Sennheiser HD238 Precision review: PX100 on Steroids?
Sep 21, 2009 at 1:27 AM Post #46 of 90
Actually, the HD580's are probably not going to end up being fixed, as the parts add up to more than what I paid for the HD580's originally. I'll probably end up getting a pair of HD448's to complement the HD228's instead
Sep 21, 2009 at 1:40 AM Post #47 of 90

Originally Posted by violeta88 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Actually, the HD580's are probably not going to end up being fixed, as the parts add up to more than what I paid for the HD580's originally. I'll probably end up getting a pair of HD448's to complement the HD228's instead

Again, congrats on your new phones
Sep 21, 2009 at 2:06 AM Post #48 of 90
Hey jjsoviet,
I tried some 100hz to 5hz and 200hz to 30hz sweeps repeating at a loud volume for about 10 minutes total and it seems to have tightened the bass up a bit. I'll keep trying it for a while and I'll update you later.


EDIT: I tried some low bass extended test tone sweeps and I can confirm it does tighten the bass up and improves quite a bit upon one of the flaws I found in the HD238, a somewhat indistinctly defined bass attack is more defined now.
Sep 21, 2009 at 9:24 AM Post #49 of 90
Iv'e been listening to a lot of bass test songs out there, and so far Phat Subwoofer (Test 6) by Bass Test rattles the HD 238's voice coil that much. Oh man, the vibration is so strong!

I have noticed that the larger the wavelength of the bass, it distorts all other frequencies so much that it cancels some music. The less deep the bass, the less the distortion.
Sep 21, 2009 at 2:12 PM Post #51 of 90
Finally, distortion is fading away! I recommend burning in the HD 238's with bass-heavy music and test tones out of the box for quite some time (50 hours maybe) to fix the floppy drivers that tend to overemphasize the bass. Ironically, subjecting them to intense bass will help clear its distortion.
Sep 21, 2009 at 8:18 PM Post #53 of 90

Originally Posted by brainiak /img/forum/go_quote.gif
anyone paired 238's with sansa fuze?

Hmmm, I only have an iTouch and a ROKR E8. Still, it's a very good headphone that can be played on any DAP. It's a bit hard to drive though, as you need to crank up the volume to about 80% to be loud enough.
Sep 22, 2009 at 4:25 AM Post #54 of 90

Originally Posted by jjsoviet /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmmm, I only have an iTouch and a ROKR E8. Still, it's a very good headphone that can be played on any DAP. It's a bit hard to drive though, as you need to crank up the volume to about 80% to be loud enough.

Word, although with me it's more like 90%. Great sound though.
Sep 22, 2009 at 4:31 AM Post #55 of 90

Originally Posted by priest /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Word, although with me it's more like 90%. Great sound though.

A Fiio E5 will suffice for now, but I'm looking at other portable amps to further clean the signal. What can be good ones?
Sep 22, 2009 at 11:11 AM Post #56 of 90
I too can confirm the bass change. Mine have over 100 hours burn-in now and the out-of-control bass is gone. It was only there when subjected to my Audigy anyway. On a portable source I'd imagine they sound just perfect from the start.
Sep 26, 2009 at 1:13 AM Post #58 of 90

I'm receiving a Sendstation LOD along with some HD448's to go along with the 238's on Monday and I'll let you know how it improves the sound with the 238's and my portable amps (A Meier Move, Meier Porta Corda III, HeadRoom Total AirHead '06 (current) edition, and a MINT). The amps that can currently power the HD238's the loudest are the MINT and the Airhead. The Porta Corda III is also really clean, but it doesn't have the driving capability. The Move is more muddy in the bass and isn't quite as clear as the other three but can power the HD238's a smidgeon louder than the Porta Corda III. Anyways, I'll fill you in sometime next week when I get a chance.

Sep 26, 2009 at 1:54 AM Post #59 of 90

Originally Posted by violeta88 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm receiving a Sendstation LOD along with some HD448's to go along with the 238's on Monday and I'll let you know how it improves the sound with the 238's and my portable amps (A Meier Move, Meier Porta Corda III, HeadRoom Total AirHead '06 (current) edition, and a MINT). The amps that can currently power the HD238's the loudest are the MINT and the Airhead. The Porta Corda III is also really clean, but it doesn't have the driving capability. The Move is more muddy in the bass and isn't quite as clear as the other three but can power the HD238's a smidgeon louder than the Porta Corda III. Anyways, I'll fill you in sometime next week when I get a chance.


Sure thing Eric. I'll be waiting for your evaluation
Sep 26, 2009 at 3:50 AM Post #60 of 90

Originally Posted by violeta88 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm receiving a Sendstation LOD along with some HD448's to go along with the 238's on Monday and I'll let you know how it improves the sound with the 238's and my portable amps.... Anyways, I'll fill you in sometime next week when I get a chance.

And if you could give us some brief impressions of the HD 448 while you're at it, we would be much obliged. Sounds like a nice haul.

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