Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Mar 4, 2015 at 1:34 AM Post #23,281 of 46,565
Recently I auditioned the HD650s through a proper tube amp and immediately I knew my search for an ideal sound signature was over.

Seems I am just one week away from finishing the perfect rig for me
Today I ordered my first set of HD650s and they should be here by next Tuesday. Yesterday my Bottlehead Crack amplifier kit arrived (along with a couple of Solen film capacitors to replace the stock output caps, and an obbligato PSU for the final power supply cap, a triad c7x choke, and a couple other mods
) and I should have everything installed and finished by the time the Sennheisers get here.

I can't wait.

Will be running 320mp3-redbook quality files from my laptop to a Musical Fidelity v-link, coaxial out to my MHDT Labs Paradisea 3 DAC, rca out to Bottlehead Crack, with the Sennheiser HD650s jacked in.

Sorry if this post seems like I am bragging (and believe me, I'm not. Some of you guys have astounding listening rigs!), I'm just extremely excited to have found the perfect sound for me. I plan on making a few small tweaks to my DAC, possibly an upgrade in the far off future, but for now I am truly happy with my rig and feel no more upgradeitis.

Says the guy with a new tube amp... 

Seriously, though, congrats on what sounds like a fantastic rig!
Mar 4, 2015 at 12:10 PM Post #23,283 of 46,565
I have a feeling he was referring to the fact that with a new tube amp, you enter the world of tube rolling which can get expensive but that does sound like a great setup.  I have always wanted to try a Bottlehead Crack but no one around me has one.  May just have to bite the bullet and order one, though I don't have great soldering skills haha.
Mar 4, 2015 at 12:21 PM Post #23,284 of 46,565
I have a feeling he was referring to the fact that with a new tube amp, you enter the world of tube rolling which can get expensive but that does sound like a great setup.  I have always wanted to try a Bottlehead Crack but no one around me has one.  May just have to bite the bullet and order one, though I don't have great soldering skills haha.

To maybe put your mind at ease about having little skill with a soldering iron. I recently built a crack literally having never held or even seen a soldering iron before. If you are aleast a little bit handy it will be a breeze to build, and loads of fun. Then after that you have a great sounding little amp. It is an awesome purchase.So don't worry about being scared of not being able to build it. With instructions that good almost anyone can build one.
Mar 4, 2015 at 1:10 PM Post #23,287 of 46,565
To maybe put your mind at ease about having little skill with a soldering iron. I recently built a crack literally having never held or even seen a soldering iron before. If you are aleast a little bit handy it will be a breeze to build, and loads of fun. Then after that you have a great sounding little amp. It is an awesome purchase.So don't worry about being scared of not being able to build it. With instructions that good almost anyone can build one.

Mich that does make me feel better, I soldered some stuff a long time ago but I would bet it would come back pretty quickly.  Just need to find a good soldering iron and I may give it a go.  Any recommendations on soldering iron?  Sorry to go off topic but will get it back on topic quick after this.  Just seems like everyone loves this amp for HD 650's.
Mar 4, 2015 at 1:37 PM Post #23,288 of 46,565
I'm not trying to put anyone off the BH Crack but in my experience the Project Ember sounds spectacular paired with the HD 650's. Just to point out there are other options out there. The Ember is also available as a kit or pre-built.
Mar 4, 2015 at 2:50 PM Post #23,292 of 46,565
  Also don't know much about their other offerings, but did you look into any of the other amps they sell before purchasing the Ember?

I have a project horizon which is used with the HD 650. It consists of a tube input stage and a power mosfet output stage running class A. I also have a project polaris which is used with a mad dog with alpha pads. It has a jfet input stage and a power opamp output stage (same output stage as the ember). I assembled the horizon from a kit. I got the polaris fully assembled from a sale they were running on used/engineering models.
Both amps are excellent with their respective headphones.
Mar 4, 2015 at 3:52 PM Post #23,293 of 46,565
Mich that does make me feel better, I soldered some stuff a long time ago but I would bet it would come back pretty quickly.  Just need to find a good soldering iron and I may give it a go.  Any recommendations on soldering iron?  Sorry to go off topic but will get it back on topic quick after this.  Just seems like everyone loves this amp for HD 650's.

To further set you at ease I personally had not done any soldering since my high school freshman electronics course but ever since I picked up the soldering iron again I've been doing small projects, mostly audio related, and with each attempt my soldering noticeably improves. It is all about muscle memory. There are three important tips to remember when you start soldering:

1: Practice, practice, practice.
2: Tyll Hertsens' soldering video with the crack is essential
3: More practice, and buy a decent $95 soldering station from Hakko.

Re: soldering iron choices I recently upgraded to the Hakko FX888 digital soldering station and its so much better than my previous 40 watt weller iron.

Re: Ember vs Crack, I cannot commet on the Ember's SQ, but I can point out that a bottlehead crack amplifier, even if it was assembled with the most average of skill, can earn you a net profit if you ever decided to sell your amp (doubtful :wink: ) just because there are a lot of people out there who wouldn't touch DIY with a ten foot pole but they still crave a taste of Crack. The absolute cheapest BH crack I've ever seen sold, without any mods, is $350.

So if resale value is very important to you I'd consider Bottlehead.

Project Ember also has some advantages, don't get me wrong. It is a more versatile amp (the Crack just does not play well with lower impedance phones so your listening options are restricted almost entirely to Sennheiser, Beyer, and vintage AKG). You can buy it preassembled for a much lower price than the cost of assembly alone can be for a Crack kit.

If you have the chance try to audition at least one of the options, and look into other OTL tube amp designs. There are a million sound flavors; find what fits you best.
Mar 4, 2015 at 4:23 PM Post #23,295 of 46,565
Thanks and yeah I used to solder when I was younger for RC cars and paintball guns but been a long time since those days so would just need to get back into it.

I just thought it would be a fun project plus allow me to get enjoyment from the finished project, which is always nice for a hobby.
I tried the Aune MK2 and just wasn't impressed with the build quality.  Currently using the Musical Fidelity V90-HPA and it sounds great but I miss the tubier sound that I have grown to see that I love.
That was my only concern with the Bottlehead Crack since also currently looking at Oppo PM-3 and Audeze EL-8 closed back before the girlfriend kills me off.
Hm I may just have to bite the bullet and try one, neither seems terribly difficult for soldering skill wise.  Wish I hadn't given my brother my other amp or else I would buy one of the cheaper ones to practice on then pawn it off on him hah.

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