Sennheiser IE900 Review, Measurements, & Harman Target Talk
Mar 27, 2024 at 3:21 AM Post #4,726 of 4,948
Just the IEM.

Using the new Sennheiser/Sonova website, you use their Spare-parts website to generate a repair request. Then get an email with a paper to print. Saying in print to send the IEM with proof of purchase.

..... Does anyone know if I have to find all my packaging, box, and cables........or do I just send the Left and Right iem units?

I got unlucky and my left unit mmcx pin fell off (iem side).

Sorry to hear about this. Yes you can. The packaging is not required, just the product.
Mar 27, 2024 at 3:59 AM Post #4,727 of 4,948
I'm hoping to take some pics today or tomorrow.

For the past week I've been comparing the IE 900 with the IE 600 and trying to convince myself on the 600. I prefer it's 3D printed build and, obviously, it's price. However, I took it to the office today and I think it's telling how I wish I took the 900 instead. The 600 sound so good but I've been spoiled by the 900.

From my comparisons there are 3 characteristics of the 900 that keep bringing me back for more.
  1. The bass: Both IEMs hit so hard and so good but the 900 makes you feel like you're in a room with a sub. The low end extension really brings another dimension of tactility and texture and I enjoy the feeling of being immersed in a sense of acoustic space. The 600 on the other hand is more mid bass focused with nothing particularly special about how it's presented.
  2. The vocals: They're more prominent, present, and lively with the 900. I believe this is due to the u-shape response of the 900 vs the more v-shape of the 600. The transition from upper mids to treble makes the overall sound more crisp and reminds me of my HD 8XX and Arya Organic which both have considerable air to their treble.
  3. The scale and soundstage: The aforementioned qualities contribute to this. The 900 give me a larger sense of size and space. The difference isn't massive against the 600 but the 600 is narrower and feels more boxed in. Certain tracks highlight this more than others. The immersion factor of the 900 falls closer towards an Arya while the 600 is closer to a Focal Clear.
The above reasons make the IE 900 a richer and more engaging listening experience for me. I can tell the Sennheiser engineers put in a lot of work to tune the 900 so it's comparable to the HD 800's technical qualities and I'd say they were pretty successful at that. It's impressive how they were able to elevate the euphonic properties like the bass tactility, air, and soundstaging in such a small physical footprint. The 600 remains to me as the great-sound-with-no-frills counterpart.

Tl;dr I'm keeping the IE 900 over the IE 600.
Thanks for this. Great comparison. After all the hype about the ie 600 I was planning to get some just to compare with my ie 900. People were making it seem like it was much better than the ie 900 across all boards. Maybe the hype wasn't real.
Mar 27, 2024 at 1:51 PM Post #4,728 of 4,948
Thanks for this. Great comparison. After all the hype about the ie 600 I was planning to get some just to compare with my ie 900. People were making it seem like it was much better than the ie 900 across all boards. Maybe the hype wasn't real.
I mean it did take me several days to arrive to this decision. The value proposition is hard to beat for the IE 600 now that it's $499. Nowadays it seems like people are very into frequency response graphs and tuning but to me a good out-of-the-box tuning is more of a bonus since I enjoy EQ. I care more about the technicalities and euphonic properties that don't necessarily manifest in a graph. These are the aspects that elevate the 900 over the 600.

The 600 is like a large OLED gaming monitor while the 900 is a living room OLED TV with similar resolution and responsiveness but also has HDR and 3D capabilities. The HDR and 3D could be unnecessary or "get old" for some people and they'd prefer a more straightforward, less quirky, presentation. I'd say the hype is warranted for the 600 because it's a way easier rec than paying 2x for the 900. I think others give the impression that the 600 is equivalent in performance to the 900 but an alternative flavor that's subjectively "better" tuned. Perhaps this isn't far off depending on what you listen for but I know for me, coming from the HD 8XX and Arya Organic, I feel more at home with the 900.
Mar 27, 2024 at 5:56 PM Post #4,729 of 4,948
The 600 is like a large OLED gaming monitor while the 900 is a living room OLED TV with similar resolution and responsiveness but also has HDR and 3D capabilities. The HDR and 3D could be unnecessary or "get old" for some people and they'd prefer a more straightforward, less quirky, presentation
That’s actually a great analogy. IE600 is a plain and simple IEM that sounds okay. IE900 is not as straightforward. Some would call that gimmicky, others might find it interesting. Personally, I sometimes consider IE900 when there is a discount (the retail price is too steep for what is offered, IMHO), but never think about IE600 again after auditioning. Maybe if they cut the price by half, then the IE600 makes sense (to me).
Mar 27, 2024 at 8:13 PM Post #4,730 of 4,948
I've owned both the IE600 and IE900 and agree with the above. The tuning of the IE600 might be a little more "mainstream" or in line with what reviewers prefer these days, but the IE900 is one tier higher on a technical level - bass texture, layering, imaging, lack of fatigue after long listening sessions, you name it. Having said that, I would not pay full price for either the IE600 or IE900.
Mar 28, 2024 at 3:32 AM Post #4,731 of 4,948
Alright, guys, here is my comprehensive REAL vs FAKE picture guide. There are actually many differences but they're all so small (except the case) you'll miss them unless you know what you're looking for. If you're curious how the fake ones sound, I didn't even bother to put them in my ears.










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Mar 28, 2024 at 3:49 AM Post #4,732 of 4,948
Its even easier to tell fake from real. Buy from anywhere other than a Sennheiser approved seller and its fake.

Also the genuine version has "Real" written on the box in green. :)

Shure takes a much more pragmatic view on this issue, call us, and/or send us photos and we will tell you. The moment the differentiating features of the fakes are published and become general knowledge the people making the fakes will correct their errors.
Mar 28, 2024 at 4:22 AM Post #4,733 of 4,948
Alright, guys, here is my comprehensive REAL vs FAKE picture guide. There are actually many differences but they're all so small (except the case) you'll miss them unless you know what you're looking for. If you're curious how the fake ones sound, I didn't even bother to put them in my ears.


Nice one!
Mar 28, 2024 at 7:47 AM Post #4,734 of 4,948
Alright, guys, here is my comprehensive REAL vs FAKE picture guide. There are actually many differences but they're all so small (except the case) you'll miss them unless you know what you're looking for. If you're curious how the fake ones sound, I didn't even bother to put them in my ears.


Is the fake case brown? Interesting how they would nail the details on the earphone but then be so different on the case. As far as I know the IE 900 only ever came in gray or almost black.
Mar 28, 2024 at 8:24 AM Post #4,735 of 4,948
Is the fake case brown? Interesting how they would nail the details on the earphone but then be so different on the case. As far as I know the IE 900 only ever came in gray or almost black.

Fake case also has another detail off. The plate in the backside with one's serial number on it.

Plate writing is just laser/ink black printed onto the back. Therefore the plate is flush/flat.

Plate has the serial "number" on the back pressed on. So the letters/numbers dig into the plate.
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Mar 28, 2024 at 5:55 PM Post #4,736 of 4,948
Alright, guys, here is my comprehensive REAL vs FAKE picture guide. There are actually many differences but they're all so small (except the case) you'll miss them unless you know what you're looking for. If you're curious how the fake ones sound, I didn't even bother to put them in my ears.


I disagree on the case colour - the What Hi-Fi review of the IE900 shows the brown case and credits the photo of same to Sennheiser.
Headfonia's review - IE900 sent to them by Sennheiser shows brown case
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Mar 28, 2024 at 5:58 PM Post #4,737 of 4,948
Mar 28, 2024 at 6:53 PM Post #4,738 of 4,948
Adding on top of that, the authentic German case is a gray vs the brown of the fake German case.
Mar 29, 2024 at 11:39 AM Post #4,740 of 4,948
maybe i'm mistaken but i'm sure the original case was brown or copper too, it's strange that the fakes makers haven't updated it

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