Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...
Sep 1, 2016 at 6:45 PM Post #21,331 of 41,888
That table looks like an AT ATH-LP60. If so, I have the same table. Not bad for the price, but if you have not yet tried it, I would highly recommend using an external preamp for it. The built in one will work, bit the table sounds significantly (and I can't stress this enough) with a better phono pre.

I use the one built into my Emotiva XSP-1 preamp.

Cool setup!!! :)

I've been looking into the schiit one. But no o e could give me a straight answer on weather it would help or not. Thanks for the insight!
Sep 1, 2016 at 7:14 PM Post #21,332 of 41,888
I've been looking into the schiit one. But no o e could give me a straight answer on weather it would help or not. Thanks for the insight!

You're welcome!
I have never heard the Schiit Mani, so I am unable to comment on that particular preamp. However, if you are not opposed to another brand, Emotiva lifted the phono pre out of the XSP-1 and created a stand alone phono pre called the XPS-1. It is priced at $149 with free shipping, but they are currently having a sale (ending Sept 6th) where you can get 15% off. Comes to a total of $126.65 shipped.
Here is a link to their product page, if you are interested.
Either way you decide to go, good luck, and I assure you that this table has much more to offer with a better pre.
Does it top my current digital setup? Nope, but the SQ really is much better than the stock pre would lead you to believe.
EDIT: Just realized they are currently out of stock on them, but if you give them a call, I would bet that you can nab one at the sale price and they will send it when they re-up stock again.
Sep 3, 2016 at 8:19 AM Post #21,333 of 41,888
You're welcome!

I have never heard the Schiit Mani, so I am unable to comment on that particular preamp. However, if you are not opposed to another brand, Emotiva lifted the phono pre out of the XSP-1 and created a stand alone phono pre called the XPS-1. It is priced at $149 with free shipping, but they are currently having a sale (ending Sept 6th) where you can get 15% off. Comes to a total of $126.65 shipped.

Here is a link to their product page, if you are interested.

Either way you decide to go, good luck, and I assure you that this table has much more to offer with a better pre.

Does it top my current digital setup? Nope, but the SQ really is much better than the stock pre would lead you to believe. :)  

EDIT: Just realized they are currently out of stock on them, but if you give them a call, I would bet that you can nab one at the sale price and they will send it when they re-up stock again.

What do you think about this one?
Pro-Ject Audio - Phono Box DC - MM/MC Phono preamp with line output - Silver
Sep 4, 2016 at 3:04 AM Post #21,334 of 41,888
What do you think about this one?
Pro-Ject Audio - Phono Box DC - MM/MC Phono preamp with line output - Silver

I have not heard this preamp, and cannot find very much information online about it. Having said that, it is made by a company that makes very popular turntables, so it has that going for it. In fact, right before I bought my LP60, I almost bought a Project Debut Carbon...
Anyway, I am sure it probably pretty decent, and the chances of it being better than the built in phono pre on the LP60 is 100%.
How it would compare to the Emotiva or Schiit pres...I don't know.
Good luck, and to be quite honest, I think that all 3 of these units would net you better sound quality. I doubt you could go wrong with any of them vs the stock pre.
Maybe buy the one that costs the least to get it shipped to you, and if you feel like you need more, then move up the chain?
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful on this one.
Sep 4, 2016 at 3:59 PM Post #21,336 of 41,888
BHSE + Stax SR009   &   EC445 + HE-X.  

Now that I know better the sound signature of the Stock mullard, I will start to look for alternative tubes for the BHSE.   
Since I have received my BHSE, my EC445 get little listening...  this is why my EC445 is now for sale.
Sep 4, 2016 at 11:58 PM Post #21,337 of 41,888
BHSE + Stax SR009   &   EC445 + HE-X.  

Now that I know better the sound signature of the Stock mullard, I will start to look for alternative tubes for the BHSE.   

Since I have received my BHSE, my EC445 get little listening...  this is why my EC445 is now for sale.

First station that I have even seen that looks like a church almost? Wow!
Sep 5, 2016 at 9:58 AM Post #21,338 of 41,888
Pictures of the rig with the new Schiit Jotunheim....

Sep 5, 2016 at 10:42 AM Post #21,339 of 41,888
I have five different spots in my house where I like to listen so some amount of portability is important to me. This is a photo of my current setup snapped from my very-comfortable Ikea Poang chair set in an alcove off my dining area. Other listening spots include my deck which overlooks a woods.
The stand carries two headphones hanging from the middle shelf (an open pair for times where there is low ambient noise, and a closed pair for noisier times) and the upper shelf has a small drawer for IEMs (for when it's really noisy, used mostly on the deck) and some adapters, cords etc. Everything I need is right there and all controls are within easy reach. The setup is not truly "portable" because the amp requires a 120 volt outlet - not a problem around the house. The streamer is powered by a USB battery pack, not for portability but because it just sounds better that way.
As the mood sways me, I can just unplug the amp, pick up the whole thing as a unit, and be listening in another spot in a couple minutes.

The stand was purchased from Amazon - it was called a telephone stand but at over one foot square it seems like overkill for my Nexus phone.
The stick-on headphone hanger is from Amazon too.
I fabricated the drawer from a small baking pan.
Sep 5, 2016 at 2:35 PM Post #21,340 of 41,888
  BHSE + Stax SR009   &   EC445 + HE-X.  

Now that I know better the sound signature of the Stock mullard, I will start to look for alternative tubes for the BHSE.   
Since I have received my BHSE, my EC445 get little listening...  this is why my EC445 is now for sale.

Those feet say that the comfort level is over 9000

love your system!
Sep 5, 2016 at 3:02 PM Post #21,341 of 41,888
What do you think about this one?
Pro-Ject Audio - Phono Box DC - MM/MC Phono preamp with line output - Silver

I had the Phono Box S and now have the Mani. The Mani sounds a bit more detailed and has a bit more of an edge than the smoother Phono Box. I prefer the Mani but I'd put them both pretty close in sound quality, the differences are not at all drastic.
Sep 5, 2016 at 10:10 PM Post #21,343 of 41,888
My setup this week and I do a review of the JDS Labs Element and compare to my Mojo.  Wanted to be able to A/B so two laptops running Volumio works quite well.  My neighbor gave me two old laptops and they work great for stuff like this, wouldn't want them as my daily driver but plenty of power to play music.  

Sep 5, 2016 at 11:18 PM Post #21,344 of 41,888

Picture quality isn't great; taken w/ MacBook Pro Laptop mirror camera (don't own a digital camera).

L to R : Eddie Current Zana Deux Super > ZDS Power Supply > sitting on top, JDS Labs O2 (ss) headphone amplifier > Teac PD-H600 > sitting on top, Sennheiser HD600 w/ Cardas cable; not in picture : HD650, T1 Gen.1, SR325e w/ G-cush & K702 (made in Austria).
Sep 6, 2016 at 7:05 AM Post #21,345 of 41,888
My station consists of these headphones. Sennheiser HD600 sounds the best to me by far. The AKG K501 is not my favorite to say the least, don't find it comfortable on my head and the sound signature is not for me. The HD25 was recently added to my collection for portable use, i'm liking it so far. 

The Schiit-Stack is a 1st gen Modi/Magni combo connected to my laptop via usb. 

After a couple of years of use i'm still on a regularly basis surprised of what an amazing sound this combination can deliver! 


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