Sennheiser HD 700 Impressions Thread
Jan 14, 2015 at 9:41 AM Post #2,626 of 9,327
I can see now why people recommend well mastered tracks. Lots of my music can sound incredible if it's made well, while others sound like I'm still using my M50, even with the HD700. Perhaps the quality isn't bad, but it's just how it was recorded. For instance, I find Outro by M83 sounds pretty similar to my M50, and doesn't boast that excellent mastering some music does. I am however still using Google Play Music All Access (320kbps). I'll probably give TIDAL a try eventually.
Here's to hoping the Schiit Fulla will bring out even more of the excellence the HD700 has, and hopefully not make the bright treble worse, not exactly a fan of EQ'ing.

LOL of course HD700 destroys M50. They're 2 completely different tiers and different types of headphones. 
Just wait until you get a proper DAC and tube amp for the HD700. You should also be listening to FLAC files instead of Google Play Music with the HD700. When I upgraded my DAC and amp, then compared the same songs from Google Play Music vs. FLAC, I was shocked at the night and day difference. 
Jan 14, 2015 at 9:46 AM Post #2,627 of 9,327
LOL of course HD700 destroys M50. They're 2 completely different tiers and different types of headphones. 

Never suggested otherwise. It's just my point of reference for comparing things. I went from the M50 to the HD700, it's all I know in the headphones world!
Jan 14, 2015 at 11:08 AM Post #2,628 of 9,327
  Wow, just put back on the M50's to see what they are like after two entire days of HD700 listening. At first when I used the HD700 I had trouble telling the difference. Though I was determined to push through any doubts. It paid off!
With the HD700, I wasn't really picking up the soundstage. This may be because of my average sound card. Though maybe I was thinking of soundstage a bit wrong. I was under the impression that the sound would seem to come from around me. While it doesn't seem like the sound comes from inside my head, it still seems to come from just around my ear, barely. This might be something I have to get used to, or just need a better setup to notice it more.
However (this may be more of what people mean by soundstage?) when I went back to the M50 everything sounded flat. Not like a neutral flat, but completely lacking depth. All the sounds it was capable of producing were all mashed together. Instrument sounds may come from different directions, but none felt like they were further back or forward from each other. The HD700, while the sound still felt like it came from right around my ears, has a sense that everything is masterfully layered in their correct places. Even if those places were much further back. I felt like it was easier to experience the soundstage if I closed my eyes.
Sounds that felt uninteresting and weak on the M50, now seem to have a body to them with the HD700. It's as if these sounds that used to be paper thin, have a more tangible quality to them. I would call it realism in the sound. If I listen to Pink Floyd on my M50 it sounds great, but it sounds like I'm listening to sounds. The HD700 feels like I'm in the recording studio listening to it live as it was recorded. When the guitar starts in the song Wish You Were Here, it seems like it's being performed right in front of my face. Again like I stated before, the soundstage here doesn't seem large, but it feels real, like he's standing right in front of me singing to my face.
The rapid speed/decay (Is this the right term?) of sounds was not something I was familiar with before. Though on the song Clouds Cross Skies (Urbandawn Remix) - Fred V & Grafix when the drums are hit at 23 seconds in, you can understand how fast this hits compared to the M50. On the HD700 it's like you can hear the clear separation between each drum hit. If you haven't checked them out, and you like non-vocal electronic music that has a very "happy" kind of theme to it, I'd highly recommend them. Especially their song Denmark Road. Nothing lightens up my day like that song.
I can see now why people recommend well mastered tracks. Lots of my music can sound incredible if it's made well, while others sound like I'm still using my M50, even with the HD700. Perhaps the quality isn't bad, but it's just how it was recorded. For instance, I find Outro by M83 sounds pretty similar to my M50, and doesn't boast that excellent mastering some music does. I am however still using Google Play Music All Access (320kbps). I'll probably give TIDAL a try eventually.
Here's to hoping the Schiit Fulla will bring out even more of the excellence the HD700 has, and hopefully not make the bright treble worse, not exactly a fan of EQ'ing.
I still feel that I want an HD800 though, and I definitely have the means to get one soon. I'm confident after the next 3-4 months I'll be running with an HD800/Modi 2 Uber/Valhalla 2. Also, once I get home from work I will try out your EQ software. If that definitely fixes the treble spikes, I will have no intention of leaving the HD700 behind.
One more thing I'd like to add. Even with the volume on high, these don't seem to leak a lot of sound. I expected it to be a lot worse. I was worried at night the sound would be loud enough to go through my paper thin doors and bother everyone. This isn't the case.
EDIT: Alright, got home and installed the EQ software. Works perfectly, thank you! Had a bit of an issue with things sounding muffled, but that fixed itself when I re-arranged the sliders to have the 6k near the middle.

Thanks for your honest impressions. l believe, too many of us come to this forum and start pursuing that 'perfect sound' idea, that might or not exist. ln my case, although l take into consideration that l have not been into this hobby for too long (bought my first pair of HPs in December 2012, if memory serves
) and l am training my brain to music listening via HPs every day of my life, l have never experienced (yet?) either that 'mind blowing' sensation that many over here refer to or a real 'black and white'/'night and day' differences between HPs. l have had remarkable joyful experiences, but those did not 'blew my mind'
 For example, l haven't compared (a/b comparisons) my HD-558 versus my HD-700, but l dare to say that l won't find huge differences between the two. ln fact, whatever differences l were to find, would only be there as long as l follow an 'analytical listening'. The moment l sit down, relax and simply enjoy the music... those differences wouldn't be there anymore (except for the superior HD-700s resolution... l don't think that would disappear). 
l, like you, am also thinking of getting the HD-800 (for my birthday in August). l tried them last weekend. l have to say, l only listened to them via the Fiio X3 (at least, with the music l know well). l know that people say:
1- HD-800 do require a TOTL amp (X3 is not. The one l have at home should be ok)
2- HD-800 are HPs that demand extended listening time at home, for you to appreciate them (this proves, at least to me, that there are no 'night and day' differences between these and other hi-end cans)
Having said that, the major difference l noticed between HD-700 and 800 was the 800's superior soundstage. Nothing like "They sound like speakers", at all, but simply, they had more 'amplitude' to their sound (i.e. noticeably larger soundstage in every direction: width, depth...).
By the way, if you want an easy way to perceive soundstage differences (between your M-50s and 700s) l suggest you better play a movie and watch it with both cans (you don't even need to watch the same scene, simply swap between one and the other). That should help you hear the differences easier. Why? Because your brain will (highly likely) have associated movies with speakers (or sound coming from the TV). Try it (should you feel like it) and let us know what you think 
Jan 14, 2015 at 2:31 PM Post #2,629 of 9,327
LOL of course HD700 destroys M50. They're 2 completely different tiers and different types of headphones. 
Just wait until you get a proper DAC and tube amp for the HD700. You should also be listening to FLAC files instead of Google Play Music with the HD700. When I upgraded my DAC and amp, then compared the same songs from Google Play Music vs. FLAC, I was shocked at the night and day difference. 

Very true. I bought my son a pair of Audeze LCD2 for Xmas and a graduate school present combined. The first thing he said to me when he called was, 'I never knew how BAD mp3 songs sounded before!!" Now he has a new amp/dac and is looking at upgrading that again as soon as he can.afford it. I guess I have created another one of US!!
Jan 14, 2015 at 3:04 PM Post #2,630 of 9,327
Thanks for your honest impressions. l believe, too many of us come to this forum and start pursuing that 'perfect sound' idea, that might or not exist. ..............

Thought I’d add a bit of my own meanderings (although probably nothing that I’ve not already said : )
I’m sure once you’re overly familiar with your 700s you’ll appreciate and notice the differences, I’ve not heard the HD558 but did acquire the HD598s (which should be I believe very similar), during the Amazon sales, one for a friend and a second pair for my son so I’ve given them a comparative listen with the HD700s and AKG K712s. IMHO there are distinct quality differences, given the source (music)/amp the 700s have better detail retrieval and layering, also the overall sound is more sophisticated (natural) with deeper better resolved with regards to the 700s and the K712s ..the 598s  “relatively” speaking are entry level  (which they’re not of course), they just do not scale as well. But un-amped, therefore straight from a computer etc, the HD598s can actually be more rewarding.
As to sound stage it’s a relative thing, speaker and headphone listening are very different and having had both on hand for over forty plus years I just accept the differences..but as I mentioned way back the HD700s are a nice alternative (more so I found than the Hd800 I had) when I’m unable to listen the my Dynaudio Special 25 speakers and compliment them also quite well with regards to tonality. No headphone can produce a realistic soundstage but in comparison to many headphones I find the 700s less concave or convex so that the staging is more linear, which to many who are more accustomed to headphones may find odd or disturbing.
I’d also have to agree differences in headphones are not mind blowing and in fact the more neutral/natural the sound.... the more boring they may appear at first and it’s only through extended listening that one can truly appreciate them. Paradoxically faithfully reproduced dynamic recordings may actually come across as having treble peaks as that is the sonic spectrum where real music has bite and energy and not smoothed over, think trumpet blasts or crash cymbals….headphones faithful to a recording are not polite.
Jan 14, 2015 at 4:29 PM Post #2,631 of 9,327
  Don't burn me for asking this. I know EQ'ing to some people is as bad as gluing LEGO together.
HD700 arrived, and the treble at 6khz is literally painful. Not in every song, but many. My EQ only has 10 bands, so currently pushing down 4k and 8k to compensate. Are there any 32-band equalizers for Windows 7? Using a Supreme FX Impact 2 sound card (very heavily modified Realtek I think). Schiit Fulla arrives Wednesday.  The Valhalla 2 will likely kill the treble heat, but I won't be getting that for a few more weeks.
EDIT: 2011 remastered Pink Floyd. Oh my.

Can you please give an update once you receive the tube amp? I love the clarity and the soundstage of the HD700 but the treble is terrible. Pairing with my o2+odac I can't listen to them without having my ears bleeding :frowning2:
Jan 14, 2015 at 4:47 PM Post #2,632 of 9,327
Phew. Finally nailed down exactly what frequency the treble was that was bothering me. I noticed putting 6k down -6db wasn't helping. When I had it down about -10db I was finally getting "some" relief, but not enough. The sound seemed to become rather colored in a negative way due to the large change. However after looking at HD700 graphs, it doesn't seem the treble spikes were ever so intense to have to push it down that low. I decided to look elsewhere.
Roughly two hours of playing bright songs over and over while adjusting the EQ constantly, I finally found that sweet spot. Who knows, maybe I will refine it later some more, but for now the sound doesn't seem to get colored in any strange way, and the vocals are toned down enough so the TSS, and SS sounds are almost non existent.
I feel at this point a tube amp would either eliminate the problem to begin with, or EQ changes would be much smaller. As with this new change the EQ adjustment isn't so drastic and I'm achieving the same softness.
Here's what I'm at:

Also, new monitor, err, TV arrived today, as well as the Fulla! The Fulla sounds amazing! Slightly clearer than my on-board sound, and I can actually listen to music at loud volume now!

Also yes, my camera is terrible. Had to turn on the awful HDR setting just to make the picture viewable.
Jan 14, 2015 at 9:10 PM Post #2,633 of 9,327
I purchased my HD 700's today and even though I am currently only hooking them up to my Realtek 1150 audio they sound very good. I love the bass response on these headphones, not nearly as impact as my m-100's (obviously) but they are very very good in there own right. I am noticing the treble spike that everyone speaks about but it is not really bothering me and I've already EQ'd it out with recommendations from this post.
I know that I am probably only getting 50% of what this headphone is capable of as it is not hooked into a very good source and I am already happy with my purchase (New Under $400 USD). Now I need some help on what dac/amp to get without breaking the bank under $300 USD. I want the combo to not any more to that treble spike and possibly warm the headphone up slightly without sacrificing sound stage and obviously no matter what it will be clearer then my on-board. Using this for Gaming, Hip-Hop, EDM, Rock, Pop. 
Vote now:

-Aune T1 MK2 




-JDSLABS Objective2 + ODAC


-Fiio E10k


-Other (Name it)

Jan 15, 2015 at 1:59 AM Post #2,635 of 9,327
  I purchased my HD 700's today and even though I am currently only hooking them up to my Realtek 1150 audio they sound very good. I love the bass response on these headphones, not nearly as impact as my m-100's (obviously) but they are very very good in there own right. I am noticing the treble spike that everyone speaks about but it is not really bothering me and I've already EQ'd it out with recommendations from this post.
I know that I am probably only getting 50% of what this headphone is capable of as it is not hooked into a very good source and I am already happy with my purchase (New Under $400 USD). Now I need some help on what dac/amp to get without breaking the bank under $300 USD. I want the combo to not any more to that treble spike and possibly warm the headphone up slightly without sacrificing sound stage and obviously no matter what it will be clearer then my on-board. Using this for Gaming, Hip-Hop, EDM, Rock, Pop. 
Vote now:

-Aune T1 MK2 




-JDSLABS Objective2 + ODAC


-Fiio E10k


-Other (Name it)

I don't have much experience with DACs/amps, but I really like the HD700 with the Vali (as the above poster also said).  Using the same DAC (Little Dot DAC I), the Vali is a clear step above the Fiio E11, which I would imagine is similar in quality to the amp of the E10k. 
Jan 15, 2015 at 3:45 AM Post #2,636 of 9,327
  Thought I’d add a bit of my own meanderings (although probably nothing that I’ve not already said : )
I’m sure once you’re overly familiar with your 700s you’ll appreciate and notice the differences, I’ve not heard the HD558 but did acquire the HD598s (which should be I believe very similar), during the Amazon sales, one for a friend and a second pair for my son so I’ve given them a comparative listen with the HD700s and AKG K712s. IMHO there are distinct quality differences, given the source (music)/amp the 700s have better detail retrieval and layering, also the overall sound is more sophisticated (natural) with deeper better resolved with regards to the 700s and the K712s ..the 598s  “relatively” speaking are entry level  (which they’re not of course), they just do not scale as well. But un-amped, therefore straight from a computer etc, the HD598s can actually be more rewarding.
As to sound stage it’s a relative thing, speaker and headphone listening are very different and having had both on hand for over forty plus years I just accept the differences..but as I mentioned way back the HD700s are a nice alternative (more so I found than the Hd800 I had) when I’m unable to listen the my Dynaudio Special 25 speakers and compliment them also quite well with regards to tonality. No headphone can produce a realistic soundstage but in comparison to many headphones I find the 700s less concave or convex so that the staging is more linear, which to many who are more accustomed to headphones may find odd or disturbing.
I’d also have to agree differences in headphones are not mind blowing and in fact the more neutral/natural the sound.... the more boring they may appear at first and it’s only through extended listening that one can truly appreciate them. Paradoxically faithfully reproduced dynamic recordings may actually come across as having treble peaks as that is the sonic spectrum where real music has bite and energy and not smoothed over, think trumpet blasts or crash cymbals….headphones faithful to a recording are not polite.

Jan 15, 2015 at 12:22 PM Post #2,638 of 9,327
  So, roommate sees my new HD700, and wants to try them on. Puts them on, loves the comfort. Takes them off, and she immediately squeezes the earpads because they are so comfortable. Completely not realizing she just squished the metal grill on the other side. After I freaked and pointed it out she said "I didn't touch that part, wasn't me".
Luckily, pushing on the inside of the earcups fixed it, aside from a very tiny dent left which I could probably easily fix, but I don't want to mess it up. Not noticeable unless you were looking for it.
Either way, 3rd day owning an HD700, and I almost died from shock. These headphones won't go in another persons hands ever again. The sad part is, I had prepared in my mind to let her know about the earcup grills if she would ever try them on if I wasn't home, and it completely skipped my mind when I let her try them on. 
Technically no damage done, and I'm still feeling like I saw saw a cute puppy get killed.

I keep a large stick beside the headphones and amp section. no one goes near it. not even the cat!!! lol
Jan 15, 2015 at 12:42 PM Post #2,639 of 9,327
  So, roommate sees my new HD700, and wants to try them on. Puts them on, loves the comfort. Takes them off, and she immediately squeezes the earpads because they are so comfortable. Completely not realizing she just squished the metal grill on the other side. After I freaked and pointed it out she said "I didn't touch that part, wasn't me". Luckily, pushing on the inside of the earcups fixed it. Phew
Either way, 3rd day owning an HD700, and I almost died from shock. These headphones won't go in another persons hands ever again. The sad part is, I had prepared in my mind to let her know about the earcup grills if she would ever try them on if I wasn't home, and it completely skipped my mind when I let her try them on. 
Technically no damage done, and I'm still feeling like I saw saw a cute puppy get killed.
EDIT: Fixed it back up correctly, no dents.

OMG, that is bad luck, l am happy to hear there are no dents any more. Tell your roommate from me, that accepting our mistakes and saying a simple "l am sorry" from time to time feels good 
 At the end of the day, it was simply an accident...
Now, make sure you follow Musican's example, and start keeping a "large stick" besides your HD-700. They'll feel more relaxed (especially if 'big-hands roommate' is around) and will even sound better!  
Jan 15, 2015 at 12:46 PM Post #2,640 of 9,327
Now I just need to figure out how to properly clean them. Probably written somewhere in this thread. Big shiny spot where her finger was.

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