Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...
Oct 23, 2021 at 2:50 PM Post #29,642 of 42,435

The PS3: an over engineered masterpiece (imho). 48Khz playback and you can rip your entire cd library on to its hard drive at an unbelievable 352kbps. That’s higher than cd quality. So glad I still have my ps3, 10 years after I bought it it still works like new.
Oct 23, 2021 at 5:27 PM Post #29,644 of 42,435
My bedroom setup


Oct 23, 2021 at 6:07 PM Post #29,645 of 42,435
Oct 23, 2021 at 6:17 PM Post #29,646 of 42,435
Where do / how can you sleep?

You are so right.
I need to sacrifice the bed for this.
So the queen size mattress lining against the wall on the other side of the room. And going on the floor for sleep.
My room is quite big 7x7=49 m(square) and this is a like my studio/office/man cave room, which placed on top of the double garage, which stays separately from the main house.
So, I can make a noise as much I want.
Recently (during the Covid lockdown) I have realised, that I start to sleep more here than at mine house.
My partner is not happy, but this is a catch ( you know what I mean:))))


Where do / how can you sleep?
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Oct 23, 2021 at 6:57 PM Post #29,647 of 42,435

You are so right.
I need to sacrifice the bed frame for this.
So the queen size mattress lining against the wall when I not sleep on the other side of the room. And going on the floor for sleep.
My room is quite big 7x7=49 m(square) and this is a like my studio room, which placed on top of the double garage, which stays separately from the main house.
So, I can make a noise as much I want.
Recently (during the Covid lockdown) I have realised, that I start to sleep more here than at mine house.
My partner is not happy, but this is a catch ( you know what I mean:))))

I applaud you for clearly having your priorities right. :laughing:
Oct 23, 2021 at 7:16 PM Post #29,648 of 42,435
I applaud you for clearly having your priorities right. :laughing:
Thank you my friend.

But this is a more safety reason than priority.
We have 3 small kids and they will destroy EVERYTHING!!
So, I have to move all my valuable/hobby stuff into the loft above the garage.

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Oct 24, 2021 at 1:08 AM Post #29,649 of 42,435
@nepherte congrats on awesome setup! Would you be so kind and share some details about pairing with Mola Mola and differences between Headamp GS-X Mini and Blue Hawaii. Out of curiosity which colors are those two: polished or satin?
The colors of the face plates are polished blue and red. When I ordered the Blue Hawaii back in the day, satin wasn't an option, so when I got the Mini I went with polished as well for 'matching' purposes. If I had to start all over again, I would probably go for satin (colors seem a bit more vivid / saturated), but you can't go wrong either way.

Not sure if it make sense to compare the Blue Hawaii with the Mini. You can't compare them side-by-side as they cater for different headphones altogether (electrostats vs dynamics / planars). Both have excellent build quality, not just on the outside, but the inside as well (which matters to me).

There's something about these Stax headphones that delivers a magical combination of trebble, speed and resolution that I have yet to find with other headphones. The BHSE really brings out the best out of both the SR-009 and the SR-007, whereas with a Stax amplifier, for example, I find the trebble of the SR-009 too piercing.

I've had this itch to get back into non-electrostats and wanted an amplifier that would work with a majority of headphones. I've only just ended up getting the Mini, while previously owning its larger brother, the GS-X mk2 (a long time ago). The latter sounds dead-neutral whereas the former sounds more fun a tad more warm (but not too much). To my ears, between the two, there's no question which one to get these days.
Oct 24, 2021 at 2:02 AM Post #29,651 of 42,435
Oct 24, 2021 at 2:22 AM Post #29,653 of 42,435
Oct 24, 2021 at 2:32 AM Post #29,654 of 42,435
How are u liking the Kinki hp amp? Worth the money?
Indeed it is the most impressive solid state headphone amp that I have ever owned. Soundwise it is neutral with a bit warm, but given its amazing power output, its smoothness and analogue sound are unbelievable. I am using my WA22 as preamp and the Kniki as poweramp, and the combo drives all my headphones including Susvara heavenly.

It worths every penny and I whole-heartedly recommend it to all Susvara owners.
Oct 24, 2021 at 2:35 AM Post #29,655 of 42,435
Indeed it is the most impressive solid state headphone amp that I have ever owned. Soundwise it is neutral with a bit warm, but given its amazing power output, its smoothness and analogue sound are unbelievable. I am using my WA22 as preamp and the Kniki as poweramp, and the combo drives all my headphones including Susvara heavenly.

It worths every penny and I whole-heartedly recommend it to all Susvara owners.

Thanks v much.
I had tried to get a home demo, but oddly Kinki does not accommodate for it (even though the distributor is just a 20 min drive from me).

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