Sennheiser HD800 Appreciation Thread
Jan 11, 2010 at 4:40 PM Post #1,816 of 6,607
Now, I will give the caveat that I have not heard the 800 and the MKIII together, but I did own the MKIII for a while and I don't think it would have any problems with the 800. There are more than enough tube choices with the MKIII that you should be able to find some that will get you the sound you are after.
Jan 12, 2010 at 8:03 PM Post #1,818 of 6,607
I posted this elsewhere in Miguel's SRG II thread, but the HD800 and Grahm Slee Solo SRG II is a great combination. The bass was nice and strong, mids were vibrant and transparent, and highs were not edgy even with a more detailed aftermarket Warren Audio cable. It sounded very close to my Maxed WA6, but I didn't compare it to my ZDT in my other rig since it didn't surpass the WA6 which is not as good as my ZDT.
Jan 13, 2010 at 2:28 AM Post #1,819 of 6,607

Originally Posted by AmanGeorge /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I got the HD800 a few weeks ago from another Head-Fi-er, and thought I'd share my thoughts about them here vis-a-vis my other cans before selling one of them off...

The HD800 is an excellent can, and certainly the best that I own of the three in my stable right now. They have no apparent flaws to my ear, but I must also add that I don’t think that the gulf between the 800 and the other two cans I own, the K701 and the CD3K, is massive. I spent a decent chunk of time during the holidays listening to the three of them and taking notes with a variety of music, and came to the conclusion that the HD800 is truly terrific, but not so good that other excellent headphones are unlistenable by comparison.

Areas where the HD800 is dominant:
-Bass: more bass slam, texture, and extension than the other two cans. The CD3K has decent slam (but worse than the Senn), but less extension; the K701, by contrast, has relatively less slam but excellent extension and texture. Neither one can really hold a candle to the HD800 in this area, though.
-Tonality: The tonality of the HD800 is consistently spot on, and sounds generally very smooth but realistic. The CD3K, by contrast, can sound slightly hollow/plasticky with the wrong instrument, while the K701 can sound grainy and a little harsh.

Areas where the HD800 is close to or slightly better than the other cans here:
-Soundstage and imaging: The HD800 is consistently excellent here, but the gap isn’t huge, especially between the HD800 and the K701. In fact, at times, the K701 sounded slightly airier than the Senns in my system (most noticeably with sparse mixes).
-Detail retrieval and speed: All three cans are excellent in this regard. The CD3K may be fractionally slower than the other two, but if so it comes off as sounding as if it has a slightly sweeter decay than actually sounding slow to my ears.
-Vocals: Vocals sound more lush out of the Senns than the other two cans, but more forward with the K701s. Tough call which I like better – the smoothness/sensuality of the Senns is really nice, but the K701 vocal presentation is very engaging in its own right.

Area where the HD800 gets bested (slightly):
-Dynamics: I find that the dynamic swings in the K701 sound more dramatic and powerful than they do with the HD800. This was apparent when listening to Beethoven’s 9th, when the huge crescendos just sounded slightly more satisfying out of the AKG.

All in all, though, the Sennheisers were consistently excellent, and will be staying in my headphone stable for a while, and the K701 is going to have to find a new home.

All the headphones, and the whole setup:

The Senns with my amp and DAC:

Some more detailed listening notes for those interested (note: these are a few songs where I took the time to jot down notes, but I've done a lot of listening over the last few weeks in an even wider variety of genres).

Beethoven, Symphony No. 9 (Bernstein in Berlin), First movement
HD800: Huge dynamic swings. Nice bass presence. From blackness, sound arises. Extremely powerful. Soundstage, imaging, are both spot on.
K701: Also sounds phenomenal, incredible dynamic swings. Imaging is not as clear as the HD800. It’s a little bit of a wall of noise. The bass is not quite as satisfying – you can hear it, but not really feel it; it’s just shy of being totally present. There’s more treble energy – it’s a slightly brighter presentation, but totally satisfying dynamically and tonally – maybe even a little more dynamic than the HD800. The soundstage and imaging is the most notable difference I can hear. Let’s try the CD3K. Soundstage width is really good, but depth is compressed compared to the HD800.
CD3K: Excellent dynamics again, but not as much treble detail as the K701 and HD800.. The sound is a little sweeter than the K701 or the HD800, I think due to a fractionally longer decay. Bass presence is again lacking slightly but not as noticeably.
K701: When it gets quiet, it gets quiet. Feels the lightest in the bass of the three. There’s more energy than in the CD3K because of the speed of decay, but I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.
HD800: It sounds noticeably darker than either of the others (!). Soundstage depth is outstanding. The very quiet violin that plays in the quieter bits can actually be made out in this, where it sounds a little bit like just background noise in the other two. Dynamic swings are not as intense as with the CD3K or the K701 – when these get loud it’s not as noticeable.

I could really live with any of these cans for classical. Because I’m a sucker for a good reproduction of soundstage and clear imaging/separation, the HD800 wins, but only beats the other two (which sound like they have an edge when it comes to dynamic swings) by a hair. It would be a tough call between the K701 and the CD3K – they actually don’t sound that far apart. The CD3K sounds marginally more closed in and has a slightly sweeter decay, but still sounds excellent. If I had to rank them here, it would be HD800, K701, CD3K, but very close between all three.

Holst – The Planets (Charles Dutoit) – Mars

HD800: Brass sounds really powerful. Never sounds muddy at all. The presence of bass makes a big difference here – it’s like listening to something else entirely than on the other headphones. It’s that much more ominous. And the detail retrieval is superior. Imaging is as clear as it can possibly be.
K701: Music has a little less body to it due to the lack of bass. I can hear the slight plasticky-ness in the brass. Here I think I have a clear preference for the HD800 – the lack of bass is killing here.
CD3K: Soundstage width is not great. It sounds actually a little narrow here relative to the other two. The soundstage sounds a little too compressed here – the separation isn’t great and stuff is jumbling together.

Here the HD800 comes out in front a little more clearly than in the Beethoven piece – maybe due to the more prominent booming brass in the ensemble. Then the K701, and the CD3K falls behind because this is a rare occasion in which it really starts to sound like a closed headphone. It’s hard to fault its soundstaging, except in the company of the two largest-soundstage dynamic headphones.

Dave Brubek – Take Five (Blu-spec CD)
HD800 is wonderful, but really almost sounds dark if your ears get accustomed to the presentation of the other two. It’s a little more polite than the K701 – not as in your face and energetic. Bass is seriously present on these, unlike with the other two. I may be crazy but it doesn’t feel perfectly controlled, although the texture is great.
CD3K sounds really good too. The sax sounds amazing – more intimate and romantic with the HD800, more playful and energetic with the CD3K. Both have a very smooth midrange without losing any detail. The CD3K sounds a little more laid back, with a spatial presentation that can’t quite match the HD800.
I actually think the sax may sound best on the K701, although slightly bright. It has the slightly sensual, breathy presentation of the HD800, but retains the energy that you hear in the CD3K. But the details are a little intrusive into the mix with the K701 – I feel a little overwhelmed by all the information coming at me. It’s all there with the other two cans, but less in-your-face.

This one is really close. I think all three are winners. If I was forced to pick, it would probably be a tie between the HD800 and the K701, with the CD3K very close behind.

Youn Sun Nah - Dancing With You
CD3K: Sounds very nice, slightly sparse. Youn Sun Nah’s voice is a little thinner here. It’s a very musical headphone that is somewhat intimate because it’s closed (in a good way, that doesn’t really sound “closed-in”) but the vocal presentation isn’t as good as on the HD800 or K701.
The HD800 is definitely more forward – the CD3K is more laid back for sure. Both have pretty impressively deep soundstages.
The K701 has the crispest bite out of the three, but actually sounds slightly compressed inward here – as forward as the HD800 without the soundstage width of either the CD3K or the K701. The voice is very forward here.

Tough call… Probably HD800, then tie between CD3K and K701

The Eagles - Hotel California
CD3K: A little brighter than the HD800, but not really worse… The intimacy is really nice and makes for a very engaging sound. Smoother midrange than the K701 for sure. This beats the AKG here.
HD800: More relaxed sound than the CD3K, with the vocals blending back into the mix a little bit. More relaxed sound again, switching back from the CD3K, but not any better or worse. I could do either one depending on the mood I was in.
K701: Vocals are more prominent in the mix. The sound is a little on the polite side, but more airy than with either of the other cans. Definitely the airiest, but also the harshest – too much bite in the treble area – it is actually slightly painful coming from the HD800.

Tie between the CD3K and the HD800, with the K701 further back.

You really compared the k701 to the HD800? It's not even close to my ears, the 800 is so far superior to every other phone out there...they are worth twice the price. the 600, 650 (which I own) the k701, RS-1, GS-1000 (sold) sound like complete garbage compared to the 800....
Jan 13, 2010 at 2:36 AM Post #1,820 of 6,607

Originally Posted by vai-777 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You really compared the k701 to the HD800? It's not even close to my ears, the 800 is so far superior to every other phone out there...they are worth twice the price. the 600, 650 (which I own) the k701, RS-1, GS-1000 (sold) sound like complete garbage compared to the 800....

Dude! HD800 is great, but it doesn't turn other phones into garbage!
And as much as I enjoy the HD800, I definitely would not have bought it for twice the price...I'm still annoyed with Sennheiser's "fixed-price" policy on the HD800...

My HD800 coexists very nicely with the HF-2

Jan 13, 2010 at 4:35 AM Post #1,822 of 6,607

Originally Posted by john53 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well,my x can v8(similar priced with your little dot?),did a fine job driving them,i liked them a bit better than my hd 600 out of the same setup(which i also like very much out of my amp).

Yes if you have an amp like and x can- i have v3 you may not hear as huge a difference as with a higher end amp. So if you don't plan on upgrading your amp, the difference indeed may not be enough over the 600s for you to jump.
Jan 13, 2010 at 5:09 PM Post #1,824 of 6,607

Originally Posted by pearljam5000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey peanuthead
How does Regina Spektor sounds on the HD800?

Oh she sounds very nice.
Jan 13, 2010 at 6:21 PM Post #1,825 of 6,607
hey guys! is there enough room for me to butt in also..?
it feel nice and cozy here

does anybody listen with the HD800 to music genres like metal and electronic music..especially trance? I want to know how is your impressions of the HD800 in those departments because of all the talks of how they are rather neutral and "bass light".
I own the HD650 and think that they are nice with metal and electronic,but they do lack some punch IMO (but the bass can go very deep in the notes), I wondered if the HD800 have more punch.
Jan 13, 2010 at 6:25 PM Post #1,826 of 6,607

Originally Posted by vai-777 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You really compared the k701 to the HD800? It's not even close to my ears, the 800 is so far superior to every other phone out there...they are worth twice the price. the 600, 650 (which I own) the k701, RS-1, GS-1000 (sold) sound like complete garbage compared to the 800....

Garbage? Not to my ears. The K701's flaws certainly become more apparent when compared to the HD800, but it's still a fantastic headphone that I think does a lot of things right (and, as I said, has areas where I think it's in the same league as the 800). I don't think that the 800 provides 5x the value of the K701 at 5x the price.

Edit: For anyone who hasn't checked it out yet, recently posted a number of headphone reviews: the K702, HD800, W5000, and PS1000. I think Srajan would agree on this point - the K701 is an excellent headphone that can roll with the big boys for sure. The HD800 is just noticeably even better in most respects.
Jan 13, 2010 at 8:51 PM Post #1,827 of 6,607

Originally Posted by pearljam5000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey peanuthead
How does Regina Spektor sounds on the HD800?


Originally Posted by peanuthead /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh she sounds very nice.

What if you never liked her before, does she sound good then?
Jan 13, 2010 at 9:23 PM Post #1,828 of 6,607

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What if you never liked her before, does she sound good then?

Wha? Nobody doesn't like Regina!
Jan 15, 2010 at 9:34 PM Post #1,829 of 6,607

Originally Posted by peanuthead /img/forum/go_quote.gif

What I see in this picture is the reason why I bought HD800 today. The DNA Sonett and Sennheiser combo is very good indeed. Couldn't resist... Source was a Nagra CDC.
At home I have a MF V8. Something tells me that I will go back and get myself a Sonett. I was told they come in a 240V version these days.

Anyway, this is the reason why the Sonett is named Sonett and why it is blue. Donald is driving one of these:

Whatever you think of SAAB these days, inspiring Donald to design the Sonett was a good thing, don't you think?
Jan 16, 2010 at 11:15 AM Post #1,830 of 6,607

Originally Posted by plonter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
hey guys! is there enough room for me to butt in also..?
it feel nice and cozy here

does anybody listen with the HD800 to music genres like metal and electronic music..especially trance? I want to know how is your impressions of the HD800 in those departments because of all the talks of how they are rather neutral and "bass light".
I own the HD650 and think that they are nice with metal and electronic,but they do lack some punch IMO (but the bass can go very deep in the notes), I wondered if the HD800 have more punch.


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