Sennheiser IE8 Impressions Thread
Dec 3, 2009 at 11:57 AM Post #5,266 of 8,119

Originally Posted by rolz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
im currently running my clip almost full volume on most songs.

Whoa, that's quite a lot of SPL you're shooting at your eardrums. The Clip+ might not be the loudest player around - but the IE8 sure are among the loudest IEMs.

One thing you could do is make use of Replay Gain, since the Clip+ supports this awesome standard. It gives all your tracks/albums an equally loud perceived volume level. That could already helps with your listening habits - and it doesn't cost a dime, or makes you carry around another brick with your nice minimalist setup.
Oh, and make sure you don't choose "Europe" as a region on any MP3 player, that will very likely make the player quieter, due to some silly arbitrary EU laws.

BTW, Sony players hiss quite a bit with the insanely sensitive IE8. The S9 hisses less, but still more than the Clip+. All the cheapo Chinese amps I have hiss too (and of course a FiiO E5 doesn't make it "sound better" at all), the only dead quiet amp I have to pair with the IE8 is the Corda Headsix.
Dec 3, 2009 at 1:32 PM Post #5,267 of 8,119

Originally Posted by rolz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
can anyone recommend anything to improve the sound of my gear? i have the sansa clip+ and the IE8 as of the moment, and while i love the sound like nothing else in this world i can't help but think the sound and the volume can get better. im currently running my clip almost full volume on most songs.

logical step here would be to buy an amp. cant really justify getting the p-51 mustang or anything above that. more like icon mobile or ibasso t3. amp needs to be really small to at least match the clip. anyone has experiences on these combos? also the clip doesnt have line out, will it really benefit from an amp? i read the fiio E5 does nothing for the clip and IE8. can anyone chime in on that?

another option would be to just shell out for another source like a sony X or A series. question is if it really is that better sounding than the clip+

frankly.the ie8 although efficient,needs an amp to shine.i use my ipod touch with headroom micro amp and treble boost on the touch and the difference is huge.i find that the ie8 needs power to be driven correctly as they are power hungery and the micro amp have alot of power.i use it on the low gain and never pass 9 oclock on volume which is quit alot to be honest.the most striking difference the amp makes is details and mids.the amount of details that appears now is incredible,i can hear every little micro detail in the music now,and the mids are pushed forward and cant be called recessed anymore,the overall sound signature is airier(which i love by the way)and every drum hit and cymbals sound "wetter"and more lively,the sound of crashing cymbals extends more and the decay time increases.i am sensitive to treble but this combo right now have what i like to call"sweet treble"never fatigueng or lacking just sweet.i am waiting for a LOD right now to complete my rig.even the fx500 which is less efficient than the ie8 benefit immensly from that powerful amp.
Dec 3, 2009 at 10:26 PM Post #5,269 of 8,119
i guess there'd be no good in getting something like the ibasso T3 for the clip then.

does the sony X or S9 take an LOD?

im thinking s9>LOD>T3>IE8

looks like a sweet setup. concern is the size. i think the S9 would be too large for my pocket.


yeah i know right? its pretty loud, maybe its just with my ears since its been like that with the stock sansa clip buds and cx500. and i really like it loud. imagining listening to My Bloody Valentine like it was some piano music. no effing way!

also, anyone tried the ibasso T3 and IE8 here? can anyone comment on that? i really like its size and the reviews its getting so far.
Dec 3, 2009 at 10:41 PM Post #5,271 of 8,119
I've been using an AMP3 Pro1 strictly as an amp and I notice improvements. The bass tightens up and the midrange becomes more forward and detailed. With my Headroom Micro Amp w/ desktop module, the bass is too dominant for my liking.
Dec 3, 2009 at 11:22 PM Post #5,272 of 8,119
I'm really pretty surprised that so many of you don't notice a difference with an amp. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of music are you listening to? The biggest differences I notice is that the bass gets tighter and punchier and the sound seems more open using my SS amp vs iPod touch 2G headphone out.
Dec 4, 2009 at 4:31 AM Post #5,274 of 8,119

Originally Posted by midoo1990 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
frankly.the ie8 although efficient,needs an amp to shine.

Have to say I agree due to my experience. Sometimes the difference isn't noticeable, sometime it is large to me. It depends on the song, my environment, and even how tired/alert I am. I listen to trance, rock, pop, metal, easy listening/jazz, and some classical.


Originally Posted by dbrodie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
average joe that looks like a interesting tip you have there. What exactly are you using and where did you get the clear extending piece?


The clear extender piece is from Home Depot...bought it for something else. Watts 3/8" outside diameter vinyl tubing. But you can also use the half bi flange tips backward as an extender to see if you notice a difference, which is what I started with. I use the tubing because I can cut it to the exact length I need that allows the tips to stay on.
Dec 4, 2009 at 7:54 AM Post #5,275 of 8,119

Originally Posted by Del Griffith /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I guess it's I noticing enough difference to make the cost of the p-51 wise. I hear very subtle differences. w/wo.

This is the exact reason why I have the Alo Rx for sale. Not because the amp is bad because it pairs nicely with the hfi 780 and some recabled triple fi 10 really well. It's just that I cannot justify keeping it for the very subtle differences or improvements it makes to the IE8. I don't find it cool having to go back and listen over and over to see if an amp that cost above $300 is making a difference/improvement. I suppose there are other amps that do make a significant difference and as such I'm looking forward to pairing them with a D4 or a D10 or even an Amphora but to be honest am really not that in a hurry because as long as one isn't a neutral junkie haha, the sony X is doing a sterling job.
Dec 4, 2009 at 7:59 AM Post #5,276 of 8,119

Originally Posted by Del Griffith /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I kinda agree with the no amp needed opinion. I have spent the last two days going from using my p-51 mustang with ie8 to just out of ipod. Don't think there is any difference to my ears. Might be selling the p-51 and lod with the ie8 sounding so good w/o it.

I just ordered the IE8s from Amazon UK but I am curious if an amp will make a difference. You mentioned that the P-51s don't so could it be that your particular amp doesn't improve the IE8s enough or are the IE8s somewhat like the Atrios (i.e. they don't benefit from amping)?
Dec 4, 2009 at 8:53 AM Post #5,277 of 8,119

Originally Posted by Illuminator /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just ordered the IE8s from Amazon UK but I am curious if an amp will make a difference. You mentioned that the P-51s don't so could it be that your particular amp doesn't improve the IE8s enough or are the IE8s somewhat like the Atrios (i.e. they don't benefit from amping)?

No,they benefit from an amp,read my post on the previos page.I know this is not directed to me but well you can benefit from different opinions
Dec 4, 2009 at 10:55 AM Post #5,278 of 8,119
^ Don't be too hasty to pair your IE8's with an amp Illuminator. I use mine unamped directly from my ipod touch and they sound great to me as they are. Why don't you try them without an amp first? You can always buy one later if you feel that they're under-performing. The beauty of top tier IEMs like the IE8's is that you don't have to sacrifice audio quality for portability.
Dec 4, 2009 at 11:08 AM Post #5,279 of 8,119

Originally Posted by iponderous /img/forum/go_quote.gif
^ Don't be too hasty to pair your IE8's with an amp Illuminator. I use mine unamped directly from my ipod touch and they sound great to me as they are. Why don't you try them without an amp first? You can always buy one later if you feel that they're under-performing. The beauty of top tier IEMs like the IE8's is that you don't have to sacrifice audio quality for portability.

i agree.even though there are some small differences(arguablly noticable) i wouldnt recommend the micro amp with the ie8.i bought this powerful amp for my future HD600 that i will buy in a month or so but i was curious about the results it would make with the ie8 but i was dissapointed.sometimes i like to listen to them with the amp and sometimes directly from my touch headphone jack and they sound excellent drectly from the touch.if i werent to buy the hd600,i would definetly sell the micro amp becase it would be with no benefit to me.
Dec 4, 2009 at 11:51 AM Post #5,280 of 8,119
just pair the IE8 with a sony x and be done with it!

having compared it with the cowon s9, imo the sony x is the best ampless source available out there.

i myself dont intend to use an amp. there might be improvement but aside from the cost, portability-wise its just not practical. i want a very minimalist setup and the sony x + IE8 gave me my dream setup.

what? do i hear a JH13pro? NOOOOOOOO!!!!

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