Sennheiser HD800 S Impressions Thread (read first post for summary)
Oct 29, 2020 at 5:28 AM Post #6,061 of 8,973
Oct 29, 2020 at 10:17 AM Post #6,063 of 8,973
Has anyone found a way/mod to stop these from sliding backwards off your head as soon as you tilt your head upwards?

Surely I'm not the only one who has this problem!? It's rather annoying...
Oct 29, 2020 at 2:32 PM Post #6,064 of 8,973
That’s what duct tape is for, start wrapping. :dt880smile:
Oct 29, 2020 at 5:55 PM Post #6,065 of 8,973
Has anyone found a way/mod to stop these from sliding backwards off your head as soon as you tilt your head upwards?

Surely I'm not the only one who has this problem!? It's rather annoying...

It could use more clamp for sure !
Oct 31, 2020 at 2:58 PM Post #6,066 of 8,973
Yeah it's kinda like they said how can we make this more comfortable and not smash the customer's skull like that guy who designed the HD 600 did! and then they all stare real mean at him and say they all learned the lesson and wink knowingly :D
Oct 31, 2020 at 4:42 PM Post #6,067 of 8,973
Has anyone found a way/mod to stop these from sliding backwards off your head as soon as you tilt your head upwards?

Surely I'm not the only one who has this problem!? It's rather annoying...

It is annoying but its a compromise, particularly if using the original earpads. They don't have much padding, so there's a bit of wiggle room between the frame and fabric, hence the slipping. Easiest solutions are:

- shave your head for more friction :wink:
- give the the headband frame a little bend, although kinda defeats the purpose of designing with minimal clamp pressure and is a bodgy solution
- thicker, fuller pads (ie Dekoni or equivalent) will clamp tighter due to their density, although the effect on sound is subjective
- experiment with spring (HD800) or clip (HD800s) tensions in the yoke on both sides
- mod the original pads. In my opinion they sound the best and worth a bit of trial/error in materials, widths and densities to stop them sliding around sounding, sounding great and a better seal.

Or as Whazzzup suggested... duct tape is friend to all 👍
Oct 31, 2020 at 5:19 PM Post #6,068 of 8,973
Recently bought one of these great headphones................loving the sound, light weight/comfort and the BASS.

So who else is driving these from a vintage speaker amp besides me? I run them right from the speaker taps via XLR and am thrilled at the sound. Had the original HD800 a few years ago, traded it and now am keeping the S version for the forseeable future. Here's what drives it now...........

How does that sound? Cant sound clean? Anyway vintage receivers always looks good.

Now playing Nathan Salsburg- Third
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Oct 31, 2020 at 5:47 PM Post #6,069 of 8,973
I find the tonality is better for more genres with the warmer Tonekraft cable i bought. Less shinier and less bright. Still very detailed if not as detailed as stock. But easier on the ears to play loud.

But yes i would agree with that HD800S is suitble for Jazz, classical, acoustic music,

And not suitible in general for Heavy metal, pop/rock.

At least not compleatly with my unforgiving chain. But maybe if you go for warm sounding tube amps warm dacs and cables you will be fine.

Is it loudness war that makes so many new pop/rock album i stream on tidal sound so bright?

Now playing Acceptance-Wild, Free
It is really bright, it hurts like hell like he sings in one song. Mostly its his voice that is piercing bright. Very poor recording.
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Nov 1, 2020 at 8:26 AM Post #6,070 of 8,973
well i don't have that album so can't test it out on my main system but just listening to acceptance wild on my iMac it sounds like an irritating recording all around. sibilant and thin, there would be no help but to ditch and erase the album from your folder
Nov 1, 2020 at 9:56 AM Post #6,071 of 8,973

This may sound weird and unintuitive but, I used to bend the head band inwards to get a nice tight fit, however, not that long ago I was pissing about and instead of bending the headband inwards, I started to bend the metal headband straight, little steps so I didn't break it and they are the best fit I have ever had with the 800S.

I did have dekoni pads which were insane comfy and tight, and at the moment I'm using misodiko lambskin pads, roughtly the same size as the stock pads but in leather.

But now I can now lie in bed and they never move or slide backwards off my head.
Nov 2, 2020 at 8:32 AM Post #6,072 of 8,973
another day another wow.
Nov 2, 2020 at 12:44 PM Post #6,073 of 8,973
Ok so I have finally listened to 800s during all the week end and I have a big problem, I don’t recover all the aspects that are often associated to HD800s:
- anemic bass? Not at all, it punch hard and even extend very low in the sub bass
- bright? Certainly not, ok I’m 47
- boring and chirurgical? What?! It is not at all, I had iem monitoring before (earsonics S-EM6v2) and I know what is chirurgical and boring
- diffuse, vague and artificial soundstage? Again not on my side, soundstage is spacious and airy, imaging is good, not artificially wide for me : it is still a headphone and to be honest I was a little disappointing at my first listening session.

So does the amp and dac pair really well with 800s ? For sure FA-10 is powerful (1.6w @300ohm, 1w @600ohm, 800s impedance can go to 700ohm) and as a very good class A amp has certainly the musicality that fit well with 800s.
Also Chord Mojo pair well with neutral headphones, that add a point to the synergy.

In fact I’m at a step where I see no interest to keep my HE6se: on A/B listening, HE6se that I think can sound big, suddenly it sounds ´intimate’ : and that is really the killing point for me. Timbre are a bit more natural and cleaner on 800s, but HE6se is very good also. The impact and slam of 800s is not so far behind HE6se.

Last, I’m on medium gain around 1o clock for 800s (it is the cleaner and effortless setting), I’m on high gain around 1o clock for HE6se, Mojo DAC output is 3v.

I’m quite interested to read other users feedbacks about 800s and FA-10 !
Nov 2, 2020 at 1:16 PM Post #6,074 of 8,973
Ok so I have finally listened to 800s during all the week end and I have a big problem, I don’t recover all the aspects that are often associated to HD800s:
- anemic bass? Not at all, it punch hard and even extend very low in the sub bass
- bright? Certainly not, ok I’m 47
- boring and chirurgical? What?! It is not at all, I had iem monitoring before (earsonics S-EM6v2) and I know what is chirurgical and boring
- diffuse, vague and artificial soundstage? Again not on my side, soundstage is spacious and airy, imaging is good, not artificially wide for me : it is still a headphone and to be honest I was a little disappointing at my first listening session.

So does the amp and dac pair really well with 800s ? For sure FA-10 is powerful (1.6w @300ohm, 1w @600ohm, 800s impedance can go to 700ohm) and as a very good class A amp has certainly the musicality that fit well with 800s.
Also Chord Mojo pair well with neutral headphones, that add a point to the synergy.

In fact I’m at a step where I see no interest to keep my HE6se: on A/B listening, HE6se that I think can sound big, suddenly it sounds ´intimate’ : and that is really the killing point for me. Timbre are a bit more natural and cleaner on 800s, but HE6se is very good also. The impact and slam of 800s is not so far behind HE6se.

Last, I’m on medium gain around 1o clock for 800s (it is the cleaner and effortless setting), I’m on high gain around 1o clock for HE6se, Mojo DAC output is 3v.

I’m quite interested to read other users feedbacks about 800s and FA-10 !
I agree with your experience.

My 800s had been driven by Nobsound 009s fitted with Nos Sylvania tubes and Source is Chord Dave and HMS and also Schitt Freya fitted with Kenrad vt231 and Sylvania vt 231 in the middle as pre amp.

It is competitive with Stax 009s driven by Kgsshv Carbon and Raal Sr1a driven by Jot R for most of aspects at 1/3 costs.

009s give more refined violin tone and slightly fuller bass than 800s.

Sr1a give more exctiting sound with fast decay and sharp details.

But 800s is the most comfortable one among those headphones.
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Nov 2, 2020 at 6:43 PM Post #6,075 of 8,973
How does that sound? Cant sound clean? Anyway does vintage receivers always looks good.

Now playing Nathan Salsburg- Third

Not sure what you mean by "can't sound clean"? This particular vintage system was near top of the line back in 1979 and the sound is extraordinary.

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