Sennheiser IE900 Review, Measurements, & Harman Target Talk
Feb 1, 2024 at 4:07 AM Post #4,606 of 4,948
No they’re real as far as I can tell. I’ve got the receipt from the retailer and they pass every visual test I can find.
Could be fit related. Play around with different tips in different sizes and see if they make any difference. The IE900 should not sound either tinny or screechy.
Feb 1, 2024 at 5:05 AM Post #4,607 of 4,948
I think it is fit related. Best sound for me is the large foam tips but I am not sure that they are the best that they could be. Are there any third party tips worth looking into for them?

I also think that - not being an iem person really - I was expecting the experience to be closer to the Focal Clears that I usually use and it is not and probably cannot be. That might be an unrealistic expectation on my part.

They do sound better with some fiddling. I also noticed that they sound better using the balanced cable with the smaller diameter jack than they do with the cable that has the larger jack. Not sure why that might be.
Feb 1, 2024 at 6:19 AM Post #4,608 of 4,948
In my opinion the stock silicon tips sounds best. This is also what i learned from my ie800. With the stock tips they have this unique soundstage at highs. The foam tips never sound that good to me. i tryed a lot, but always get back to the stock.
maybe the spiral dots are on option, they look very similar to the stock one´s but with more size options.
Feb 1, 2024 at 10:10 PM Post #4,609 of 4,948
I think it is fit related. Best sound for me is the large foam tips but I am not sure that they are the best that they could be. Are there any third party tips worth looking into for them?

I also think that - not being an iem person really - I was expecting the experience to be closer to the Focal Clears that I usually use and it is not and probably cannot be. That might be an unrealistic expectation on my part.

They do sound better with some fiddling. I also noticed that they sound better using the balanced cable with the smaller diameter jack than they do with the cable that has the larger jack. Not sure why that might be.
I did do some tip rolling and found that the SpinFit W1 - M size fits best for me. I got a good seal resulting in good bass and treble. I tried size L and it was too tight of a seal comfort wise. Some people have also been singing praises on the Pentacon Coreir tips.

In terms of source rolling, I found that it pairs better on SP3kCu then M9+. More resolving. M9+ sounds rolled off in the treble.
Feb 2, 2024 at 3:23 AM Post #4,610 of 4,948
I just received both an ie900 and ier-z1r last night. I have little experience with iems as I usually use headphones. For about ten years (maybe a little more) I've been only using the klipsch s4 whenever I needed something portable to hook up my phone. Been reading and watching videos in recent years about what to think of the speed in which iems are flooding the market and they seem to constantly be innovating themselves in order to out compete one another. Kinda seems like iems are a bit of a wild west marketplace to me so I've been extremely hesitant about getting one or even where to start.

I ended up getting a fitear tg334 used. The technical stuff was a very big jump from my klipsch s4's. I was surprised iems could do this, but was not liking the timbre of the balanced armature driver. I then thought I should look for dynamic driver iems since that's my favorite type of driver over planars and estats. I bought used the jvc fw10000 which actually nailed what I wanted to hear, and the wood used is really fancy in person. It felt like another step up from the tg334 I sold.

I then wanted an iem to compliment it and tried the meze advar since it was much more on the affordable side and while it sounded fun, it was too in your face for my tastes. I waited and saved up to try either the ier-z1r or the ie900 and saw they were both on sale. Decided to buy them both and see which one would be a better compliment for my jvc's and something crazy happened when I heard the sennheiser (have not listened to the ier-z1r yet). I had an actual eye opening moment.

I previously owned an hd600 and hd800 and sold them as I wasn't listening to them enough to justify keeping them, but the ie900's fq response is much more up my alley. Even though it's a little u shaped, the bass and treble is not intrusive on the mid range. There is a great amount of clarity to prevent things from sounding muddled to me, but what really impressed me was the timbre. Things sound just incredibly right to me. Yes I prefer the midbass bass punch of the jvc over subbass emphasis, but overall the ie900 is wonderfully engaging. I am still trying to wrap my brain around how this is viewed as laid back because the ie900 has completely gripped my attention. It seems that it has the dynamics that make me feel the dynamic swings in any given recording but the attack errs on holding back just a smidge from preventing fatigue. Like, I can hear this iem in a way that allows me to be engaged, but without the fatigue some exciting sounds might also carry such as appreciate the sometimes sharp sounds of a loud violin without stinging my ears or big bass without being hit by the bass in way that's too aggressive. I guess that makes it laid back? Not entirely sure... it really doesn't sound laid back. There's just no way I'm gonna fall asleep when listening to the ie900. This iem just puts a big smile on my face.

Even though it's only the second day now, I am legitimately impressed, so much so, that I immediately placed an order for the ie600 while it is still on sale.

I'm glad to have a sennheiser again. Even though I fell out of wanting anymore of their headphones for the time being, I will gladly keep and enjoy their iems!
Can you please compare the IE 900 to the IE 600. Which is the better sounding IEM and which has better bass?
Feb 5, 2024 at 5:38 AM Post #4,614 of 4,948

reading around hundred pages of this very interesting thread these days, but I am a little bit lost at the end.

I plan to buy IE900 and I have other Senn phones, but only over ear and regarding earbuds they are just BT. So, this would be my first quality wired IEM for which I am not sure what source to buy.

It should be portable DAC/amp. It can be preferrably in a single box, but can be separated. It just need to be battery supplied.

I don’t have much experience with these kind of recent units, but would definitely like to have source which is on IE900.

I like rythmical and crisp sound and I listen mostly to old rock, jazz and classical.

I would prefer non Chinese unit.

Many thanks for any advice.
Feb 5, 2024 at 6:06 AM Post #4,615 of 4,948

reading around hundred pages of this very interesting thread these days, but I am a little bit lost at the end.

I plan to buy IE900 and I have other Senn phones, but only over ear and regarding earbuds they are just BT. So, this would be my first quality wired IEM for which I am not sure what source to buy.

It should be portable DAC/amp. It can be preferrably in a single box, but can be separated. It just need to be battery supplied.

I don’t have much experience with these kind of recent units, but would definitely like to have source which is on IE900.

I like rythmical and crisp sound and I listen mostly to old rock, jazz and classical.

I would prefer non Chinese unit.

Many thanks for any advice.
What's your budget? If you are looking at around $1K, then I'd recommend the Fiio M15s. It's a solid and versatile player across all those genres, and has the best synergy with the ie900 that I have tried in that price range e.g., iBasso dx240/260, A&K SE180. Admittedly, I guess they are all Chinese...
Feb 5, 2024 at 6:42 AM Post #4,616 of 4,948

reading around hundred pages of this very interesting thread these days, but I am a little bit lost at the end.

I plan to buy IE900 and I have other Senn phones, but only over ear and regarding earbuds they are just BT. So, this would be my first quality wired IEM for which I am not sure what source to buy.

It should be portable DAC/amp. It can be preferrably in a single box, but can be separated. It just need to be battery supplied.

I don’t have much experience with these kind of recent units, but would definitely like to have source which is on IE900.

I like rythmical and crisp sound and I listen mostly to old rock, jazz and classical.

I would prefer non Chinese unit.

Many thanks for any advice.
Sounds like the Mojo 2 could be for you, especially since you don't want a Chinese unit. It's great with the IE 900. But what your budget is is important.
Feb 5, 2024 at 6:52 AM Post #4,617 of 4,948

reading around hundred pages of this very interesting thread these days, but I am a little bit lost at the end.

I plan to buy IE900 and I have other Senn phones, but only over ear and regarding earbuds they are just BT. So, this would be my first quality wired IEM for which I am not sure what source to buy.

It should be portable DAC/amp. It can be preferrably in a single box, but can be separated. It just need to be battery supplied.

I don’t have much experience with these kind of recent units, but would definitely like to have source which is on IE900.

I like rythmical and crisp sound and I listen mostly to old rock, jazz and classical.

I would prefer non Chinese unit.

Many thanks for any advice.
Buy a used Sony WM1A. Chances are you’ll be extremely happy with it but at today’s used prices, you can sell it and get alll or most of your money back if you find something you like better. If you need streaming, look at the WM1AM2 but it will cost more and you’ll probably lose a bit if you catch and release. A $400 used WM1A would be my recommendation.
Feb 5, 2024 at 7:06 AM Post #4,618 of 4,948
Thank you very much. Didn’t have a clue that FIIO and Sony players are enough for IE900.

Sorry as I didn’t mention. I tried Hugo2 with big phones and didn’t like it as it sounds too forced to my ears.

What do you say for some quality (up to 1000 $ or €) DAC/amp to be used with Iphone as a player?
Feb 5, 2024 at 9:16 AM Post #4,619 of 4,948
Thank you very much. Didn’t have a clue that FIIO and Sony players are enough for IE900.

Sorry as I didn’t mention. I tried Hugo2 with big phones and didn’t like it as it sounds too forced to my ears.

What do you say for some quality (up to 1000 $ or €) DAC/amp to be used with Iphone as a player?
I use IE900 and WM1A every night to sleep with and the Sony has plenty of power. I’m selling a DX300 Max which is a little more machine than you’re looking for. They do sound better with the huge power from the Max, but not night and day different. Look at dongles for your iPhone. I have an iFi gold bar which actually has more power than the WM1A. I would recommend a Cayin RU6 which can be had pretty cheap since the 7 came out. Still has plenty of power for the IE900 though a little more would be nice. IE900 are nowhere near as hard to drive as something like FF Scarlet. My iPhone reset (the sound) at about 70% volume because the dongle was drawing way too much power driving them. No such problem with IE900.
Feb 5, 2024 at 9:43 AM Post #4,620 of 4,948
Just arrived: Forza Claire Hybrid IEM cable terminating in Furutech 4.4mm Not listed on Forza's site, but no doubt you can drop 'em a line. First impressions: beautiful. Ergonomically spot on. Cable is thick, but very malleable, and fits around the ear with ease (big improvement on my previous Brise cable in this respect which required the slider to sit under the chin). Initial sound impression: everything you love about the IE900 but more refined, more transparent, and smoother. Had been on the fence about ordering a couple of cables to compare, but perfectly happy with this one. Recommended.

He’s awesome! Who is he and who makes it?

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