Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...
Feb 21, 2016 at 7:38 AM Post #20,806 of 41,888
  Current setup:
HE1000 paired with Chord Hugo Desktop TT into Questyle CMA800R balanced mode.

I challenge you!! 

Feb 21, 2016 at 3:35 PM Post #20,810 of 41,888
The wife calls it "earthquake".  That's why I ended up getting a pair of cans to placate the wife - so she can have some moments of peace and quiet, of course without sacrificing my quality listening time. 
Speakers are about a foot and a half from the walls.  Not ideal but its a compromise I had to make given the size of the room and the need for it to double as a study - wife's directive (I was not getting a second room for my study).  The treatment and carpet helped a lot flattening the frequency and minimizing flutter echo.  Treated the first and second reflection points from the listening position.  Just added more pads for aesthetics but just enough so I still get enough reflection to get a good sound stage.  We initially treated the ceiling too but took it out coz the sound stage started to narrow - didn't like the effect of the cloud and the bass traps on the sound stage given the size of the room. By the way... the wife didn't like the pads at all...she said they look like doormats on the wall!!
I have a sound engineer friend who did the room calibration.  We were getting a bump in the 50+hz range but thankfully the SB13's PEq flattened it out.  The toe in helped a lot - angled equilaterally from the listening position.  That's when I discovered what I did not realize I was missing all this time - the "sweet spot".  The imaging was in a different level.  The instruments in some songs appear to be floating in front of you.

Hahaha an apt nickname; sounds like you took the time to make it right!

Feb 21, 2016 at 7:11 PM Post #20,812 of 41,888

I have not heard a ton of TOTL amps but the Zana Deux was one of the best I heard. Just everything I wanted as far as euphonious detail.
Feb 21, 2016 at 8:08 PM Post #20,813 of 41,888
Nice!  Silver WA2 matches well with the bifrost and the Senn's. I miss that warm and smooth sound of "old school" vinyl record.  Wouldn't the WA2 get too hot placing it on a shelf?

Never had a problem. It's not really closed off anyway.
Feb 21, 2016 at 8:47 PM Post #20,814 of 41,888
I have not heard a ton of TOTL amps but the Zana Deux was one of the best I heard. Just everything I wanted as far as euphonious detail.

Looks like you have a WA5 LE in your .sig, which I'd love to hear.  I've not spent much time with the Woo products, but I do love my ZDS with R-2R DAC.  I suspect the Woo is going to be on the warmer side, whereas the ZDS is a modern neutral sounding tube amp... a touch of warmth, but not an overly warm vintage tube sound by any stretch.
I've got a Micro ZOTL2 coming soon now.  This should be another neutral amp.  I'm planning to take it to work.  
Feb 22, 2016 at 1:27 AM Post #20,815 of 41,888
Looks like you have a WA5 LE in your .sig, which I'd love to hear.  I've not spent much time with the Woo products, but I do love my ZDS with R-2R DAC.  I suspect the Woo is going to be on the warmer side, whereas the ZDS is a modern neutral sounding tube amp... a touch of warmth, but not an overly warm vintage tube sound by any stretch.

I've got a Micro ZOTL2 coming soon now.  This should be another neutral amp.  I'm planning to take it to work.  

In all honesty I have switched amps and kept everything the same at a meet and the W5 does have a slight warmth to it. Still the EC had even maybe a little more detail. Maybe just a fraction less lush, but I could switch and be perfectly happy with the EC. Both amps with the auxiliary gear in place sounded very close to the same to me? The value is replacing tubes has less cost with the EC. Knowing what I know now, I maybe would have gone with the EC as the difference in sound (if any) is minimal. To me they both have the same signature of warmth and detail with headstage air. Same authority too, with the EC maybe a little nimble, maybe? It was nice for me to find another amp which I liked as much as the W5.

Didn't spend that much time with the two that day but the EC was maybe the faster amp. Woo had slightly more harmonic something? I remember thinking the EC sounded more solid-state, in a good way. It was maybe more midcentric which gave it all the above character. If I could have spent two weeks with both amps together, I would have better understanding. Still my main reaction was, I like it, I like it, I could have this be my amp and be finished. Lol

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