cases.  Good redesign by Shure, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the audio
Opinions vary widely and strongly on this subject, but briefly, the counter-argument is that expectation bias (which is an absolutely normal and universal human phenomenon) means under certain circumstances people can subjectively hear differences that may not actually be there.  In other words, you can be "inventing things" as it were while still being completely normal.

Also, there's this.

Interesting thing is that I never ever said or even extremely remotely suggested that physical differences which can be appreciated if one compares old Shure SE cables and new had to do something with SQ. By "close inspection reveals.." I meant physical differences that can be observed. And about "That non-conductive narrow bump-out is because the older plug was too wide for the jack to connect through the hole in a lot of phone cases.  Good redesign by Shure, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the audio" and "The boss on the shaft of the newer plug is to allow reach into phone sockets buried in an outer case." - guys really? Every person appreciate the new design and there is no doubt whatsoever that the "non-conductive narrow bump-out" or "boss on the shaft" is for convenience and I appreciated that the very first day I got the SE846 (se535 cable plug was a pain with Fiio X5 outer case) - I seriously doubt that a person can even consider that that bump-out has something to do with SQ.   
One thing is what we read, another thing is our interpretation. TBH this is the first time on the Head-Fi forums when I can say that it was not a good experience. I wanted to share my opinion and observations and I did, and it was just for the sake of sharing. And in my book sharing means just that, it is not about to convince anyone, it is not about who is right who is wrong. I said I noticed a difference - but there´s the thing - I am not interested nor even remotely considering in convincing anyone at all. I am not saying "I KNOW there is a difference and my opinion is the absolute truth, so everyone who thinks otherwise is wrong". Please understand that.
I am fully aware of placebo effect and if a person has totally convinced himself of something he can even convince other susceptible people and then believe that something is truth when it is not. 
I already have read the "Audiophiles can't tell the difference between Monster Cable and coat hangers" and similar articles and I off course I am considering possibility of "mind trick". 
The funny thing is that the most I have paid for a cable for headphones was USD $11 because I did not liked the length of Philips Fidelio X1 cable (also there was an interesting debate about original X1 cable and sound change with other cables Tyll mentions it in his review of X1s). And I am not interested in purchasing a new cable for any of my headphones because I am not convinced enough that they worth it. 
In a few words: "I do not believe in cables, I do not defend the idea of expensive cables giving superior SQ (and I probably will never buy an "upgrade" cable). Having that as the premise - I was surprised at myself when I swapped cables of my Shure IEMs and noticed something. And I shared my experience"
And what I got?? - "they are same cables, close inspection reveals nothing", "the boss on the shaft is to allow reach into phone sockets, it had absolutely nothing to do with the audio"..etc.
I mean..What the hell??? Attention got focused on irrelevant things that were not even there (never said that physical differences with old and new cable has something to do wits SQ) - so perhaps someone misunderstood what I said. 

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